
Breaking Changes

This document presents a chronological list of changes that break existing functionality, APIs, or contracts with third party Liferay developers or users. We try our best to minimize these disruptions, but sometimes they are unavoidable.

Here are some of the types of changes documented in this file:

  • Functionality that is removed or replaced
  • API incompatibilities: Changes to public Java or JavaScript APIs
  • Changes to context variables available to templates
  • Changes in CSS classes available to Liferay themes and portlets
  • Configuration changes: Changes in configuration files, like portal.properties, system.properties, etc.
  • Execution requirements: Java version, Java EE Version, browser versions, etc.
  • Deprecations or end of support: For example, warning that a certain feature or API will be dropped in an upcoming version.

Breaking Changes List

Standardized Data Attribute Names Passed into Selectors

What changed?

The data attributes passed into the event when someone uses a selector (e.g., asset selector, document selector, file selector, role selector, site selector, user group selector, etc.) have been standardized from being selector specific (e.g., groupid, groupdescriptivename, teamid, teamname, etc.) to being more generic (e.g., entityid and entityname).

Who is affected?

This affects anyone passing selector specific data attributes to a selector.

How should I update my code?

Instead of using selector specific data attributes, you should change your data attributes to use entityid and entityname.


Old way:

<portlet:namespace />selectFileEntryType(event.fileentrytypeid, event.fileentrytypename);

New way:

<portlet:namespace />selectFileEntryType(event.entityid, event.entityname);

Old way:

data.put("roleid", role.getRoleId());
data.put("roletitle", role.getTitle(locale));

New way:

data.put("entityid", role.getRoleId());
data.put("entityname", role.getTitle(locale));

Why was this change made?

This change was made to standardize the data attribute names and allow utility methods to accept standardized event parameters.

Removed URL Parameters p_p_col_id, p_p_col_pos, and p_p_col_count from Every Portlet URL.

What changed?

The parameters p_p_col_count, p_p_col_id, and p_p_col_pos are no longer present in every portlet URL.

Who is affected?

This affects developers who are reading these parameters in their custom code.

How should I update my code?

You can no longer obtain these parameters from the portlet URL. If you need to read them, you should do it from PortletDisplay.

  • The parameter p_p_col_count can be obtained via the portletDisplay.getColumnCount() method.
  • The parameter p_p_col_id can be obtained via the portletDisplay.getColumnId() method.
  • The parameter p_p_col_pos can be obtained via the portletDisplay.getColumnPos() method.

Why was this change made?

This change simplifies portlet URLs so they only contain the required parameters. This was done as a preliminary step of a bigger story to create portlet URLs without passing the request as a necessary parameter.

Moved Users File Uploads Portlet Properties to OSGi Configuration

What changed?

The Users File Uploads portlet properties have been moved from Server Administration to an OSGi configuration named UserFileUploadsConfiguration.java in the users-admin-api module.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone using the following portlet properties:

  • users.image.check.token
  • users.image.max.size
  • users.image.max.height
  • users.image.max.width

How should I update my code?

Instead of overriding the portal.properties file, you can manage the properties from Portal’s configuration administrator. This can be accessed by navigating to Liferay Portal’s Control PanelConfigurationSystem SettingsFoundationUser Images and editing the settings there.

If you would like to include the new configuration in your application, follow the instructions for making your applications configurable in Liferay 7.0.

Why was this change made?

This change was made as part of the modularization efforts to ease portal configuration changes.

Moved CAPTCHA Portal Properties to OSGi Configuration

What changed?

The CAPTCHA properties have been moved from portal.properties and Server Administration to an OSGi configuration named CaptchaConfiguration.java in the captcha-api module.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone using the following portal properties:

  • captcha.max.challenges
  • captcha.check.portal.create_account
  • captcha.check.portal.send_password
  • captcha.check.portlet.message_boards.edit_category
  • captcha.check.portlet.message_boards.edit_message
  • captcha.engine.impl
  • captcha.engine.recaptcha.key.private
  • captcha.engine.recaptcha.key.public
  • captcha.engine.recaptcha.url.script
  • captcha.engine.recaptcha.url.noscript
  • captcha.engine.recaptcha.url.verify
  • captcha.engine.simplecaptcha.height
  • captcha.engine.simplecaptcha.width
  • captcha.engine.simplecaptcha.background.producers
  • captcha.engine.simplecaptcha.gimpy.renderers
  • captcha.engine.simplecaptcha.noise.producers
  • captcha.engine.simplecaptcha.text.producers
  • captcha.engine.simplecaptcha.word.renderers

How should I update my code?

Instead of overriding the portal.properties file, you can manage the properties from Portal’s configuration administrator. This can be accessed by navigating to Liferay Portal’s Control PanelConfigurationSystem SettingsCaptcha and editing the settings there.

If you would like to include the new configuration in your application, follow the instructions for making your applications configurable in Liferay 7.0.

Why was this change made?

This change was made as part of the modularization efforts to ease portal configuration changes.

Moved OpenOffice Properties to OSGi Configuration

What changed?

The OpenOffice properties have been moved from Server Administration to an OSGi configuration named OpenOfficeConfiguration.java in the document-library-document-conversion module.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone using the following portal properties:

  • openoffice.cache.enabled
  • openoffice.server.enabled
  • openoffice.server.host
  • openoffice.server.port

How should I update my code?

Instead of overriding the portal.properties file, you can manage the properties from Portal’s configuration administrator. This can be accessed by navigating to Liferay Portal’s Control PanelConfigurationSystem SettingsOtherOpenOffice Integration and editing the settings there.

If you would like to include the new configuration in your application, follow the instructions for making your applications configurable in Liferay 7.0.

Why was this change made?

This change was made as part of the modularization efforts to ease portal configuration changes.

No More Exceptions Are Thrown When a DDMStructure Is Fetched

What changed?

The following methods no longer throw PortalException:

public DDMStructure fetchStructure(
  long groupId, long classNameId, String structureKey,
  boolean includeAncestorStructures)

public DDMStructure fetchStructureByUuidAndGroupId(
  String uuid, long groupId, boolean includeAncestorStructures)

Who is affected?

This affects anyone using these methods.

How should I update my code?

Keep using these methods, but be aware that they don’t throw exceptions.

Why was this change made?

Since the current method implementations don’t generate exceptions, there’s no need for the methods to declare throwing a PortalException.

Removed Indexation of Fields ratings and viewCount

What changed?

The fields ratings and viewCount are no longer indexed in the BaseIndexer class for AssetEntry objects.

Who is affected?

This affects any search-related custom code where the ratings and viewCount fields are used in queries.

How should I update my code?

To adapt to these changes, consider several alternatives:

  • Use the Highest Rated Assets and Most Viewed Assets Liferay portlets.
  • Replace the index query with a database query.
  • Implement an IndexerPostProcessor to index these fields in certain documents.

Why was this change made?

Keeping the Ratings and View Count options in the search index in sync with the database has a negative impact on normal operations due to the significantly increased number of index Write requests causing throughput issues and, therefore, performance degradation.

In addition, the view count is not always up-to-date in the database. This behavior is controlled by the Buffered Increment mechanism. You can find more information about this in the portal.properties file.

Moved Upload Servlet Request Portal Properties to OSGi Configuration

What changed?

The Upload Servlet Request properties have been moved from the portal.properties file and Server Administration to an OSGi configuration named UploadServletRequestConfiguration.java in the portal-upload module.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone using the following portal properties:

  • com.liferay.portal.upload.UploadServletRequestImpl.max.size
  • com.liferay.portal.upload.UploadServletRequestImpl.temp.dir

How should I update my code?

Instead of overriding the portal.properties file, you can manage the properties from Portal’s configuration administrator. This can be accessed by navigating to Liferay Portal’s Control PanelConfigurationSystem SettingsUpload Servlet Request and editing the settings there.

If you would like to include the new configuration in your application, follow the instructions for making your applications configurable in Liferay 7.0.

Why was this change made?

This change was made as part of the modularization efforts to ease portal configuration changes.

Moved Three DL File Properties to OSGi Configuration

What changed?

Two DL File properties have been moved from Server Administration to the OSGi configuration DLConfiguration, and one to DLFileEntryConfiguration. Both configurations are located in the document-library-api module.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone who is using the following portal properties:

  • dl.file.entry.previewable.processor.max.size
  • dl.file.extensions
  • dl.file.max.size

How should I update my code?

Instead of overriding the portal.properties file, you can manage the properties from Portal’s configuration administrator. This can be accessed by navigating to Portal’s Control PanelConfigurationSystem SettingsCollaborationDocuments & Media Service or Documents & Media File Entries and editing the settings there.

If you would like to include the new configuration in your application, follow the instructions for making your applications configurable.

Why was this change made?

This change was made as part of the modularization efforts to ease portal configuration changes.

Removed the soyutils Module

What changed?

The module frontend-js-soyutils-web is no longer available.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone using the soyutils module.

How should I update my code?

In the rare case that a component is affected, it is recommended that the code is migrated to use the metal-soy module instead. You can do this by extending the Metal.js provided Component classes.

Why was this change made?

The removed module exposed a legacy version of soyutils. This caused interoperability issues between applications using different versions of the Closure Template library.

Converted liferay-ui Tags to Module-Specific Tags

What changed?

Several liferay-ui taglibs have been moved from the Portal’s kernel into OSGi modules, resulting in taglib names being changed. The updated names are listed below:

  • liferay-ui:asset-add-buttonliferay-asset:asset-add-button
  • liferay-ui:asset-addon-entry-displayliferay-asset:asset-addon-entry-display
  • liferay-ui:asset-addon-entry-selectorliferay-asset:asset-addon-entry-selector
  • liferay-ui:asset-categories-availableliferay-asset:asset-categories-available
  • liferay-ui:asset-categories-errorliferay-asset:asset-categories-error
  • liferay-ui:asset-displayliferay-asset:asset-display
  • liferay-ui:asset-linksliferay-asset:asset-links
  • liferay-ui:asset-metadataliferay-asset:asset-metadata
  • liferay-ui:asset-tags-availableliferay-asset:asset-tags-available
  • liferay-ui:asset-tags-errorliferay-asset:asset-tags-error
  • liferay-ui:asset-tags-navigationliferay-asset:asset-tags-navigation
  • liferay-ui:input-asset-linksliferay-asset:input-asset-links
  • liferay-ui:journal-content-search → Removed (journal-content-search-web was deprecated)
  • liferay-ui:restore-entry → Removed
  • liferay-ui:rssliferay-rss:rss
  • liferay-ui:rss-settingsliferay-rss:rss-settings

Who is affected?

This affects anyone who is using the taglibs listed above.

How should I update my code?

You must update your liferay-ui tags to use the new names. If you prefer keeping the old names temporarily, you can rely on the compatibility layer offered by Liferay. To set this, add the com.liferay.portal.web.compat dependency to your project’s build file.

Use the updated tag names as soon as you’re able, as this compatibility layer is deprecated and will not be available for future releases.

Why was this change made?

This change was made to categorize taglibs properly by moving them to their respective OSGi modules.

Changed Default Value for Browser Cache Properties

What changed?

The default values for the portal properties browser.cache.disabled and browser.cache.signed.in.disabled were changed to true.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone relying on proxies and load balancers to cache HTML content.

How should I update my code?

You should set both properties browser.cache.disabled and browser.cache.signed.in.disabled to false, as documented in portal-legacy-7.0.properties.

Why was this change made?

The load balancer and web proxy’s behavior when Cache-Control headers are missing is not defined. In the past, many preferred to not cache the content for correctness; however, it is now common to cache the content for performance.

When an aggressive caching load balancer or web proxy appears in the network architecture, the default value may result in security problems such as personalized content being mistakenly shared, including names or other personally identifiable information. As Liferay shifts towards use cases providing personalized experiences, this is becoming a serious problem.

While this is ultimately a load balancer or web proxy configuration issue, it is perceived as a Liferay issue because it is Liferay content being cached, and is viewed negatively because leaking sensitive information in a production environment is a very serious security issue.

A value of true will improve a portal administrator’s experience, and a value of false can be considered during performance tuning, if needed.

Users Can Have Numeric Screen Names with No Limitations, and Sites Can No Longer Have Numeric Friendly URLs

What changed?

  • The portal property users.screen.name.allow.numeric now defaults to true.
  • Numeric screen names are no longer limited by whether they correspond to an existing group ID.
  • Sites can no longer set their group ID as their friendly URL.
  • Sites can no longer be implicitly accessed by using their group ID in the URL (this used to be available automatically, even if it wasn’t set that way).
  • If the friendly URL of a site is already set to the group ID, it will continue to work as normal, but you will be forced to change it if you update the site in the Site Settings portlet.
  • If a site is updated and no friendly URL is provided, it will default to /group-<groupId>. If that duplicates another friendly URL, the friendly URL will be incremented until a unique friendly URL is found (e.g., /group-<groupId>-1).
  • The default friendly URL for new sites has not changed.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone who

  • has set the friendly URL of their site to the group ID.
  • uses a group ID to navigate or direct to a site.

How should I update my code?

No code updates should be required, but if you fall under one of the scenarios in the previous section, you should consider the following changes:

  • If you have set the friendly URL of a site to its group ID, you should update the friendly URL of that site to something else. A site administrator can do this through the Site Settings portlet.
  • If you have hard-coded the group ID in any links, you must change them to match the updated friendly URL.

Why was this change made?

There were common complaints from customers who used LDAP to import users — if users were given a numeric screen name during import, some imports would fail because those screen names conflicted with an existing group ID.

This was because a site’s group ID could be used as its friendly URL, while a user’s screen name is used as the friendly URL to their personal site. This could introduce a routing conflict, so numeric screen names were disallowed if they conflicted with an existing group ID.

By removing sites’ ability to use their group ID as their friendly URL, the possible conflict with numeric screen names is expunged, allowing users to have any number as their screen name. This makes it much less likely for LDAP imports to fail when using numeric screen names for imported users.

Since LDAP import is more commonly used than a site using the group ID as its friendly URL, the less useful feature was removed to stabilize the more common one.

Removed Support for Velocity in Themes

What changed?

  • Themes can no longer use Velocity for templates.
  • Some helper methods have been removed from the public APIs com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.ThemeHelper and com.liferay.taglib.util.ThemeUtil.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone who has themes using Velocity templates or is using the removed methods.

How should I update my code?

If you have a theme using Velocity, consider migrating it to FreeMarker for better maintenance and improved security.

If you are using the removed methods, consider using the com.liferay.portal.kernel.template.Template functionality directly to process templates.

Why was this change made?

Velocity was deprecated in Liferay Portal 7.0 and the recommendation was to migrate to FreeMarker. Also, Velocity has had no new releases for a long time.

The removal of Velocity support for Liferay Portal 7.1 themes allows for an increased focus on existing and new template engines.

Moved Organization Type Properties to OSGi Configuration

What changed?

The organization type properties have been moved from portal.properties to an OSGi configuration named OrganizationsTypesConfiguration.java in the users-admin-api module.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone using the following portal properties:

  • organizations.types
  • organizations.rootable
  • organizations.children.types
  • organizations.country.enabled
  • organizations.country.required

How should I update my code?

Instead of overriding the portal.properties file, you can manage the properties from Portal’s configuration administrator. This can be accessed by navigating to Liferay Portal’s Control PanelConfigurationSystem SettingsFoundationOrganization Type and editing the settings there.

If you would like to include the new configuration in your application, follow the instructions for making your applications configurable.

Why was this change made?

This change was made as part of the modularization efforts to ease portal configuration changes.

Updated jQuery and Lodash Bundled Versions

What changed?

The bundled jQuery version has been updated from 2.1.4 to 3.3.1. The bundled Lodash version has been updated from 3.10.1 to 4.17.4.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone using the previous API versions in their code.

How should I update my code?

Follow the changelogs on the jQuery and Lodash sites to update any affected code.

Why was this change made?

This change provides the latest jQuery and Lodash versions available.

Removed the VALIDATE_DDM_FORM_VALUES Constant from DDMWebKeys

What changed?

The VALIDATE_DDM_FORM_VALUES constant has been removed from DDMWebKeys.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone using this constant.

How should I update my code?

Use the String validateDDMFormValues, which was the constant’s value.

Why was this change made?

A constant is unnecessary for a value that’s not part of an API.

Removed JavaScript Minification Properties minifier.javascript.impl and yui.compressor.* from portal.properties

What changed?

The JavaScript minifiers have been extracted from portal-kernel and moved to their own OSGi module. Thus, they are not configured in portal.properties any more, but rather, through OSGi configuration.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone who had the Yahoo JavaScript minifier active and configured to override its default settings.

How should I update my code?

If you are implementing your own JavaScript minifier, you should extract it to its own OSGi module. See module frontend-js-minifier for an example of how to do this.

Why was this change made?

The JavaScript minifiers were not easy to customize. For example, the Google minifier used an old version of the closure-compiler, which was difficult to upgrade because it required portal-kernel dependency changes. This could create conflicts.

Having JavaScript minifiers in their own OSGi modules requires less dependency management and makes it easier to provide new implementations of JavaScript minifiers. Also, configuration can now be done using OSGi standards.

Changed Behavior of liferay-ui:input-date Taglib’s showDisableCheckbox Argument

What changed?

Previously, when the liferay-ui:input-date taglib’s showDisableCheckbox argument was set to true, the disable checkbox was hidden. Now, the value true displays it, and false hides it.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone trying to hide the liferay-ui:input-date taglib’s disable checkbox.

How should I update my code?

If you are setting the showDisableCheckbox argument to true to hide the liferay-ui:input-date taglib’s disable checkbox, you should now set it to false, and vice versa.

Why was this change made?

The behavior did not match with the name of the argument and was counter-intuitive.

DDLExporterFactory Became an Interface

What changed?

DDLExporterFactory was renamed to DDLExporterFactoryImpl and moved to the module dynamic-data-lists-service, once this class holds the logic associated to the DDL exporters management. On the other hand, a new interface named DDLExporterFactory was created on the module dynamic-data-lists-api and DDLExporterFactoryImpl is implementing it.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone who is using DDLExporterFactory to manipulate (add, get and remove) the DDL exporters.

How should I update my code?

At a first moment, isn’t expected the developer use DDLExporterFactory to manipulate the DDL exporters. Actually, there is just one extension point dedicated to the DDL exporters, the possibility to export the data in formats not provided by default. In order to export the data to a new format, the developer will need to create a new Java class that extends the abstract class BaseDDLExporter.

Why was this change made?

To encapsulate the default implementation of DDLExporterFactory, which doesn’t need to be exposed, and also to keep on the module dynamic-data-lists-api only interfaces.

Updated Liferay Portal’s Portlet API Implementation

What changed?

Liferay Portal 7.1 CE GA1 provides the Portlet 3.0 API dependency in the runtime classpath. Previous versions provided the Portlet 2.0 API.

Full support for Portlet 3.0 will not be available until Liferay Portal 7.1 CE GA4 is released. This will serve as a developer preview for the technology until it’s officially promoted in Liferay Portal 7.2.

Who is affected?

This affects developers planning to upgrade custom portlets from earlier versions of Liferay Portal.

How should I update my code?

There are three development use-cases to plan for:

JSP Considerations

Portlet 3.0 is a binary-backward-compatible upgrade. This means that Java source that was built against portlet-api-2.0.0.jar is compatible at runtime. Since JSP files are typically not compiled until the first request, however, they do not fall under the category of pre-compiled source.

Specifically, if a JSP contains a Java scriptlet that calls MimeResponse.createActionURL() and MimeResponse.createRenderURL(), then there is a possibility that the JSP will fail to compile or throw a ClassCastException at runtime. This is because the return type of these methods has changed.

For example, a Liferay Portal sample portlet’s view.jsp had to be changed from

<aui:form action="<%= renderResponse.createActionURL() %>" method="post" name="fm">


<aui:form action="<%= (PortletURL)renderResponse.createActionURL() %>" method="post" name="fm">
Upgrade Considerations

To take advantage of new features in Portlet 3.0, you must rebuild portlet projects against the portlet-api-3.0.0.jar dependency and opt-in by specifying version 3.0 in one of two ways:

  1. Add the following tag in your portlet’s portlet.xml file:

     <portlet-app version="3.0">
  2. Add the following property in your portlet’s @Component tag:

        property = {
        service = Portlet.class

In addition, you must opt-in to new JSP features by specifying the Portlet 3.0 tag library in your JSP views. For example,

<%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.jcp.org/portlet_3_0" prefix="portlet" %>

JSPs that opt-in with the new tag library may encounter JSP compilation problems related to the <portlet:defineObjects> tag. Specifically, if JSPs reference variables with the following names in Java scriptlets, then a JSP compilation will occur:

  • actionParams
  • clientDataRequest
  • cookies
  • contextPath
  • locale
  • locales
  • mutableRenderParams
  • namespace
  • portletContext
  • portletMode
  • portletRequest
  • portletResponse
  • resourceParams
  • windowId
  • windowState
  • stateAwareResponse

With the Portlet API 3.0 implementation, these variables are already added to this context by default, so attempting to initialize them in the JSP would duplicate them. Therefore, your JSP scriptlets adding them should be removed.

For example, JSP scriptlets like the following had to be removed from several of Liferay Portal’s out-of-the-box portlets’ view.jsp:

PortletRequest portletRequest = (PortletRequest)request.getAttribute(JavaConstants.JAVAX_PORTLET_REQUEST);

PortletResponse portletResponse = (PortletResponse)request.getAttribute(JavaConstants.JAVAX_PORTLET_RESPONSE);

String namespace = AUIUtil.getNamespace(portletRequest, portletResponse);

if (Validator.isNull(namespace)) {
    namespace = AUIUtil.getNamespace(request);
JSF Considerations

JSF Portlets must be upgraded to the latest version of Liferay Faces Bridge, which is planned for release in Q4, 2018. Download and upgrade instructions will be made available at https://www.liferayfaces.org at that time.

Why was this change made?

This change provides the latest features offered by the Portlet 3.0 Specification, which was released in early 2017.

Changed the From Last Publish Date Option in Staging

What changed?

The From Last Publish Date option used in the publication process has programmatically changed.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone who implemented Staging support for their custom entities.

How should I update my code?

You must create a *StagingModelListener class for your custom entity, which extends the com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.BaseModelListener. You can examine the BlogsEntryStagingModelListener class as an example.

You must also update the doPrepareManifestSummary method in your custom *PortletDataHandler to use the populateLastPublishDateCounts method from the com.liferay.exportimport.internal.staging.StagingImpl, in case of a From Last Publish Date publication. See the BlogsPortletDataHandler as an example.

Why was this change made?

It was hard to collect which entities should be published to the live site. Instead of running queries to find the contents that were modified since the last publication, now changesets are used to track this information.

Changed the Dependency for the liferay-util:html-top JSP tag

What changed?

The usage of portal-kernel’s StringBundler has been deprecated in favor of Liferay’s Petra StringBundler.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone using the <liferay-util:html-top> JSP tag.

How should I update my code?

You must add the following dependency in your build file for your JSPs to compile successfully:


dependencies {
    compileOnly group: "com.liferay", name: "com.liferay.petra.string", version: "1.2.0"



Why was this change made?

This change helps stabilize the foundation of Liferay Portal’s utilities.

Decoupled Several Classes from PortletURLImpl

What changed?

All classes implementing javax.portlet.BaseURL have had their inheritance hierarchy change. These classes include

  • PortletURLImplWrapper
  • LiferayStrutsPortletURLImpl
  • StrutsActionPortletURL

Who is affected?

This affects code that attempts to subclass or create a new instance of the classes listed previously.

How should I update my code?

You must refactor the constructors of your affected classes to receive com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.LiferayPortletResponse instead of com.liferay.portlet.PortletResponseImpl.

In addition, their class hierarchies must be changed. For example, the com.liferay.portal.struts.StrutsActionPortletURL class hierarchy was changed from

  • com.liferay.portlet.PortletURLImpl
  • com.liferay.portlet.PortletURLImplWrapper
  • com.liferay.portal.struts.StrutsActionPortletURL


  • javax.portlet.filter.RenderStateWrapper
  • javax.portlet.filter.BaseURLWrapper
  • javax.portlet.filter.PortletURLWrapper
  • com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.LiferayPortletURLWrapper
  • com.liferay.portlet.PortletURLImplWrapper
  • com.liferay.portal.struts.StrutsActionPortletURL

Why was this change made?

This change corrects a best practice violation regarding implementation-specific details being included within an API.

Changed the Request Object in Web Content Templates

What changed?

The request object is no longer accessible as a map, but rather, as an object of type javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.

Who is affected?

This affects users with Web Content templates that access request parameters as a map like this:

<#assign containerId = request["theme-display"]["portlet-display"]["instance-id"] >

How should I update my code?

To keep retrieving the request parameter values as a map, requestMap must be used instead:

<#assign containerId = requestMap["theme-display"]["portlet-display"]["instance-id"] >

Why was this change made?

This was done to allow template context contributors to work in Web Content templates.

Disabled Access to Gogo Shell Using Telnet

What changed?

The ability to access and interact with Liferay Portal’s OSGi framework using the Gogo shell via your system’s telnet client has been disabled.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone who used their system’s telnet client to access the Gogo shell, or leveraged the Gogo shell in external plugins/tooling using the telnet client.

How should I update my code?

Liferay Portal now offers the Gogo Shell portlet, which you can access in the Control Panel → ConfigurationGogo Shell.

If you prefer using your telnet client to access the Gogo shell, you must enable Developer Mode. You can do this by creating a portal-ext.properties file in your Liferay home folder and adding the following property:


Developer Mode is enabled upon starting your app server.

Why was this change made?

This was done to strengthen Liferay Portal’s security due to potential XXE/SSRF vulnerabilities.

Removed Description HTML Escaping in PortletDisplay

What changed?

The portlet description stored in PortletDisplay.java is no longer escaped automatically.

Who is affected?

This affects anyone who relied on the portlet description’s value already being escaped and used it to generate HTML. In that case, a small UI change might be observed as some characters could become unescaped.

How should I update my code?

If you were using the portletDescription value to generate HTML, you should escape it using the proper escape sequence using HtmlUtil.escape.

Why was this change made?

This change corrects a best practice violation regarding content escaping.

Changed modelName Attribute to be Mandatory in liferay-ui:input-permissions Taglib

What changed?

Previously, the taglib liferay-ui:input-permissions could be used without providing the attribute modelName. Now the attribute modelName is mandatory.

Who is affected?

This affects any developer who used the taglib liferay-ui:input-permissions in their own portlets and was not setting the modelName attribute of the taglib.

How should I update my code?

You should invoke the taglib providing the model name to which you are assigning the permissions.

Why was this change made?

This change removes old logic that is no longer used in Liferay Portal.

Liferay AssetEntries_AssetCategories Is No Longer Used

What changed?

Previously, Liferay used a mapping table and a corresponding interface for the relationship between AssetEntry and AssetCategory in AssetEntryLocalService and AssetCategoryLocalService. This mapping table and the corresponding interface have been replaced by the table AssetEntryAssetCategoryRel and the service AssetEntryAssetCategoryRelLocalService.

Who is affected?

This affects any content or code that relies on calling the old interfaces for the AssetEntries_AssetCategories relationship, through the AssetEntryLocalService and AssetCategoryLocalService.

How should I update my code?

Use the new methods in AssetEntryAssetCategoryRelLocalService to retrieve the same data as before. The method signatures haven’t changed; they have just been relocated to a different service.


Old way:

List<AssetEntry> entries =

for (AssetEntry entry: entries) {

New way:

long[] assetEntryPKs =

for (long assetEntryPK: assetEntryPKs) {
  AssetEntry = _assetEntryLocalService.getEntry(assetEntryPK);


private AssetEntryAssetCategoryRelLocalService _assetEntryAssetCategoryRelLocalService;

private AssetEntryLocalService _assetEntryLocalService;

Why was this change made?

This change was made due to changes resulting from LPS-76488, which let developers control the order of a list of assets for a given category.

Removed Cache Bootstrap Feature

What changed?

The cache bootstrap feature has been removed. These properties can no longer be used to enable/configure cache bootstrap:

  • ehcache.bootstrap.cache.loader.enabled
  • ehcache.bootstrap.cache.loader.properties.default
  • ehcache.bootstrap.cache.loader.properties.${specific.cache.name}

Who is affected?

This affects anyone using the properties listed above.

How should I update my code?

There’s no direct replacement for the removed feature. If you have code that depends on it, you must implement it yourself.

Why was this change made?

This change was made to avoid security issues.

Web Content Description Field Is Controlled by AlloyEditor

What changed?

Previously, the Web Content description field was a plain text field. This field is now managed by AlloyEditor, so any HTML characters entered into the field are escaped and rendered as plain text instead of HTML.

Who is affected?

This affects explicit HTML tags in Web Content descriptions that a developer expects to be rendered as regular HTML tags by the browser.

How should I update my code?

If you want these values rendered as HTML, you must unescape them using the proper unescape sequence: HtmlUtil.unescape.

For example, the FreeMarker expression ${.vars['reserved-article-description'].data} should be unescaped like ${htmlUtil.unescape(.vars['reserved-article-description'].data)}

Why was this change made?

This change was made to take advantage of the AlloyEditor’s styling and formatting tools in Web Content description fields.

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