Introduction to Cache Configuration

Caching makes specified data readily available in memory. It costs memory but improves performance. You can experiment with cache to determine what’s good for your system. If your site serves lots of web content articles, for example, you may want to increase the limit on how many you can cache.

Liferay’s cache configuration framework uses Ehcache. It’s an independent framework used by Liferay DXP’s data access and template engine components. It manages two pools:

Multi-VM: Cache is replicated among cluster nodes. EntityCache and FinderCache (described next) are in this pool because they must synchronize with data on all nodes.

Single-VM: Cache is managed uniquely per VM and isn’t replicated among nodes. Single-VM cache is for objects and references that you don’t need/want replicated among nodes.

Here are ways you can configure the Ehcache:

Start learning the Liferay cache configuration basics here.

Cache Types

You can cache any classes you like. Conveniently, Liferay DXP caches service entities and service entity finder results automatically by default. Service Builder generates their caching code in the service persistence layer. The code operates on these cache types:

EntityCache: Holds service entities by primary keys. The caching code maps entity primary keys to implementation objects. An entity’s *PersistenceImpl.fetchByPrimaryKey method uses EntityCache.

FinderCache: Holds parameterized service entity search results. The caching code associates service entity finder query parameter values with matching entity results. There’s code for caching entities, paginated entity lists, and non-paginated entity lists that match your finder parameters. An entity’s fetchByValue, findByValue, countByValue, findAll, and countAll methods use the FinderCache.

Cache Configuration

Liferay DXP designates separate cache configurations for multi-VM and single-VM environments. Default EntityCache and FinderCache are specified programmatically, while Liferay’s global cache configuration and custom cache configurations are specified via files. All configurations adhere to the Ehcache XSD.

Liferay’s global cache configuration is processed first on startup. Cache configurations in modules and WARs are processed as they’re deployed after the initial global cache configuration.

Initial Global Cache Configuration

Liferay’s portal cache implementation LPKG file (Liferay [version] Foundation - Liferay [version] Portal Cache - Impl.lpkg) found in the [Liferay_Home]/osgi/marketplace folder contains the initial global cache configuration. The LPKG file’s com.liferay.portal.cache.ehcache.impl-[version].jar holds the configuration files:

  • liferay-multi-vm.xml: Maps to the multi-VM pool.
  • liferay-single-vm.xml: Maps to the single-VM pool.

Module Cache Configuration

Modules can configure (add or override) cache using configuration files in their src/main/resources/META-INF folder:

  • module-multi-vm.xml: Maps to the multi-VM cache manager.
  • module-single-vm.xml: Maps to the single-VM cache manager.

For example, the Liferay DXP Web Experience suite’s com.liferay.journal.service module uses the following module-multi-vm.xml to create a cache named com.liferay.journal.util.JournalContent in the multi-VM pool.


Portlet WARs can configure cache too.

Portlet WAR Cache Configuration

Ehcache configuration in a portlet WAR has these requirements:

  1. The Ehcache configuration XML file must be in the application context (e.g., any path under WEB-INF/src).

  2. The file must specify the cache file location. Either of the two properties is used and is assigned the cache file path, relative to the application context root (e.g., WEB-INF/src).


For example, here’s the test-cache-configuration-portlet WAR’s structure:

The file specifies these properties:


Cache Names and Registration

A cache is identified by its name (e.g., <cache name="" ... />). If a module provides a cache configuration with the name of an existing cache, the existing cache is overridden. If a module provides a cache configuration with a new name, a new cache is added.

Here’s what happens behind the scenes: Liferay’s cache manager checks the configurations. If a cache with the name already exists, the cache manager removes it from Ehcache’s cache registry and registers a new Ehcache into Ehcache’s cache registry. If the name is new, the Liferay cache manager just registers a new Ehcache.

Cache names are arbitrary except for EntityCache and FinderCache.

EntityCache Names

EntityCache uses this naming convention:


where the PREFIX is always this:


For example, the cache name for the com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.User entity starts with the PREFIX and ends with the implementation class name com.liferay.portal.model.impl.UserImpl:

FinderCache Names

FinderCache uses this naming convention:


where the PREFIX is always this:


Here are the FinderCache types and their name patterns.

Entity instances matching query parameters.PREFIX +
Paginated lists of entity instances matching query parameters.PREFIX + ENTITY_IMPL_CLASS_NAME + ".List1"
Non-paginated lists of entity instances matching query parameters.PREFIX + ENTITY_IMPL_CLASS_NAME + ".List2"

Now that you have a basic understanding of cache in Liferay, continue with overriding an existing cache configuration or caching custom data.

« Sending Messages Across a ClusterOverriding Cache »
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