Analytics Cloud Connector NullPointerException


An Analytics Cloud issue has been discovered in Liferay DXP 7.2 where the Analytics Cloud Connector throws a NullPointerException which may prevent it from operating properly. This behavior will occur in the connector if Fix Pack 8 is installed.


  • Analytics Cloud
  • Liferay DXP 7.2 FP8/SP3


The fix for this error is already prepared and will be released in the next 7.2 Fix Pack.

If you encounter this error before the next release, please reach out to Liferay Support so that we can prepare a Hotfix containing LRAC-6699 for your environment.

Additional Information

If possible, it is best to avoid installing Fix Pack 8 if you use Analytics Cloud and instead wait until Fix Pack 9 is released. If this is unavoidable, please request a Hotfix as mentioned above.

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