Liferay Portal 6.2 Tutoriales para desarrolladores
Writing a Liferay MVC Application
- Introduction to Writing a Liferay MVC Application
- Beginning Liferay Development
- Developing Applications with Liferay Developer Studio
- Developing Applications with Liferay IDE
- Writing Your First Liferay Application
- Writing a Data-Driven Application
Writing a JSF Application Using Liferay Faces
- Introduction to Writing a JSF Application Using Liferay Faces
- Beginning Development with Liferay Faces
- Beginning Liferay JSF Development
- Creating a JSF Portlet
- Writing a Data-Driven JSF Application
- Generating a Persistence Framework Using Service Builder
Developing a Liferay Theme
- Introduction to Developing a Liferay Theme
- Setting up the Theme
- Creating a Theme Project
- Setting Up the Theme's Directory Structure
- The HTML Structure of portal_normal.ftl
- Modifying Theme Templates
Writing an Android App with Liferay Screens
- Introduction to Writing an Android App with Liferay Screens
- Beginning Android Development for Your Portal
- Setting up the Guestbook Portlet
- Building the Guestbook Mobile SDK
- Creating the Android Project
- Installing the Guestbook Mobile SDK and Liferay Screens for Android
Developing Plugins with Liferay IDE
- Introduction to Developing Plugins with Liferay IDE
- Creating Projects Using the New Project Wizard
- Importing Projects from a Plugins SDK
- Converting Eclipse Projects into Liferay IDE Projects
- Faceting a Plugin Project for Liferay IDE
- Verifying Successful Project Import
Developing with Maven
- Introduction to Developing with Maven
- Setting Up Maven
- Installing and Managing Liferay Maven Artifacts
- Using Maven From Liferay IDE
- Using Liferay Maven Parent Plugin Projects
- Deploying Liferay Plugins with Maven
JSF Portlets with Liferay Faces
- Introduction to JSF Portlets with Liferay Faces
- Creating and Deploying JSF Portlets
- Understanding Liferay Faces Bridge
- Understanding Liferay Faces Portal
- Understanding Liferay Faces Alloy
- Understanding the Liferay Faces Version Scheme
Service Builder and Services
- Introduction to Service Builder and Services
- What is Service Builder?
- Defining an Object-Relational Map with Service Builder
- Running Service Builder and Understanding the Generated Code
- Understanding ServiceContext
- Creating Local Services
Security and Permissions
- Introduction to Security and Permissions
- Using Portal Roles in a Portlet
- Adding Permissions to Resources
- Adding and Deleting Resources
- Exposing the Permission Interface to Users
- Checking Permissions
Asset Framework
- Introduction to Asset Framework
- Adding, Updating, and Deleting Assets for Custom Entities
- Relating Assets
- Implementing Asset Categorization and Tagging
- Rating Assets
- Commenting on Assets
- Introduction to Workflow
- Creating a Workflow Definition with Kaleo Designer for Java
- Designing a Kaleo Workflow Definition
- Installing Kaleo Designer for Java
- Leveraging Template Editors for Notifications
- Publishing and Configuring Workflows
User Interfaces with AlloyUI
- Introduction to User Interfaces with AlloyUI
- AlloyUI 2.0 TagLib and Bootstrap Migration
- Using AlloyUI Carousel in Your Portlet
- Customizing the AUI-Carousel
- Working With the DOM in AlloyUI
- Using the AlloyUI Validator Tag
User Interfaces with the Liferay UI Taglib
- Introduction to User Interfaces with the Liferay UI Taglib
- Using Liferay UI Tabs and Sections
- Using liferay-ui:success and liferay-ui:error Messages
- Using Icons with the liferay-ui Taglib
- Creating a Navigation Menu With the Liferay UI Icon Menu Tag
- Creating a Navigation Menu With the liferay-ui:icon-list Tag
Liferay Faces Bridge UI Components
- Introduction to Liferay Faces Bridge UI Components
- Using the bridge:inputFile UI Component
- Using the portlet:actionURL UI Component
- Using the portlet:namespace UI Component
- Using the portlet:param UI Component
- Using the portlet:renderURL UI Component
Android Apps with Liferay Screens
- Introduction to Android Apps with Liferay Screens
- Preparing Android Projects for Liferay Screens
- Using Screenlets in Android Apps
- Using Views in Android Screenlets
- Using Offline Mode in Android
- Architecture of Liferay Screens for Android
iOS Apps with Liferay Screens
- Introduction to iOS Apps with Liferay Screens
- Preparing iOS Projects for Liferay Screens
- Using Screenlets in iOS Apps
- Using Themes in iOS Screenlets
- Using Offline Mode in iOS
- Architecture of Liferay Screens for iOS
Using Xamarin with Liferay Screens
- Introduction to Using Xamarin with Liferay Screens
- Preparing Xamarin Projects for Liferay Screens
- Using Screenlets in Xamarin Apps
- Using Views in Xamarin.Android
- Using Themes in Xamarin.iOS
- Creating Xamarin Views and Themes
Mobile SDK
- Introduction to Mobile SDK
- Creating Android Apps that Use Liferay
- Making Liferay and Custom Portlet Services Available in Your Android App
- Invoking Liferay Services in Your Android App
- Invoking Services Asynchronously from Your Android App
- Sending Your Android App's Requests Using Batch Processing
Themes and Layout Templates
- Introduction to Themes and Layout Templates
- Creating a Theme Project in the Plugins SDK
- Setting a Base Theme
- Using Developer Mode with Themes
- Creating a Theme Thumbnail
- Making Themes Configurable with Settings
Customizing Liferay Portal with Hooks
- Introduction to Customizing Liferay Portal with Hooks
- Creating a Hook Project in the Plugins SDK
- Overriding Web Resources
- Customizing JSPs by Extending the Original
- Overriding Language Properties Using a Hook
- Customizing Sites and Site Templates with Application Adapters