Custom SQL

Service Builder creates finder methods that retrieve entities by their attributes: their column values. When you add a column as a parameter for the finder in your service.xml file and run Service Builder, it generates the finder method in your persistence layer and adds methods to your service layer that invoke the finder. If your queries are simple enough, consider using Dynamic Query to access Liferay’s database. If you want to do something more complicated like JOINs, you can write your own custom SQL queries. You’ll learn how in this tutorial.

Say you have a Guestbook application with two tables, one for guestbooks and one for guestbook entries. The entry entity’s foreign key to its guestbook is the guestbook’s ID. That is, the entry entity table, GB_Entry, tracks an entry’s guestbook by its long integer ID in the table’s guestbookId column. If you want to find a guestbook entry based on its name, message, and guestbook name, you must access the name of the entry’s guestbook. Of course, with SQL you can join the entry and guestbook tables to include the guestbook name. Service Builder lets you do this by specifying the SQL as Liferay custom SQL and invoking it in your service via a custom finder method.

Liferay custom SQL is a Service Builder-supported method for performing custom, complex queries against the database by invoking custom SQL from a finder method in your persistence layer. Service Builder helps you generate the interfaces to your finder method. It’s easy to do by following these steps:

  1. Specify your custom SQL.

  2. Implement your finder method.

  3. Access your finder method from your service.

Next, using the Guestbook application as an example, you’ll learn how to accomplish these steps.

Step 1: Specify Your Custom SQL

After you’ve tested your SQL, you must specify it in a particular file for Liferay to access it. CustomSQLUtil class (from module com.liferay.portal.dao.orm.custom.sql) retrieves SQL from a file called default.xml in your service module’s src/main/resources/META-INF/custom-sql/ folder. You must create the custom-sql folder and create the default.xml file in that custom-sql folder. The default.xml file must adhere to the following format:

    <sql id="[fully-qualified class name + method]">
    SQL query wrapped in <![CDATA[...]]>
    No terminating semi-colon

Create a custom-sql element for every SQL query you want in your application, and give each query a unique ID. The recommended convention to use for the ID value is the fully-qualified class name of the finder followed by a dot (.) character and the name of the finder method. More detail on the finder class and finder methods is provided in Step 2.

For example, in the Guestbook application, you could use the following ID value to specify a query:\

Custom SQL must be wrapped in character data (CDATA) for the sql element. Importantly, do not terminate the SQL with a semi-colon. Following these rules, the default.xml file of the Guestbook application specifies an SQL query that joins the GB_Entry and GB_Guestbook tables:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <sql id="">
            SELECT GB_Entry.*
            FROM GB_Entry
            INNER JOIN 
                GB_Guestbook ON GB_Entry.guestbookId = GB_Guestbook.guestbookId
                ( LIKE ?) AND
                (GB_Entry.message LIKE ?) AND
                ( LIKE ?)

Now that you’ve specified some custom SQL, the next step is to implement a finder method to invoke it. The method name for the finder should match the ID you just specified for the sql element.

Step 2: Implement Your Finder Method

Next, implement the finder method in your persistence layer to invoke your custom SQL query. Service Builder generates the interface for the finder in your API module but you must create the implementation.

The first step is to create a *FinderImpl class in the service persistence package. For the Guestbook application, you could create a EntryFinderImpl class in the package. Your class should extend BasePersistenceImpl<Entry>.

Run Service Builder to generate the *Finder interface based on the *FinderImpl class. Modify your *FinderImpl class to make it a component (annotated with @Component) that implements the *Finder interface you just generated:

@Component(service = EntryFinder.class)
public class EntryFinderImpl extends BasePersistenceImpl<Event>
    implements EntryFinder {


Now you can create a finder method in your EntryFinderImpl class. Add your finder method and static field to the *FinderImpl class. For example, here’s how you could write the EntryFinderImpl class:

public List<Entry> findByEntryNameEntryMessageGuestbookName(
    String entryName, String entryMessage, String guestbookName,
    int begin, int end) {

    Session session = null;
    try {
        session = openSession();

        String sql = CustomSQLUtil.get(

        SQLQuery q = session.createSQLQuery(sql);
        q.addEntity("GB_Entry", EntryImpl.class);

        QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q);

        return (List<Entry>) QueryUtil.list(q, getDialect(), begin, end);
    catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            throw new SystemException(e);
        catch (SystemException se) {
    finally {

    return null;

    EntryFinder.class.getName() +

The custom finder method opens a new Hibernate session and uses Liferay’s com.liferay.portal.dao.orm.custom.sql.CustomSQLUtil.get(Class<?> clazz, String id) method to get the custom SQL to use for the database query. The FIND_BY_ENTRYNAME_ENTRYMESSAGE_GUESTBOOKNAME static field contains the custom SQL query’s ID. The FIND_BY_EVENTNAME_EVENTDESCRIPTON_LOCATIONNAME string is based on the fully-qualified class name of the *Finder interface (EventFinder) and the name of the finder method (findByEntryNameEntryMessageGuestbookName).

Awesome! Your custom SQL is in place and your finder method is implemented. Next, you’ll call the finder method from your service.

Step 3: Access Your Finder Method from Your Service

So far, you’ve created a *FinderImpl class, generated the *Finder interface, and created a custom finder method that gets your custom SQL. Your last step is to add a service method that calls your finder.

When you ran Service Builder after defining your custom finder method, the *Finder interface was generated (e.g., GuestbookFinder). Your portlet class, however, should not call the *Finder interface: only a local or remote service implementation (i.e., *LocalServiceImpl or *ServiceImpl) in your service module should invoke the *Finder class. This encourages a proper separation of concerns: the portlet classes in your application’s web module invoke the business logic of the services published from your application’s service module. The services, in turn, access the data model using the persistence layer’s finder classes.

So you’ll add a method in the *LocalServiceImpl class that invokes the finder method implementation via the *Finder class. Then you’ll rebuild your application’s service layer so that the portlet classes and JSPs in your web module can access the services.

For example, for the Guestbook application, you’d add the following method to the EntryLocalServiceImpl class:

public List<Entry> findByEntryNameGuestbookName(String entryName,
    String guestbookName) throws SystemException {

    return entryFinder.findByEntryNameGuestbookName(String entryName,
        String guestbookName);

After you’ve added your findBy- method to your *LocalServiceImpl class, run Service Builder to generate the interface and make the finder method available in the EntryLocalService class.

Now you can indirectly call the finder method from your portlet class or a JSP in your web module. For example, to call the finder method in the Guestbook application, just call entryLocalService.findByEntryNameEntryMessageGuestbookName(...)!

Congratulations on developing a custom SQL query and custom finder for your application!

Customizing Liferay Services

Service Builder Web Services

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