Source Formatter Gradle Plugin

The Source Formatter Gradle plugin lets you format project files using the Liferay Source Formatter tool.

The plugin has been successfully tested with Gradle 4.10.2.


To use the plugin, include it in your build script:

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath group: "com.liferay", name: "com.liferay.gradle.plugins.source.formatter", version: "2.3.413"

    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""

apply plugin: "com.liferay.source.formatter"

Since the plugin automatically resolves the Liferay Source Formatter library as a dependency, you have to configure a repository that hosts the library and its transitive dependencies. The Liferay CDN repository hosts them all:

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""


The plugin adds two tasks to your project:

NameDepends OnTypeDescription
checkSourceFormatting-FormatSourceTaskRuns the Liferay Source Formatter to check for source formatting errors.
formatSource-FormatSourceTaskRuns the Liferay Source Formatter to format the project files.

If desired, it is possible to check for source formatting errors while executing the check task by adding the following dependency:

check {
    dependsOn checkSourceFormatting

The same can be achieved by adding the following snippet to the build.gradle file in the root directory of a Liferay Workspace:

subprojects {
    afterEvaluate {
        if (plugins.hasPlugin("base") && plugins.hasPlugin("com.liferay.source.formatter")) {
            check.dependsOn checkSourceFormatting

The tasks checkSourceFormatting and formatSource are automatically skipped if another task with the same name is being executed in a parent project.


Tasks of type FormatSourceTask extend JavaExec, so all its properties and methods, like args and maxHeapSize are available. They also have the following properties set by default:

Property NameDefault Value
argsSource Formatter command line arguments

Task Properties

Property NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
autoFixbooleanfalseWhether to automatically fix source formatting errors. It sets the argument.
baseDirFile The Source Formatter base directory. It sets the source.base.dir argument. (Read-only)
baseDirNameString"./"The name of the Source Formatter base directory, relative to the project directory.
fileExtensionsList<String>[]The file extensions to format. If empty, all file extensions will be formatted. It sets the source.file.extensions argument.
filesList<File> The list of files to format. It sets the source.files argument. (Read-only)
fileNamesList<String>nullThe file names to format, relative to the project directory. If null, all files contained in baseDir will be formatted.
formatCurrentBranchbooleanfalseWhether to format only the files contained in baseDir that are added or modified in the current Git branch. It sets the format.current.branch argument.
formatLatestAuthorbooleanfalseWhether to format only the files contained in baseDir that are added or modified in the latest Git commits of the same author. It sets the argument.
formatLocalChangesbooleanfalseWhether to format only the unstaged files contained in baseDir. It sets the format.local.changes argument.
gitWorkingBranchNameString"master"The Git working branch name. It sets the argument.
includeSubrepositoriesbooleanfalseWhether to format files that are in read-only subrepositories. It sets the include.subrepositories argument.
maxLineLengthint80The maximum number of characters allowed in Java files. It sets the max.line.length argument.
printErrorsbooleantrueWhether to print formatting errors on the Standard Output stream. It sets the source.print.errors argument.
processorThreadCountint5The number of threads used by Source Formatter. It sets the processor.thread.count argument.
showDebugInformationbooleanfalseWhether to show debug information, if present. It sets the show.debug.information argument.
showDocumentationbooleanfalseWhether to show the documentation for the source formatting issues, if present. It sets the show.documentation argument.
showStatusUpdatesbooleanfalseWhether to show status updates during source formatting, if present. It sets the show.status.updates argument.
throwExceptionbooleanfalseWhether to fail the build if formatting errors are found. It sets the source.throw.exception argument.

Additional Configuration

There are additional configurations that can help you use the Source Formatter.

Liferay Source Formatter Dependency

By default, the plugin creates a configuration called sourceFormatter and adds a dependency to the latest released version of Liferay Source Formatter. It is possible to override this setting and use a specific version of the tool by manually adding a dependency to the sourceFormatter configuration:

dependencies {
    sourceFormatter group: "com.liferay", name: "com.liferay.source.formatter", version: "1.0.885"

System Properties

It is possible to set the default values of the fileExtensions, fileNames, formatCurrentBranch, formatLatestAuthor, and formatLocalChanges properties for a FormatSourceTask task via system properties:

  • -D${}.file.extensions=java,xml
  • -D${}.file.names=README.markdown,src/main/resources/hello.txt
  • -D${}.format.current.branch=true
  • -D${}
  • -D${}.format.local.changes=true

For example, run the following Bash command to format only the unstaged files in the project:

./gradlew formatSource -DformatSource.format.local.changes=true
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