Creating the Guestbooks Scene

In the previous article, you used Login Screenlet to implement authentication in the login scene. Now you must create the scene you want the user to see following login: the guestbooks scene. Later in this Learning Path, you’ll display guestbooks in this scene via Guestbook List Screenlet. For now, though, all you need to do is create the scene and take the user to it after login. This article shows you how to do this with the following steps:

  1. Add a view controller to your storyboard. You’ll then embed the view controller in a navigation controller. The navigation controller gives the scene a navigation bar and automatically implements back-navigation in the entries scene you’ll create later.

  2. Create the guestbook scene’s view controller class. This class controls the view controller’s behavior.

  3. Create a segue from the login scene to the guestbooks scene. Upon login, this segue takes the user to the guestbooks scene.

First, you’ll add a view controller to the storyboard.

Adding a View Controller to the Storyboard

Follow these steps to add a view controller to the storyboard:

  1. Open your storyboard and drag and drop a View Controller from the Object Library to the right of the login scene.

    Figure 1: The arrow shows where to drag and drop the View Controller to create the new guestbooks scene.

    Figure 1: The arrow shows where to drag and drop the View Controller to create the new guestbooks scene.

  2. Now you must embed this view controller in a navigation controller. Navigation controllers in iOS implement a navigation stack. You can loosely think of a navigation stack as a deck of cards where each card is a view controller with a navigation bar. The navigation bar contains a back button that lets you navigate to the previous view controller in the stack. You can also change the navigation bar’s title to reflect the scene’s content.

    With the new view controller selected in the storyboard, select EditorEmbed InNavigation Controller. Your storyboard now shows the navigation controller with a segue to the guestbooks scene. Also, the guestbooks scene now contains an empty navigation bar.

  3. Select the Navigation Item in the guestbooks scene’s navigation bar. In the Attributes inspector, enter Guestbooks in the Title field, then enter a single space in the Back Button field and press return. This labels the scene via the navigation bar, and ensures that the back button in the Navigation controller has no label. The back button’s default left chevron indicates the button’s purpose without the need for additional text.

    Figure 2: Label the scene in the navigation bar, and set the back buttons label to an empty space.

    Figure 2: Label the scene in the navigation bar, and set the back button's label to an empty space.

  4. With the guestbooks scene’s view controller selected in the storyboard, open the Attributes inspector and uncheck Adjust Scroll View Insets. This ensures that the scene’s contents are flush with the navigation bar.

    Figure 3: Make sure the view controllers Adjust Scroll View Insets option is unchecked in the Attributes inspector.

    Figure 3: Make sure the view controller's *Adjust Scroll View Insets* option is unchecked in the Attributes inspector.

Great! You now have the guestbooks scene, embedded in a navigation controller. For this scene’s view controller to work, it must have a class that controls its behavior. You’ll create this class next.

Creating the Guestbooks Scene’s View Controller Class

Each view controller must have a class that controls its behavior. In this section, you’ll create this class for the guestbooks scene’s view controller. In the storyboard, you’ll then set this class as the view controller’s custom class.

  1. Right-click the Liferay Guestbook folder in Xcode’s project navigator and select New File. In the iOSSource section of the dialog that appears, select Cocoa Touch Class and click Next.

  2. The next screen in the dialog lets you set the class’s name, subclass, and language. You can also choose whether to create an XIB file for the class. Enter the following information and click Next:

    • Class: GuestbooksViewController
    • Subclass of: UIViewController
    • Also create XIB file: Unchecked
    • Language: Swift

    Figure 4: Set these options when creating the view controllers class.

    Figure 4: Set these options when creating the view controller's class.

  3. The final screen in the dialog lets you set the class’s location, group, and targets. Make sure Liferay Guestbook is selected for both the Group and Targets menus, and click Create.

  4. In the storyboard, select the guestbooks scene’s view controller. In the Identity inspector, set GuestbooksViewController as the Custom Class.

    Figure 5: Set GuestbooksViewController as the custom class of the guestbooks scenes view controller.

    Figure 5: Set `GuestbooksViewController` as the custom class of the guestbooks scene's view controller.

Nice! The guestbooks scene’s view controller now has a class that governs its behavior. You may have noticed a big problem, though. There’s no way for the user to get from the login scene to the guestbooks scene. This is because there’s no segue from the login scene to the navigation controller the guestbooks scene is embedded in. You’ll fix this next.

Creating the Segue

Follow these steps to create and trigger the segue:

  1. Control-drag from the login scene’s view controller to the navigation controller. In the dialog that appears when you release your mouse button, select show for the segue type. The segue now connects the login scene’s view controller and the navigation controller.

    Figure 6: A segue now exists from the login scene to the navigation controller.

    Figure 6: A segue now exists from the login scene to the navigation controller.

  2. Now you must tell the login scene’s view controller when to perform this segue. You’ll do this programmatically in the ViewController class. To perform a segue programmatically, you must first give it an identifier in your storyboard. You’ll then use this identifier in ViewController to perform the segue when a user logs in.

    In your storyboard, select the segue and then enter the Attributes inspector. Enter loginsegue in the Identifier field, and press return.

    Figure 7: Set the segues ID in the Attributes inspector.

    Figure 7: Set the segue's ID in the Attributes inspector.

  3. Recall that the ViewController class’s screenlet(_:onLoginResponseUserAttributes:) method is called upon successful login. You’ll therefore trigger the segue in this method. Currently, this method only prints a success message. Below the line that prints this message, add the following code:

    performSegue(withIdentifier: "loginsegue", sender: nil)

    The performSegue(withIdentifier:sender:) method performs the segue with the specified identifier and includes any additional sender code. You send nil here since you don’t need to send any information with the segue. Your screenlet(_:onLoginResponseUserAttributes:) method should now look like this:

    func screenlet(_ screenlet: BaseScreenlet, 
        onLoginResponseUserAttributes attributes: [String:AnyObject]) {
            print("Login Successful!")
            performSegue(withIdentifier: "loginsegue", sender: nil)

Great! Your app can now navigate to the guestbooks scene after login. To verify this, run the app and log in.

Figure 8: Following successful login, the app now navigates to the empty guestbooks scene.

Figure 8: Following successful login, the app now navigates to the empty guestbooks scene.

Awesome! You’ve successfully added a scene for displaying guestbooks, and set the app to take the user there after login. Now you’re ready to develop Guestbook List Screenlet. The next section in this Learning Path walks you through this.

« Using Login Screenlet for AuthenticationCreating Guestbook List Screenlet »