Changes to Liferay Product Activation

At Liferay, we want to provide a more unified activation experience for our Liferay DXP and Liferay Commerce customers.

Changes to Liferay Product Activation

Starting July 1st, we will simplify our product activation process by deprecating Liferay Connected Services (LCS). Customers who activate Liferay DXP through LCS are advised to replace it with our latest activation key type, suitable for virtualized environments.

To see more details about these activation key features and requirements please visit: How do I generate a Virtual Cluster Key? (Video Tutorial)

Customers should migrate off of LCS by December 1st, 2021. LCS will continue to be operational during this time, giving customers ample time to obtain and install new activation keys.

To get started with the migration from LCS to an activation key, please contact the Liferay Support team by opening a support ticket.

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