Creating Your JSF Application's User Interface

All of the Guestbook Admin portlet’s back-end code is developed; the only thing left to do is create the portlet’s user interface. The default view should have a button for adding new guestbooks, and it should also display a list of the guestbooks that have been added to the site.

Figure 1: The Guestbook Admins UI will contain buttons to add, edit, delete, and control permissions of guestbook entities.

Figure 1: The Guestbook Admin's UI will contain buttons to add, edit, delete, and control permissions of guestbook entities.

Each guestbook should also be accompanied with the action buttons Edit, Delete, and Permissions. You’ll begin by creating the buttons, then you’ll check for each button’s permissions.

Creating JSF Views for the User Interface

The first thing you’ll do is configure the existing docroot/views/guestbook-admin/view.xhtml file to facilitate the UI’s navigation. Similar to the original views/view.xhtml, this view will serve as the navigation view, checking boolean properties in the GuestbookBacking bean, and displaying the appropriate view according to those property values.

  1. Open the views/guestbook-admin/view.xhtml file and replace the contents within the <h:body>...</h:body> tags with the following:

         <c:when test="#{guestbookBacking.editingGuestbook}">
             <ui:include src="/views/guestbook.xhtml" />
             <ui:include src="/views/guestbook-admin/guestbook_actions.xhtml" />

    This view checks the GuestbookBacking bean for the editingGuestbook property. If the property is true, the guestbook view is displayed. If it’s false, the guestbook_actions view is displayed. Recall, the editingGuestbook property is set to true when the Edit button is clicked, meaning the guestbook_actions view is always displayed, unless the Edit button has been clicked. Also notice you didn’t have to create a separate guestbook view for your new Guestbook Admin portlet. This is a nice convenience when using JSF views.

    Now you’ll need to create your guestbook_actions view, which acts similarly to your original Guestbook portlet’s master view.

  2. Right-click the views/guestbook-admin folder and select NewFile. Give the file the name guestbook_actions.xhtml and click Finish.

  3. The first thing you’ll need to do is add the necessary XML version and <f:view> element into the guestbook_actions.xhtml file, similar to what you completed for your other views:

     <?xml version="1.0"?>
     <f:view xmlns=""
  4. Within the <f:view>...</f:view> tags, add the Add Guestbook button code into the guestbook_actions view. Make sure to surround the button with <h:form>...</h:form> tags:

         <h:commandButton action="#{guestbookBacking.add}"
             styleClass="btn btn-default" value=" #{i18n['add-guestbook']} ">
             <f:ajax render="@all" />
         <br />

    This is the exact same code that was already present in your views/master.xhtml file.

  5. Remove the <h:commandButton> element you added in step 4 from the master view, so the Add Guestbook button is only accessible from you Guestbook Admin portlet.

  6. Directly below the <br /> tag under the command button for adding a guestbook, add the following code to create your guestbook’s action buttons:

         <c:when test="#{empty guestbookBacking.guestbooks}">
             <h:outputText value="#{i18n['no-guestbooks-yet']}" />
                 styleClass="table table-bordered table-hover table-striped"
                 rowClasses="table-cell " value="#{guestbookBacking.guestbooks}"
                     <f:facet name="header">
                         <h:outputText value="#{i18n['name']}" />
                     <h:outputText value="#{}" />
                     <f:facet name="header">
                         <h:outputText value=" " />
                     <h:commandButton action="#{guestbookBacking.edit(guestbook)}"
                         styleClass="btn btn-default" value=" #{i18n['edit']} ">
                         <f:ajax render="@all" />
                     <h:commandButton action="#{guestbookBacking.delete(guestbook)}"
                         styleClass="btn btn-default" value=" #{i18n['delete']} "
                         onclick="if (! confirm('#{i18n['are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-this']}')) {return false;}">
                         <f:ajax render="@all" />
                     <h:outputLink styleClass="btn btn-default"
                         <h:outputText value=" #{i18n['permissions']} " />

    All three of your action buttons for guestbooks are now available in your portlet. They are formatted in a dataTable. Also notice that the Edit and Delete buttons call the GuestbookBacking bean action methods you created in the previous learning path. The Permissions button calls the permissionsURL property you created in your Guestbook wrapper class.

Now that your buttons are created and your guestbooks are displayed in a table, redeploy your guestbook-jsf-portlet project and visit your Guestbook Admin portlet. It should look similar to Figure 1 in this section. Also, the Add Guestbook button should no longer be present in your Guestbook portlet.

Your buttons are all available, but you have not configured the buttons’ permissions. In the next section, you’ll configure the permissions.

Checking for Permissions in JSF Views

The last thing you’ll need to do to have fully functional action buttons for your guestbook entities is to utilize your Guestbook wrapper class’ permissions methods. You’ll need to check each button for its corresponding permissions property.

For instance, the Delete button will need to call the deleteable property from the Guestbook wrapper class. The deleteable property is true if the user has the appropriate permissions to access the button. If the property is false the button is invisible. The property is set using the getDeleteable method from the Guestbook wrapper class, which checks for the user’s permissions. To add permissioning to your action buttons, open the guestbook_actions view and find the action buttons you created previously in the data table.

For each of your entry buttons, surround each individual <h:commandButton>...</h:commandButton> or <h:outputLink>...</h:outputLink> tag with the <h:panelGroup>...</h:panelGroup> tag. Each panel group tag should contain the rendered element specifying the appropriate permission to check for each action button. Below is how your entry buttons should look after you’re finished:


<h:panelGroup rendered="#{guestbook.updateable}">
    <h:commandButton action="#{guestbookBacking.edit(guestbook)}"
        styleClass="btn btn-default" value=" #{i18n['edit']} ">
        <f:ajax render="@all" />
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{guestbook.deleteable}">
    <h:commandButton action="#{guestbookBacking.delete(guestbook)}"
        styleClass="btn btn-default" value=" #{i18n['delete']} "
        onclick="if (! confirm('#{i18n['are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-this']}')) {return false;}">
        <f:ajax render="@all" />
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{guestbook.permissible}">
    <h:outputLink styleClass="btn btn-default"
        <h:outputText value=" #{i18n['permissions']} " />


Your action buttons are now configured with permissions, which are controllable from your Permissions button. Awesome! Your Guestbook Admin portlet is fully functional and allows administrators to control your Guestbook portlet’s guestbooks.

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