Liferay Digital Experience Platform Readme

Thank you for choosing an Enterprise Subscription to Liferay Digital Experience Platform (DXP). Liferay DXP allows you to create and connect personalized digital experiences across web, mobile, and connected devices.

Liferay Digital Experience Platform provides a dynamic module ecosystem for Liferay application suites, applications available on Marketplace, and custom extensions to Liferay. Liferay DXP allows for easy integration with back end systems while providing consistent user experiences across channels. To help you get started, we'll connect you with:

I. Customer Resources

The Liferay Help Center is the central location for access to Liferay software downloads, updates, patches, documentation and support for Liferay Customers. You're in the Help Center now. To access the Help Center, sign in to and look for Help Center in the drop down menu under Resources, or directly access from here.

Documentation and Installation

  1. Installation and setup instructions are available here.
  2. Start developing sites and terrific web experiences, here.
  3. Training resources and schedules are available here.
  4. Liferay Marketplace resources and apps are available here.
  5. Official Documentation is available here.


You will need to activate your Liferay instance.  When you run your new Liferay installation for the first time, you will be prompted to input your activation key.  You can find detailed information on the registration process in resources below:

  1. Activating Liferay DXP guide is available here.
  2. Activation Key FAQ is available here.

Stay Connected

Stay connected with Liferay!

  1. Participate in events, webinars, podcasts and more in the Liferay Community
  2. Follow Liferay on Twitter, @Liferay.
  3. Keep up with announcement details and insightful information from Liferay's Blog Stream.

II. Enterprise Support

Ticketing System

The Liferay Help Center provides a ticketing system with an exceptional user interface for simplifying the creation and management of support issues. With Help Center, users can easily create, track and escalate issues. Its ability to issue multiple assignees also allows more people to work on a single ticket at the same time.

The ticketing system can be accessed from the top navigation menu by clicking on My requests on the right hand side or directly from here. To create a ticket, click on Submit a Ticket in the top navigation menu or from here. If you have issues accessing the ticketing system or issues creating tickets within Help Center, please email

III. Enterprise and Mission Critical Deployments

Liferay can be used in a variety of the most demanding mission critical deployments. The following services should be considered and evaluated prior to deployment.

Liferay Deployment Services

As Liferay Digital Experience Platform is used in an extremely broad range of use cases, Liferay Global Services provides professional services engagements for Liferay DXP to support many services such as installation, customization, application development, integration, lifecycle management and more. For additional information, contact Liferay Global Services can also provide the following recommended services:  

a. Liferay Kick-Start Program

The early phases of a project include such critical deliverables as information architecture design, capacity planning, high availability design, change management, and more. Unfortunately, many software deployments suffer from improper planning and architectural choices that occurred at the start of their projects. These early missteps can cause delays, increase project costs, and increase complexity for future maintenance and expansion. The Liferay Kick-Start Program allows you to leverage information architecture, strategy, and other technical best practices crafted by the architects and designers of the Liferay product. Customers who leverage these services have a much greater chance of enjoying reduced project costs, achieving project milestones, and reducing execution risk.

b. Liferay Go-Live Program

Architectural complexities, scalability bottlenecks, and missteps in initial design decisions can jeopardize a successful launch and vastly complicate your solution's future support. While many of these scalability and performance issues are best addressed early in a project lifecycle, Liferay Global Services understands the time pressures faced by many of our clients and how these non-functional requirements are often delayed until shortly before launch. To help improve launch-time scalability and prevent performance issues, Liferay Global Services offers Enterprise Subscription customers the Liferay Go-Live Program. 

III. Licensing and Trademark

1. Liferay Digital Experience Platform (DXP) is licensed by Liferay and its affiliates. Your use of DXP is subject to the terms and conditions of an agreement between you, and/or your company, and Liferay or its affiliates.

2. The Liferay Trademark includes the logo and name Liferay. Its use is governed by the Trademark policy posted at: When using Liferay in any form, this policy should be reviewed to understand if your use requires permission from Liferay, Inc. For further questions, please contact

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