OSGi and Modularity for Liferay Portal 6 Developers

To create a powerful, reliable platform for developing modular applications, Liferay sought best-of-breed standards-based frameworks and technologies. It was imperative not only to meet demands for enterprise digital experiences but also to offer developers, both experienced with Liferay and new to Liferay, a clear and elegant way to create apps.

Here were some of the key goals:

  • Allow breaking down a large system into smaller pieces of code, whose boundaries and relationships could be clearly defined.

  • Explicitly differentiate public APIs from private APIs.

  • Facilitate extensibility of existing code.

  • Modernize the development environment, leveraging more state-of-the-art tools to provide a great developer experience.

It wasn’t long before Liferay discovered that OSGi and its supporting tools/technologies fit the bill!

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how Liferay DXP 7.0 uses OSGi to meet these objectives. And equally important, you’ll find out how easy and fun modular development can be.

Here are the topics you’ll dig into:

  1. Modules as an Improvement over Traditional Plugins: Development and customization of applications for Liferay has been done traditionally in WAR-style plugins (Portlet, Hook, Ext, and Web). In Liferay DXP 7.0, traditional Liferay plugins can be replaced with (or can be automatically converted to) modules. You’ll see the similarities and differences of plugins and modules, and you’ll learn the benefits of using modules.

  2. Leveraging Dependencies: In Liferay DXP 7.0, you can both declare dependencies among modules and combine modules to create applications. Since leveraging dependencies provides huge benefits, it’s important to devote a large section for it.

  3. OSGi Services and Dependency Injection: OSGi provides a powerful concept called OSGi Services (also known as microservices). OSGi’s Declarative Services standard provides a clean way to inject dependencies in a dynamic environment. This is similar to Spring DI, except the changes happen while the system is running. It also offers an elegant extensibility model that Liferay DXP 7.0 leverages extensively.

  4. Dynamic Deployment: Module deployment is managed by Liferay DXP 7.0 (not the application server). This section demonstrates how to use dynamic deployment for better control and efficiency.

After investigating these topics, you’ll get hands-on experience creating and deploying an OSGi module.

Let’s start with learning how modules are better than traditional plugins.

Modules as an Improvement over Traditional Plugins

In Liferay DXP 7.0, you can develop applications using OSGi modules or using traditional Liferay plugins (WAR-style portlets, hooks, EXT, and web applications). Liferay’s Plugin Compatibility Layer (explained later) makes it possible to deploy traditional plugins to the OSGi runtime framework. To benefit from all Liferay DXP 7.0 and OSGi offer, however, you should use OSGi modules.

Modules offer these benefits:

  • Better Encapsulation - The only classes a module exposes publicly are those it exports explicitly. This lets you define internal public classes transparent to external clients.

  • Dependencies by Package - Dependencies are specified by Java package, not by JAR file. In traditional plugins, you had to add all of a JAR file’s classes to the classpath to use any of its classes. With OSGi, you need only import packages containing the classes you need. Only the classes in those packages are added to the module’s classpath.

  • Lightweight - A module can be as small as you want it to be. In contrast to a traditional plugin, which may require several descriptor files, a module requires only a single descriptor file–a standard JAR manifest. Also, traditional plugins are typically larger than modules and deployed on app server startup, which can slow down that process considerably. Modules deploy more quickly and require minimal overhead cost.

  • Easy Reuse - Modules lend themselves well to developing small, highly cohesive chunks of code. They can be combined to create applications that are easier to test and maintain. Modules can be distributed publicly (e.g., on Maven Central) or privately. And since modules are versioned, you can specify precisely the modules you want to use.

  • In-Context Descriptors - Where plugins use descriptor files (e.g., web.xml, portlet.xml, etc.) to describe classes, module classes use OSGi annotations to describe themselves. For example, a module portlet class can use OSGi Service annotation properties to specify its name, display name, resource bundle, public render parameters, and much more. Instead of specifying that information in descriptor files separate from the code, you specify them in context in the code.

These are just a few ways modules outshine traditional plugins. Note, however, that developers experienced with Liferay plugins have the best of both worlds. Liferay DXP 7.0 supports traditional plugins and modules. Existing Liferay developers can find comfort in the simplicity of modules and their similarities with plugins.

Here are some fundamental characteristics modules share with plugins:

  • Developers use them to create applications (portlets for Liferay)

  • They’re zipped up packages of classes and resources

  • They’re packaged as a standard Java JARs

Now that you’ve compared and contrasted modules with plugins, it’s time to tour the module anatomy.

Module Structure: A JAR File with a Manifest

A module’s structure is extremely simple. It has one mandatory file: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. You add code and resources to the module and organize them as desired.

Here’s the essential structure of a module JAR file:

|- [Module's files]

The MANIFEST.MF file describes the module to the system. The manifest’s OSGi headers identify the module and its relationship to other modules.

Here are some of the most commonly used headers:

  • Bundle-Name: User friendly name of the module.

  • Bundle-SymbolicName: Globally unique identifier for the module. Java package conventions (e.g., com.liferay.journal.api) are commonly used.

  • Bundle-Version: Version of the module.

  • Export-Package: Packages from this module to make accessible to other modules.

  • Import-Package: Packages this module requires that other modules provide.

Other headers can be used to specify more characteristics, such as how the module was built, development tools used, etc.

For example, here are some headers from the Liferay Journal Web module manifest:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: Liferay Journal Web
Bundle-SymbolicName: com.liferay.journal.web
Bundle-Vendor: Liferay, Inc.
Bundle-Version: 1.1.2
    com.liferay.journal.service,com.liferay.journal.util, [..]
    com.liferay.asset.kernel.exception, [..]

Note: to remove unnecessary “noise” from this example, some headers have been abbreviated ([..]) and some have been removed.

You can organize and build a module’s Java code and resources however you like. You’re free to use any directory structure conventions, such as those used in Maven or by your development team. And you can use any build tool, such as Gradle or Maven, to manage dependencies.

Liferay Workspace is an environment for managing module projects (and theme projects). A default Workspace provides Gradle build scripts and a Workspace created from the Liferay Project Templates Workspace archetype provides Maven build scripts for developing on Liferay. Workspace can be used from the command line or from within Liferay Developer Studio. Note also that Liferay Developer Studio provides plugins for Gradle, Maven, and BndTools. Tooling details are covered later in this series.

Now that you’re familiar with the module structure and manifest, it’s time to explore how to build modules.

Building Modules with Bnd

The most common way to build modules is with a little tool called Bnd. It’s an engine that, among other things, simplifies generating manifest metadata. Instead of manually creating a MANIFEST.MF file, developers use Bnd to generate it. Bnd can be used on its own or along with other build tools, such as Gradle or Maven. Liferay Workspace uses Bnd together with Gradle or Maven.

One of Bnd’s best features is that it automatically transverses a module’s code to identify external classes the module uses and adds them to the manifest’s list of packages to import. Bnd also provides several OSGi-specific operations that simplify module development.

Bnd generates the manifest based on a file called bnd.bnd in the project root. This file’s header list is similar to (but shorter than) that of the MANIFEST.MF. Compare the Liferay Journal Web module’s bnd.bnd file content (simplified a bit) below to its MANIFEST.MF file content that was listed earlier:

Bundle-Name: Liferay Journal Web
Bundle-SymbolicName: com.liferay.journal.web
Bundle-Version: 1.1.2

The main difference is that the bnd.bnd file doesn’t specify an Import-Package header. It’s unnecessary because Bnd generates it in the MANIFEST.MF file automatically. It’s metadata made easy!

Bnd plugins are available to use with Gradle and Maven. And since Liferay Workspace includes Bnd, developers can use Bnd from the command line and from Liferay Developer Studio.

Now that you’re familiar with Bnd and the Export-Package and Import-Package manifest headers, let’s explore how to use them to leverage dependencies.

Leveraging Dependencies

Using an OSGi manifest, a module declares the Java packages it consumes and shares. The manifest’s Import-Package and Export-Package settings expose this information. As you determine whether to use a particular module, you know up-front what it offers and what it depends on. As an improvement over Java EE, OSGi takes away dependency guesswork.

This part of the tutorial explains:

Let’s start by learning how dependencies operate in Liferay DXP 7.0.

How Dependencies Work

Since all of Liferay DXP 7.0 leverages dependencies, it also demonstrates how to use them. As mentioned previously, all of what was in Liferay Portal 6 and its apps has been refactored into OSGi modules. The portal-service API (the main API in Liferay Portal 6) has been replaced by the portal-kernel module (Liferay DXP 7.0’s kernel API) and many small, highly-cohesive modules that provide frameworks, utilities, apps, and more.

Not only do Liferay DXP modules depend on third-party modules but they also depend on each other. You can likewise leverage dependencies in your projects. Whether you’re developing new OSGi modules or continuing to develop traditional apps, you need only set dependencies on modules whose packages you need.

Each module’s manifest lists the packages the module depends on. Using a build environment such as Gradle, Maven, or Ant/Ivy, you can set dependencies on each package’s module. At build time, the dependency framework verifies the entire dependency chain, downloading all newly specified modules. The same thing happens at runtime: the OSGi runtime knows exactly which modules depend on which other modules (failing fast if any dependency is unmet). Dependency management is explicit and enforced automatically upfront.

Versioning is independent for each Liferay module and its exported packages. You can use a specific package version by depending on the version of the module that exports it. And you’re free to use a mix of Liferay modules in the versions you want (but remember, “With great power comes great responsibility,” so unless you really know what you’re doing, use the same version of each module you depend on).

For all its modules, Liferay DXP uses Semantic Versioning. It’s a standard that enables API authors to communicate programmatic compatibility of a package or module automatically as it relates to dependent consumers and API implementations. If a package is programmatically (i.e., semantically) incompatible with a project, Bnd (used in Liferay Workspace) fails that project’s build immediately. Developers not using Bnd can check package versions manually in each dependency module’s manifest.

Semantic Versioning also gives module developers flexibility to specify a version range of packages and modules to depend on. In other words, if several versions of a package work for an app, the developer can configure the app to use any of them. What’s more, Bnd automatically determines the semantically compatible range of each package a module depends on and records the range to the module’s manifest.

On testing your project, you might find a new version of a dependency package has bugs or behaves differently than you’d like. No problem. You can adjust the package version range to include versions up to, but not including, the one you don’t want.

Next you want to consider when to modularize existing apps and when to combine modules to create apps.

Dependencies Facilitate Modular Development

Liferay DXP 7.0’s support of dependencies and semantic versioning facilitates modular development. The dependency frameworks enable you to use modules and link them together. You can use these modules throughout your organization and distribute them to others. Liferay DXP 7.0’s integration with dependency management frees you to modularize existing apps and develop apps that combine modules. It’s a powerful and fun way to develop apps on Liferay DXP.

Here are some general steps to consider when modularizing an existing app:

  1. Start by putting the entire app in a single module: This is a minimal first step that acquaints you with Liferay DXP 7.0’s module framework. You’ll gain confidence as you build, deploy, and test your app in an environment of your choice, such as a Liferay Workspace, Gradle, or Maven project.

  2. Split the front-end from the back-end: Modularizing front-end portlets and servlets and back-end implementations (e.g., Service Builder or OSGi component) is a logical next step. This enables each code area to evolve separately and allows for varying implementations.

  3. Extract non-essential features to modules: You may have functionality or API extensions that need not be tied to an app’s core codebase. They can be refactored as independent modules that implement APIs you provide. Examples might be connectors to third-party systems or support for various data export/import formats.

The principles listed above also apply to developing new modular-based apps. As you design an app, consider possible implementation variations with respect to its features, front-end, and back-end. Encapsulate the variations using APIs. Then develop the APIs and implementations as separate modules. You can wire them together using dependencies.

Liferay’s Blogs application exemplifies modularization in the manner we’ve described:


  • blogs-api - Encapsulates the core implementation


  • blogs-service - Implements blogs-api


  • blogs-web - Provides the app’s UI

Non-essential features and extensions:

  • blogs-editor-configuration - Extends the portal-kernel module for extending editors

  • blogs-recent-bloggers-web - Provides the Recent Bloggers app

  • blogs-item-selector-api - Encapsulates the item-selector implementation

  • blogs-item-selector-web - Renders the Blogs app’s item-selector

  • blogs-layout-prototype - Creates a Page Template showcasing blog entries

The Blogs app, like many modular apps, separates concerns into modules. In this way, front-end developers concentrate on front-end code, back-end developers concentrate on that code, and so on. These logical boundaries free developers to design, implement, and test the modules independently.

As you develop app-centered modules, you can consider bundling them with your app (e.g., as part of a Liferay Marketplace app). Including them as part of the app is convenient for the consumer. By bundling a module with an app, however, you’re committing to the app’s release schedule. In other words, you can’t directly deploy a new version of a module for the app–you must release it as part of the app’s next release.

So far, you’ve learned how dependencies and Semantic Versioning work. You’ve considered guidelines for modularizing existing apps and creating new modular apps. Now, to add to the momentum around OSGi and modularity, you’ll explore OSGi Services and dependency injection using OSGi Declarative Services.

OSGi Services and Dependency Injection with Declarative Services

In Liferay DXP 7.0, the OSGi framework registers objects as services. Each service offers functionality and can leverage functionality other services provide. The OSGi Services model supports a collaborative environment for objects.

Declarative Services (DS) provides a service component model on top of OSGi Services. DS service components are marked with the @Component annotation and implement or extend a service class. Service component can refer to and use each other’s services. The Service Component Runtime (SCR) registers component services and handles binding them to other components that reference them.

Here’s how the “magic” happens:

  1. Service registration: On installing a module that contains a service component, the SCR creates a component configuration that associates the component with its specified service type and stores it in a service registry.

  2. Service reference handling: On installing a module whose service component references another service type, the SCR searches the registry for a component configuration that matches the service type and on finding a match binds an instance of that service to the referring component.

It’s publish, find, and bind at its best!

How does a developer use DS to register and bind services? Does it involve creating XML files? No, it’s much easier than that. The developer uses two annotations: @Component and @Reference.

  • @Component: Add this annotation to a class definition to make the class a component–a service provider.

  • @Reference: Add this annotation to a field to inject it with a service that matches the field’s type.

The @Component annotation makes the class an OSGi component. Setting a service property to a particular service type in the annotation, allows other components to reference the service component by the specified service type.

For example, the following class is a service component of type SomeApi.class.

    service = SomeApi.class
public class Service1 implements SomeApi {


On deploying this class’s module, the SCR creates a component configuration that associates the class with the service type SomeApi.

Specifying a service reference is easy too. Applying the @Reference annotation to a field marks it to be injected with a service matching the field’s type.

SomeApi _someApi;

On deploying this class’s module, the SCR finds a component configuration of the class type SomeApi and binds the service to this referencing component class.

At build time, Bnd creates a component description file for each module’s components automatically. The file specifies the component’s services, dependencies, and activation characteristics. On module deployment, the OSGi framework reads the component description to create the component and manage its dependency on other components.

The SCR stands ready to pair service components with each other. For each referencing component, the SCR binds an instance of the targeted service to it.

As an improvement over dependency injection with Spring, OSGi Declarative Services supports dynamic dependency injection. Developers can create and publish service components for other classes to use. Developers can update the components and even publish alternative component implementations for a service. This kind of dynamism is a powerful part of Liferay DXP 7.0.

Dynamic Deployment

In OSGi, all components, Java classes, resources, and descriptors are deployed via modules. The MANIFEST.MF file describes the module’s physical characteristics, such as the packages it exports and imports. The module’s component description files specify its functional characteristics (i.e., the services its components offer and consume). Also modules and their components have their own lifecycles and administrative APIs. Declarative Services and shell tools give you fine-grained control over module and component deployment.

Since a module’s contents depend on its activation, consider the activation steps:

  1. Installation: Copying the module JAR into Liferay DXP’s deploy folder installs the module to the OSGi framework, marking the module INSTALLED.

  2. Resolution: Once all the module’s requirements are met (e.g., all packages it imports are available), the framework publishes the module’s exported packages and marks it RESOLVED.

  3. Activation: Modules are activated eagerly by default. That is, they’re started in the framework and marked ACTIVE on resolution. An active module’s components are enabled. If a module specifies a lazy activation policy, as shown in the manifest header below, it’s activated only after another module requests one of its classes.

    Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy

The figure below illustrates the module lifecycle.

Figure 1: This state diagram illustrates the module lifecycle.

Figure 1: This state diagram illustrates the module lifecycle.

The Apache Felix Gogo Shell lets developers manage the module lifecycle. They can install/uninstall modules and start/stop them. Developers can update a module and notify dependent modules to use the update. Liferay’s tools, including Liferay Developer Studio, Liferay Workspace, and Blade CLI offer similar shell commands that use the OSGi Admin API.

On activating a module, its components are enabled. But only activated components can be used. Component activation requires all its referenced services be satisfied. That is, all services it references must be registered. The highest ranked service that matches a reference is bound to the component. When the container finds and binds all the services the component references, it registers the component. It’s now ready for activation.

Components can use delayed (default) or immediate activation policies. To specify immediate activation, the developer adds the attribute immediate=true to the @Component annotation.

    immediate = true,

Unless immediate activation is specified, the component’s activation is delayed. That is, the component’s object is created and its classes are loaded once the component is requested. In this way delayed activation can improve startup times and conserve resources.

Gogo Shell’s Service Component Runtime commands let you manage components:

  • scr:list [bundleID]: Lists the module’s (bundle’s) components.

  • scr:info [componentID|fullClassName]: Describes the component, including its status and the services it provides.

  • scr:enable [componentID|fullClassName]: Enables the component.

  • scr:disable [componentID|fullClassName]: Disables the component. It’s disabled on the server (or current server node in a cluster) until the server is restarted.

Service references are static and reluctant by default. That is, an injected service remains bound to the referencing component until the service is disabled. Alternatively, developers can specify greedy service policies for references. Every time a higher ranked matching service is registered, the framework unbinds the lower ranked service from the component and binds the new service in its place automatically. Here’s a @Reference annotation that uses a greedy policy:

@Reference(policyOption = ReferencePolicyOption.GREEDY)

Declarative Services annotations let you specify component activation and service policies. Gogo Shell commands let you control modules and components. Next, you’ll create and deploy a module and component to Liferay DXP.

Example: Building an OSGi Module

The previous sections explained some of the most important concepts for Liferay Portal 6 developers to understand about OSGi and modularity. Now it’s time to put this knowledge to practice by creating and deploying a module.

The module includes a Java class that implements an OSGi service using Declarative Services. The project uses Gradle and Bnd, and can be built and deployed from within a Liferay Workspace.

Here’s the module project’s anatomy:

  • bnd.bnd

  • build.gradle

  • src/main/java/com/liferay/docs/service/MyService.java

On building the module JAR, Bnd generates the module manifest automatically.

Here’s the Java class:

package com.liferay.docs.service;

import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;

    immediate = true,
    service = MyService.class
public class MyService {

    void activate() throws Exception {

        System.out.println("Activating " + this.getDescription());

    public String getDescription() {

        return this.getClass().getSimpleName();


It contains these methods:

  • getDescription - returns the class’s name

  • activate - prints the console message Activating MyService. The @Activate annotation signals the OSGi runtime environment to invoke this method on component activation.

The @Component annotation defines the class as an OSGi service component. The following properties specify its details:

  • service=MyService.class - designates the component to be a service component for registering under the type MyService. In this example, the class implements a service of itself. Note, service components typically implement services for interface classes.

  • immediate=true - signals the Service Component Runtime to activate the component immediately after the component’s dependencies are resolved.

The bnd.bnd file is next:

Bundle-SymbolicName: my.service.project
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0

The Bundle-SymbolicName is the arbitrary name for the module. The module’s version value 1.0.0 is appropriate.

Bnd generates the module’s OSGi manifest to the file META-INF/MANIFEST.MF in the module’s JAR. In this project, the JAR is created in the build/libs folder.

The last file to examine is the Gradle build file build.gradle:

dependencies {
    compileOnly group: "org.osgi", name: "org.osgi.service.component.annotations", version: "1.3.0"

Since the MyService class uses the @Component annotation, the project depends on the OSGi service component annotations module. The build script is so simple because Liferay Workspace module projects leverage the Workspace’s Gradle build infrastructure.

Although this module project was created in a Liferay Workspace, it can easily be modified to use in other build environments. To keep the focus on what’s most important, it was created in a Liferay Workspace.

Place the project files in a folder under the modules folder (e.g., [Liferay_Workspace]/modules/my.service.project).

To build the module JAR and deploy it to Liferay DXP, execute the deploy Gradle task:

../../gradlew deploy

On deploying the module, the following message is printed to the server console:

Activating MyService

Congratulations! You’ve successfully built and deployed an OSGi module to Liferay DXP.

Learning More about OSGi

There is much more to learn about developing apps using OSGi. Several resources are listed below and many more abound. To make the best of your time, however, avoid OSGi service articles that explain techniques that are older and more complicated than Declarative Services.

Developers new to OSGi should check out these resources:

Developers ready to dive deep into OSGi should read the OSGi specifications. They’re well-written and provide comprehensive details on all that OSGi offers. The OSGi Alliance OSGi Compendium: Release 6 specifies the following services that Liferay DXP 7.0 leverages extensively.

  • Declarative Services Specification

  • Configuration Admin Service Specification: For modifying deployed bundles. Since Configuration Admin services are already integrated with Declarative Services, however, Liferay developers need not use the low-level API.

  • Metatype Service Specification: For describing attribute types as metadata.

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