Understanding Your Theme's JavaScript Callbacks in main.js

Liferay has a product called AlloyUI, which is an extension to Yahoo’s YUI3 framework. Liferay Portal by default uses AlloyUI for its JavaScript framework, so you can take advantage of AlloyUI or YUI3 in your themes. Inside your theme’s main.js file, you’ll find definitions for three JavaScript callbacks:

  • AUI().ready(fn) is executed after the HTML in the page finishes loading (minus loading any portlets via AJAX).
  • Liferay.Portlet.ready(fn) is executed for each of a page’s portlets, after each portlet loads. The callback receives two parameters: portletId and node. The portletId parameter is the ID of the portlet that was just loaded. The node parameter is the AlloyUI Node object of the same portlet.
  • Liferay.on(‘allPortletsReady’, fn) is executed after everything else (including AJAX portlets) finishes loading.

The contents of the main.js file are listed below:


	This function gets loaded when all the HTML, not including the portlets, is

	function() {


	This function gets loaded after each and every portlet on the page.

	portletId: the current portlet's id
	node: the Alloy Node object of the current portlet

	function(portletId, node) {


	This function gets loaded when everything, including the portlets, is on
	the page.

	function() {

There you have it. You can leverage these JavaScript callbacks in your theme by adding your own logic to the callbacks.

Application Display Templates

Customizing Liferay Portal

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