Using Screenlets in iOS Apps

Once you’ve prepared your iOS project to use Liferay Screens, you can use Screenlets in your app. There are plenty of Liferay Screenlets available, and they’re described in the Screenlet reference documentation. This tutorial shows you how to insert and configure Screenlets in iOS apps written in Swift and Objective-C. It also explains how to localize them. You’ll be a Screenlet master in no time!

Inserting and Configuring Screenlets in iOS Apps

The first step to using Screenlets in your iOS project is to add a new UIView to your project. In Interface Builder, insert a new UIView into your Storyboard or XIB file. Figure 1 shows this.

Figure 1: Add a new UIView to your project.

Figure 1: Add a new UIView to your project.

Next, enter the Screenlet’s name as the Custom Class. For example, if you’re using the Login Screenlet, then enter Login Screenlet as the class.

Figure 2: Change the Custom Class to match the Screenlet.

Figure 2: Change the Custom Class to match the Screenlet.

Now you need to conform the Screenlet’s delegate protocol in your ViewController class. For example, the Login Screenlet’s delegate class is LoginScreenletDelegate. This is shown in the code that follows. Note that you need to implement the functionality of onLoginResponse and onLoginError. This is indicated by the comments in the code here:

class ViewController: UIViewController, LoginScreenletDelegate {


   func screenlet(screenlet: BaseScreenlet,
           onLoginResponseUserAttributes attributes: [String:AnyObject]) {
       // handle succeeded login using passed user attributes

    func screenlet(screenlet: BaseScreenlet,
            onLoginError error: NSError) {
        // handle failed login using passed error


If you’re using CocoaPods, you need to import Liferay Screens in your View Controller:

import LiferayScreens

Now that the Screenlet’s delegate protocol conforms in your ViewController class, go back to Interface Builder and connect the Screenlet’s delegate to your View Controller. If the Screenlet you’re using has more outlets, you can assign them as well.

Note that currently Xcode has some issues connecting outlets to Swift source code. To get around this, you can change the delegate data type or assign the outlets in your code. In your View Controller, follow these steps:

  1. Declare an outlet to hold a reference to the Screenlet. You can connect it in Interface Builder without any issues.

    Figure 3: Connect the outlet with the Screenlet reference.

    Figure 3: Connect the outlet with the Screenlet reference.

  2. Assign the Screenlet’s delegate the viewDidLoad method. This is the connection typically done in Interface Builder.

These steps are shown in the following code for Login Screenlet’s View Controller.

class ViewController: UIViewController, LoginScreenletDelegate {

    @IBOutlet var screenlet: LoginScreenlet?

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.screenlet?.delegate = self


Figure 4: Connect the Screenlets delegate in Interface Builder.

Figure 4: Connect the Screenlet's delegate in Interface Builder.

Awesome! Now you know how to use Screenlets in your apps. If you need to use Screenlets from Objective-C code, follow the instructions in the next section.

Using Screenlets from Objective-C

If you want to invoke Screenlet classes from Objective-C code, there is an additional header file that you must import. You can import the header file LiferayScreens-Swift.h in all your Objective-C files or configure a precompiler header file.

The first option involves adding the following import line all of your Objective-C files:

#import "LiferayScreens-Swift.h"

Alternatively, you can configure a precompiler header file by following these steps:

  1. Create a precompiler header file (e.g., PrefixHeader.pch) and add it to your project.

  2. Import LiferayScreens-Swift.h in the precompiler header file you just created.

  3. Edit the following build settings of your target. Remember to replace path/to/your/file/ with the path to your PrefixHeader.pch file:

    • Precompile Prefix Header: Yes
    • Prefix Header: path/to/your/file/PrefixHeader.pch

    Figure 5: The PrefixHeader.pch configuration in Xcode settings.

    Figure 5: The `PrefixHeader.pch` configuration in Xcode settings.

You can use the precompiler header file PrefixHeader.pch as a template.

Super! Now you know how to use Screenlets from Objective-C code in your apps.

Localizing Screenlets

Follow Apple’s standard mechanism to implement localization in your Screenlet. Note: even though a Screenlet may support several languages, you must also support those languages in your app. In other words, a Screenlet’s support for a language is only valid if your app supports that language. To support a language, make sure to add it as a localization in your project’s settings.

Figure 6: The Xcode localizations in the projects settings.

Figure 6: The Xcode localizations in the project's settings.

Way to go! You now know how to use Screenlets in your iOS apps.

Preparing iOS Projects for Liferay Screens

Using Themes in iOS Screenlets

Creating iOS Screenlets

Using Screenlets in Android apps

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