- When searching products, the product description contains HTML elements.
- Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a site using the Minium accelerator.
2. Navigate to Commerce > Product Management > Products
3. Open Brake Fluid and click Publish
4. From the Catalog page, type "brake" using the search bar in the upper left, but do not hit enter(in order to display suggestions)
5. Click "Search brake in All Content" in the suggestions list
Expected Results: The description of Brake Fluid should not contain any HTML elements.
Actual Results: The description of Brake Fluid is wrapped in a HTML <p> tag
- 2023.Q4
- This is unexpected behavior that can be resolved with these options:
- Upgrade to 2024.Q2.0 or
- Open a Help Center ticket and request a hotfix containing LPD-26359
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