Liferay’s Knowledge Base app lets you create and organize articles in a site. For example, it can be used to display professional product documentation or form complete books or guides. It even lets you import article source files written in Markdown. It’s workflow-enabled, so you can require articles to be approved before they are published. Additionally, the Knowledge Base app lets administrators create article templates that help users follow a common outline. With this application, you can create and manage your own knowledge base, full of information relevant to your users.
Here are the key features of the Knowledge Base:
- Its navigation is built into the Knowledge Base Display.
- It has a suggestions interface for article feedback.
- It stores articles in folders.
- It contains metadata fields for friendly URL, source URL, categorization, and related assets.
- The button (
) can be enabled to take readers to an article’s source repository location (if you choose to use it that way).
- It imports article Markdown source files to create and update articles.
The Knowledge Base has several portlets you can add to site pages:
- Knowledge Base Article
- Knowledge Base Display
- Knowledge Base Search
- Knowledge Base Section
Each of these is covered below. First you’ll learn how to create and manage articles.
Creating and Managing Articles
Site Administration contains everything that administrators and authors need to create, update, and manage articles in the Knowledge Base.
To navigate to the Knowledge Base, go to Site Administration → Content → Knowledge Base. It has two tabs: one for creating and managing articles and article folders (Articles) and one for managing user-submitted feedback for articles (Suggestions).
Figure 1: You can manage Knowledge Base articles, folders, and suggestions from the Knowledge Base in Site Administration.
To create an article follow these steps:
Select the Articles tab and choose Basic Article or the name of an available template in the Add button (
) menu.
This brings up the New Article form.
Enter a title for the article.
A URL-safe version of the title you provide is added to the end of the article’s friendly URL. You can manage the friendly URL in the Friendly URL field underneath the Configuration section heading.
Use the WYSIWYG editor to create the article’s content.
Figure 2: You can create and modify a Knowledge Base article's content using the WYSIWYG editor.
Click the Source button in the editor to view the article’s HTML source or write in HTML yourself. You can also add attachments and tags, specify related assets, and set permissions for the article in the sections below the editor. By default, View permission is granted to the Guest role, meaning anyone can view your article.
Click Publish to submit the article for publication or click Save as Draft to continue working on it later.
Note: If you’ve enabled workflow for the Knowledge Base, your article must be approved before publication.
Once the article is saved, it is converted automatically to HTML for the Knowledge Base. Articles are listed in a table at the bottom of the Articles tab.
Each article also has a priority value that determines its position in the Knowledge Base Display app’s (more on this app in a moment) navigation. Each article’s priority value is listed underneath the article’s title. The Knowledge Base Display app’s navigation arranges articles in ascending priority. Priority 1 is the highest priority; think “Priority 1 distress call!” The higher an article’s priority, the higher it appears in the navigation. Articles are assigned the next lowest priority by default. This behavior can be changed via System Settings.
To assign articles a new priority value, follow these steps:
Select Move from the Actions menu next to the article.
Enter a new priority value for the article.
Click Move to apply the new priority.
You can also organize articles with folders. Follow these steps to create a folder:
Open the Add button menu and select Folder.
Enter a name and an optional description.
By default, anyone can view the folder. You can manage this setting along with the other permissions through the Permissions heading.
Click Save.
Folders are listed in a table near the top of the Articles tab.
The text immediately below the filters and Order by selector at the top of the app shows your position in the folder hierarchy. Click on a folder’s name in the hierarchy to navigate to it. You can also move articles into folders and create child articles. Knowledge Base also supports nested folders.
Figure 3: This screenshot uses a red box to highlight the text that indicates the current position in the folder hierarchy.
You can perform the following actions on folders:
Edit: change the folder’s name and description.
Move: relocate the folder under a new parent folder or update its priority.
Delete: remove the folder and its articles from the knowledge base.
Permissions: grant or revoke the following permissions: add an article to the folder, add a sub-folder to the folder, delete the folder, move the folder, set permissions on the folder, edit (update) the folder, and view the folder.
You can also delete multiple articles or folders at once:
Select the checkbox for each item that you want to delete and click the X button that appears at the top of the app to delete it.
This Actions menu also lets you check the info for selected items. Note that this menu only appears when one or more article or folder checkboxes are checked.
The () menu provides the
following options for articles:
- Add a Basic Article
- Add an article based on a template
- Add a folder
- Import articles from a ZIP file
The Options menu () has these
- Manage templates
- subscribe
- edit permissions
- import/export configuration settings
- configure email options
The Home Folder Permissions option lets you define detailed permissions for the Knowledge Base app. You can choose the roles that can perform the following tasks:
- Add/delete articles, folders, and templates
- Change the Knowledge Base app’s permissions
- Subscribe to articles
- View templates and suggestions
Next, you’ll learn how to manage article templates.
Creating and Managing Templates
Templates give users a starting point to work from. For example, you can create templates that contain default headers or other content for articles. Templates help foster consistent formatting and content organization for articles.
To create a new template follow these steps:
Click the Templates button in the Options menu (
) at the top of the app.
This brings up the Templates page, where you can manage existing templates.
Click the Add button at the bottom of the screen to add a template.
Fill in the New Template form and click Publish.
Figure 4: As an administrator, you can add a new template to your knowledge base from Knowledge Base in Site Administration.
From the Templates page, the following actions are available in each template’s Actions button:
View: display the template. From here, you can print the template, use it to create an article, edit it, modify its permissions, or delete it.
Edit: change the template’s title and content.
Permissions: configure the permissions on the template. You can choose whether a role can change permissions, update, view, or delete the template.
Delete: remove the template from the Knowledge Base.
Knowledge Base in Site Administration also lets you handle user feedback on articles. You’ll learn about this next.
Responding to User Feedback
Knowledge Base’s Suggestions tab shows user feedback on articles and lets you mark progress on addressing the feedback.
Figure 5: The Suggestions tab in Knowledge Base helps you monitor article feedback and mark progress in addressing feedback.
Each suggestion provides the link to the associated article, the user’s feedback, the user’s name, the feedback’s time stamp, and the status on addressing the suggestion. You can move the entry between New, In Progress, and Resolve states.
When you move the suggestion to a different state, an email is sent notifying
the user of the change. To view and configure the templates for the automated
emails, click the Configuration button in the Options menu
So far, you’ve learned how to create, edit, and organize articles. You’ve also seen how the suggestions feature lets you and your users collaborate on your content. Next, you’ll learn how the other Knowledge Base apps let you display, navigate, aggregate, and view articles.
Knowledge Base Display
You can use the Knowledge Base Display app to display your published articles. Knowledge Base Display is flexible. You can customize how it displays articles, as well as which ones it displays. Add the Knowledge Base Display to the page where you’re publishing your articles.
To display an article or folder of articles, follow these steps:
Mouse over the app, click the Options icon (
) in the top right corner, and select Configuration.
Click Select in the Article or Folder field to bring up the available folders and articles.
Click Choose next to the article or folder of articles you want to display, and Save.
You can also click the Choose This Folder button at the top of the Select Entry dialog to select the current folder.
Knowledge Base Display also provides these common configuration options:
- look and feel
- export/import
- permissions
- scope
- sharing
For more information on this, see the section on configuring Liferay applications in Web Experience Management.
The Knowledge Base Display’s navigation menu and display options make it the perfect candidate for a full page app. If you display a folder of articles, the navigation on the left side of the app displays links to all the folder’s articles. The viewing area on the right side of the app displays the folder’s leading article (the “priority one” article). Click an article in the navigation to display it in the viewing area. The currently displayed article’s link appears in bold in the navigation. You can also move between articles by clicking the links at the bottom of the app.
Figure 6: Knowledge Base Display's navigation and viewing area facilitates viewing article hierarchies.
Knowledge Base Display can also show article hierarchies. Viewing an article that has child articles expands the navigation tree to show links to the child articles. Any expanded nodes collapse when you view a different top level article.
The links at the top of the app allow users to perform the following actions on an article:
- Subscribe to an RSS feed of the Knowledge Base
- subscribe to the current article
- view the current article’s history
- Print the current article
Administrators have access to an additional set of links at the top of the app that allows them to perform the following actions:
- Edit the article
- Add a child article
- Assign permissions to the article
- Move the article
- Delete the article
Below the article’s content is the rating interface, showing thumbs up and thumbs down icons. Users can also submit suggestions or comments below the article in the Do you have any suggestions? text box. Administrators can view the suggestions and mark progress.
If your Liferay administrator enables the Knowledge Base app’s source
URL feature (more on this in a moment) and an article has an assigned source
URL, an Edit on GitHub button ()
appears to the right of the article’s title. This button lets users access the
article’s source location. You can use this feature to encourage users to
contribute fixes or improvements to articles. If you’re interested in this
feature, you can direct your administrator to follow the instructions in
System Settings.
Great! Now you know the basics of how Knowledge Base Display works. Next, you’ll learn how to let users choose between different article sets in different folders, without giving them access to the app’s Configuration menu.
Displaying Different Article Sets
As an administrator, say that you’ve used folders to aggregate similar articles, and you want to provide an easy way for users to switch between these sets of articles. The Knowledge Base Display’s content folder feature adds a selector to the top of the navigation that lets users switch between article sets.
To set up content folders follow these steps:
Add a folder in Knowledge Base. Then create sub-folders in this folder. These sub-folders are the content folders.
Add articles to each content folder.
Select Configuration from Knowledge Base Display’s Options menu. In the Setup → General tab, select the content folders’ parent folder and click Save.
The content selector’s values reflect the names of your content folders. Select one to view its articles.
Figure 7: Knowledge Base Display's content folder feature lets users switch between different sets of articles.
You can also add a common prefix to the names shown in the selector:
Navigate to Knowledge Base Display’s Configuration dialog and select the Setup → Display Settings tab.
Enter the prefix into the Content Root Prefix field and click Save.
Awesome! Now you know how to use Knowledge Base Display to display several sets of articles. Next, you’ll learn how to use the Knowledge Base Article app to display only individual articles.
Knowledge Base Article
The Knowledge Base Article app lets you show a single article’s content. It even shows abstracts of child articles. You can add multiple instances of the Knowledge Base Article app to a page, and each one can show a different article.
To display an article follow these steps:
Click the Please configure this portlet to make it visible to all users link, choose an article, and click Save.
Refresh the page to display the article.
You can also use the Setup → General tab of the app’s Configuration menu to choose an article to display.
Figure 8: The Knowledge Base Article app is great at displaying individual articles.
Knowledge Base Article shares the same UI as the Knowledge Base Display to display and manage its articles. Please refer to the Knowledge Base Display section for a detailed description of the app’s UI.
Now that you know how to publish individual articles with the Knowledge Base Article app, you can learn how to selectively display articles with the Knowledge Base Section app next.
Knowledge Base Section
The Knowledge Base Section app lets you publish articles associated with a specific topic (section). For example, a news site might have the sections World, Politics, Business, and Entertainment.
Figure 9: Here's an image of Knowledge Base Section apps on a page.
To use sections, your Liferay administrator must configure the feature in the Knowledge Base app’s properties within Liferay DXP’s System Settings. Once the feature is enabled, he or she must specify in the System Settings any section names you want to use. This process is covered in more detail in the System Settings section.
Multi-select boxes in the Knowledge Base app’s Add Article and Edit Article screens let you define the section(s) the articles belong to. You can add multiple instances of the Knowledge Base Section app to a page and each one can display articles from any number of sections. You can choose to display article titles or abstracts. You can also define whether to show pagination or section titles.
Follow these steps to configure an instance of the Knowledge Base Section app:
Select Configuration from the Knowledge Base Section’s Options menu.
Select the section or sections (by holding down the shift key) that you want to use and click Save.
Close the Configuration window to see the updates.
The matching articles are displayed in the app beneath their section heading.
Now that you know how to use the Knowledge Base Section app to organize your articles, you can learn how to use the Knowledge Base Search app to quickly locate your articles next.
Knowledge Base Search
Even though the Knowledge Base can show the structure of its articles, it may be difficult to find exactly what you’re looking for by browsing. That’s where the Knowledge Base Search app comes in.
Enter your search term and press the Search button. The results are displayed in a table with the following criteria for each matching article:
- title
- author
- create date
- modified date
- number of views
You can select the criteria to display in the app’s Configuration dialog.
Figure 10: The Knowledge Base Search app helps you search the knowledge base for keywords.
Next, you’ll learn how to create new articles and update existing articles by importing them from Markdown source files.
Importing Articles from Markdown Source Files
As mentioned earlier, the Knowledge Base app can import articles in bulk. This lets you have an offline process where articles are prepared ahead of time before they’re published. Articles are imported into the Knowledge Base as Markdown files. Markdown is a text-only file format that is easy to read, yet supports all the things you’d need to do to format your articles.
The Knowledge Base supports a Markdown dialect known as Multi-Markdown. This dialect extends the original Markdown with features like table formatting, image captions, and footnotes.
For the Knowledge Base to import your Markdown articles, they must adhere to these requirements:
All source files must use the
extensions. -
Articles must start with a top-level header (e.g.,
# Some Heading ...
). -
Each header must have an associated, unique ID for the article’s friendly URL title and for anchor tags in the article’s sub headers. Here’s an example of a top-level header that correctly specifies an ID:
# Some Heading [](id=some-heading)
Below is Markdown source text for a simple example article:
# The Moons of Mars [](id=the-moons-of-mars)
As you look up from your chaise lounge, you're sure to see our neighboring
planet Mars. Did you know that Mars has two moons? You might have to break
out a pair of binoculars to see them.
Its two moons are aptly named after the two sons of mythical Roman god Mars.
Their names are Phobos and Deimos.
In the first line above, notice the header’s ID assignment
. On import, the ID value becomes the Knowledge Base
article’s URL title.
Markdown is something of a standard: there’s Github Flavored Markdown, a proposed common Markdown syntax, forums that support Markdown (reddit, StackExchange, and others), Markdown editors, and an IETF draft for making it an official Internet media type (text/markdown). Why is there so much interest in Markdown?
It’s readable. Even if you don’t know Markdown, you can read it without having to filter out the syntax.
It gets out of a writer’s way. You don’t have to worry about mousing to various icons to change text into a heading or create bulleted lists. Just start typing. The syntax is very intuitive.
There are tools to convert it to many other formats, though it was designed to convert to HTML. If your articles are in Markdown, it’s straightforward to publish them to the web, mobile formats (Kindle, ePub), and print.
Since it’s only text, you can use existing tools to collaborate on that text. Using services like GitHub, people can contribute to your articles, and you can see all the changes that have been made to them.
Once your markdown files are ready to import, you must zip them up with their accompanying image files. This is covered next.
Zip File Requirements
The importer supports article hierarchies, so Markdown files can be specified anywhere in the ZIP file’s directory structure. They can be nested in any number of folders. Image files are the only files supported for attachments.
The ZIP file’s articles are imported in file order (alphanumerically). To
designate an article’s priority, add a numeric prefix to its file name. For
example, the priorities for articles named 01-file.markdown
become 1.0
and 2.0
To designate an article to be the parent of all other articles in the same
source folder, end its file name with -intro.markdown
. This creates a
parent-child hierarchy. You can use the prefix 00
for parent articles to place
them at the top of the folder’s file order. The importer uses the numeric prefix
of an intro file’s folder as its article priority.
Here’s the underlying logic for the 00
A file prefix of
for a non intro file assigns the resulting article’s priority to1.0
. -
A file prefix of
for a top-level intro file sets the article’s priority to the first folder numeric prefix found that is1.0
or greater.
This convention lets you specify priorities for top-level (non-child) articles in your hierarchy.
When importing, keep the checkbox labeled Apply numerical prefixes of article files as priorities selected. If a file doesn’t have a prefix, its article gets the next available priority (the highest current priority, plus one).
Below is an example ZIP file structure that demonstrates the features mentioned so far:
ZIP File Structure Example:
The above ZIP file specifies 00-winter-excursions-intro.markdown
as the parent
of its neighboring Markdown files: 01-star-dust-snow-shoeing.markdown
. Likewise, 00-lunar-olympics-intro.markdown
is the
parent of 01-zero-gravity-diving.markdown
. 00-lunar-olympics-intro.markdown
is also the peer of 01-lunar-rock-scrambling.markdown
, and the child of
ZIP Example’s Resulting Relationships and Priorities
- Article: Winter Excursions
- Relationship: Peer of Summer Excursions
- Priority: 1.0
- Article: Star Dust Snow Shoeing
- Relationship: Child of Winter Excursions
- Priority: 1.0
- Article: Lunar Alpine
- Relationship: Child of Winter Excursions
- Priority: 2.0
- Article: Summer Excursions
- Relationship: Peer of Winter Excursions
- Priority: 2.0
- Article: Lunar Rock Scrambling
- Relationship: Child of Summer Excursions
- Priority: 1.0
- Article: Extra Terrestrial Mountain Biking
- Relationship: Child of Summer Excursions
- Priority: 2.0
- Article: Lunar Olympics
- Relationship: Child of Summer Excursions
- Priority: 3.0
- Article: Zero Gravity Diving
- Relationship: Grandchild of Summer Excursions
- Relationship: Child of Opening Ceremonies
- Priority: 1.0
ZIP files must meet the following requirements:
- Each Zip file must end in the suffix
. - Each Zip file must contain at least one Markdown source file, optionally organized in folders.
- All referenced image files must be in a folder named
in the Zip file’s root. - Image files must be in a supported format and must use the appropriate file
extensions. Supported extensions are
, and.png
. They’re specified via an app system setting. For details, see System Settings.
Once you have your article ZIP file, it’s time to import it.
Follow these steps to import your ZIP file:
Navigate to Site Administration → Content → Knowledge Base → Articles.
Click on Add → Import to bring up the importer page.
Browse to the location of your file, and in most cases leave the checkbox for the article priorities checked, and then click Save.
Your file is uploaded, and the importer converts each source file’s Markdown text to HTML, applying the HTML to the resulting article. Any image files that are referenced in an article and included in the ZIP file are imported as attachments to the article.
Figure 11: Selecting *Add* → *Import* in Knowledge Base brings up the interface for selecting a ZIP file of Markdown source files and images to produce and update articles in your Knowledge Base.
In addition to source files and images, you can configure a base source
URL system setting for the importer that specifies your source file’s repository
location. Each article’s Edit on GitHub button (if enabled) takes the user to
the source location. The importer prefixes each file’s path with the base source
URL. This constructs a URL to the article’s repository source location; it looks
like [base URL]/[article file path]
. Here’s an example base source URL:
The source URL constructed from this base URL and article source file
would be:
You specify the base source URL in a file called .METADATA
in the Zip file’s
root folder. The importer treats the .METADATA
file as a standard Java
properties file and uses the base source URL to construct the source URL for
all of the Zip file’s resulting articles.
To use the source URL feature, your Liferay administrator must enable it via the Knowledge Base app’s System Settings.
Now that you know how to import articles into the Knowledge Base, you may have some questions about the importer. Some of the common questions and answers are covered in the next section.
Importer FAQs
What happens when I import an existing article? The importer checks if the source file’s leading header ID (e.g.,
# Some Heading [](id=some-heading)
) matches the URL title of any existing article in the Knowledge Base folder. If a match is found, the importer replaces the article’s content with the incoming content converted from the source file. If no match is found, a new article is created. -
Do I need to import all of a Knowledge Base folder’s articles, even if I only want to create a new article or update a subset of the folder’s current articles? No. You can import as many or as few new or modified articles as you like.
Does the importer remove articles? No. The importer only creates and updates articles. It doesn’t delete any existing articles. To delete an article, you must manually do so via the Knowledge Base apps.
Can I update an article’s priority? Yes. You can use the file/folder prefix convention and re-import the article to update its priority.
If I change an article’s title, should I also change its header ID? It depends on whether you’ve already published your article. If it hasn’t been published, then there are no public links to it, so it’s fine to change the header ID. If the article is already published, you must decide whether it’s worth breaking existing links to the article, and worth having search engines rediscover and re-rank your article based on its new friendly URL. The new friendly URL is based on the new header ID.
Congratulations on mastering the art of creating and importing Markdown files to produce Knowledge Base articles!
Next, Liferay administrators can learn how to override the Knowledge Base app’s System Settings to enable and configure features.
System Settings
Liferay administrators can configure the Knowledge Base across sites using System Settings. To access its settings, open the Control Panel, navigate to Configuration → System Settings, and click on the Collaboration link. There are five sections of Knowledge Base configuration settings:
- Knowledge Base Article
- Knowledge Base Display
- Knowledge Base Search
- Knowledge Base Section
- Knowledge Base Service
The Knowledge Base Service section’s settings apply defaults to all the Knowledge Base apps and to the Knowledge Base in Site Administration. The other sections apply to specific Knowledge Base apps and override the Knowledge Base Service defaults.
The Knowledge Base has several optional features that are disabled by default, but can be enabled and configured from System Settings. These include source URL, import file conventions, new article priority increment, and sections. Now you’ll learn how to configure these features by editing the Knowledge Base System Settings.
Source URL Settings
The source URL settings define the source location of importable Markdown files. This is intended to point to a source repository where the files are stored. GitHub is assumed as the default. Once defined, the Knowledge Base displays a button (default label is Edit on GitHub) above each displayed article. Users can click the button to navigate to an article’s source location.
The source URL settings are accessible in the Knowledge Base Service System Settings section. To enable using the source URL, check the Source URLEnabled checkbox.
To change the source URL button’s label, specify a new value for the
Source URLEditmessage key setting. Best practice is to specify the value as a
language key. For example, if you create a language key
edit-on-bitbucket=Edit on Bitbucket
, you can specify that language key as the
button’s new label:
Alternatively, you can specify the label explicitly:
Edit on Bitbucket
Next, you’ll learn how to modify the file conventions for the importer.
Importer File Convention Settings
These settings define the supported file extensions, the suffix for parent files, and the image folder’s path within the import Zip files. These settings are accessible in the Knowledge Base Service System Settings section.
The following settings specify the supported file extensions for the importer:
Markdown importer article extensions sets the supported article extensions. The default values are
. -
Markdown importer image file extensions sets the supported image file extensions. The default values are
, and.png
To modify the supported file extensions follow these steps:
Click the + or - button next to the setting to add or remove a supported file extension respectively.
Enter a new value, if adding an extension.
Click Save.
These settings define additional article configuration options for the importer:
Markdown importer article intro sets the article parent file suffix. The default value is
. -
Markdown importer image folder sets the image folder path the importer looks for in the article Zip file. The default path is
. -
New Article Priority Increment Setting sets the floating point value by which priorities of new articles are incremented. By default they’re incremented by
. To disable this increment so that articles get a flat value of1.0
, deselect the checkbox for the setting Article increment priority enabled.Alternatively, you can enable or disable the article increment priority feature for each app in the corresponding Knowledge Base app configuration menu in System Settings.
If you’re using the Knowledge Base Section app, you’ll want to set some section names. Let’s explore that next.
Section Names Setting
The section names setting lets you specify names of arbitrary topics to attribute to articles. Using the Knowledge Base Section app, you can display one or more sections (groups) of articles. To use sections, you must first define them in the System Settings for the Knowledge Base Section app.
Follow these steps to make new sections available:
Navigate to the Knowledge Base Section configuration menu from System Settings → Collaboration.
Click the plus button next to the Admin KBArticle sections setting to add a new field for each section you want.
Enter a name for each new section and click Save.
Figure 12: Adding a new field for the *Admin KBArticle sections* setting creates a new section for the Knowledge Base Section app. These fields create sections *Business*, *Politics*, and *World*.
Once your sections are added, you can follow the steps in the Knowledge Base Section app section to learn how to use them.
This concludes the short tour of a sampling of Knowledge Base configuration settings.
For a full list of the available System Settings for Knowledge Base see Knowledge Base Configuration.
You’ve learned the benefits of publishing articles using the Knowledge Base app. You’ve seen how easy it is to create, organize, and manage articles, and you’ve learned various ways to present articles in the Knowledge Base Display, Knowledge Base Article, and Knowledge Base Section apps. Knowledge Base system settings are also at your service. You can now consider yourself truly knowledgeable of Liferay’s Knowledge Base app.