Customizing JSPs by Extending the Original

If we can replace a JSP with a hook plugin, why learn another way to accomplish the same thing? Good question. Let’s say you want to preserve the original JSP’s content and functionality, but you want to add more to the JSP. And when you upgrade Liferay, you want to benefit from any changes made to that upgraded JSP. Well, you can; simply include the original JSP and then add more stuff to it.

Here’s an example that customizes the search page of the Blogs portlet. Specifically, it adds helpful text to aid the user in searching for content. Since this technique involves string manipulation, it’s mainly useful for making a small number of changes to a JSP.

  1. Use the hook project we created earlier or create a new hook project.

  2. Open the liferay-hook.xml file from your project’s docroot/WEB-INF folder in Liferay IDE and select the file’s Overview mode tab.

  3. Select the Custom JSPs folder from the outline to bring up the custom JSP options. Select the checkbox Customize Liferay Portal JSPs and create the default custom JSP folder /META-INF/custom_jsps by clicking the icon that has the three yellow diamonds.

    Add to the listing of custom JSPs by clicking the plus icon and specifying Portal’s html/portlet/blogs/search.jsp file. Hint, the browse icon on the right-hand side within the custom JSP text field simplifies finding the JSP you want to customize.

    Click OK and save the liferay-hook.xml file. Liferay IDE pulls a copy of the Liferay Portal JSP into your project so you can modify it.

  4. Open the JSP file docroot/META-INF/custom_jsps/html/blogs/search.jsp that Liferay IDE pulled into your project.

  5. Replace the JSP’s code with the following:

    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-util" %>
    <%@ page import="com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.StringUtil" %>
    <liferay-util:buffer var="html">
        <liferay-util:include page="/html/portlet/blogs/search.portal.jsp" />
    html = StringUtil.add(
        "Didn't find what you were looking for? Refine your search and " +
            "try again!",
    <%= html %>

    Notice how this code assigns the original JSP’s HTML content to the variable html. We proceed to add some more content of our own to that HTML and then display it.

  6. Deploy the hook plugin and add the Blogs portlet to a page.

  7. The original JSP stays in the cache until the cache is cleared or Liferay Portal is restarted. To clear the cache, navigate to Control PanelServer Administration and click on the appropriate Clear content … buttons in the Resources tab.

  8. Add a blog and then use the Blog portlet’s search.

Your custom message now shows below the search results.

Next, we’ll explore application adapters and what they can do for your sites and site templates.

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