The GraphQL spec differentiates between retrieve operations (query
) and
create/update/delete operations (mutations
Figure 1: The GraphQL Mutations list for Blog postings shows the possible operations.
To perform a mutation, do a POST
request as you did with query
using cURL, a REST client, or a GraphQL Client like Apollo. The only
difference is that create/update mutations
require an Input type, a JSON
object to create or update the content.
A create mutation
to insert a new blog posting looks like this:
mutation {
blogPosting: {
headline: "New GraphQL APIs!"
articleBody: "WoW! This is cool!"
siteKey: "guest"
) {
Auto-complete also works as expected filling the blogPosting
object. Here’s
a cURL request to create the same entry:
curl 'http://localhost:8080/o/graphql' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Basic dGVzdEBsaWZlcmF5LmNvbTp0ZXN0' --data-binary '{"query":"mutation {createSiteBlogPosting(blogPosting: {headline: \"New GraphQL APIs!\" articleBody: \"WoW! This is cool!\"} siteKey: \"guest\") {id headline}}","variables":{}}'