We’ve seen how good a fit Liferay Portal is for the enterprise. It can be scaled linearly to grow to whatever size you need to serve your users. Liferay Connected Services lets you manage and monitor your Liferay instances from a single interface. Clustering is also a snap, and Liferay harmonizes very well with whatever environment you may have.
Liferay Portal is also built for performance. You can take advantage of read-writer database configurations, as well as database sharding. You can tune it to support over 3300 concurrent users on a single server with mean login times under half a second and maximum throughput of more than 79 logins per second. We’ve seen some tips for tuning Liferay Portal, and we have to keep in mind the adage about tuning: load test and profile, tune, repeat.
Configuring a Content Delivery Network is also advantageous when you want to increase your portal’s performance. By accessing static resources from a local server, latency time and your application server’s load are drastically reduced.
In all, Liferay Portal gives you all the options you need to build a high-performance, robust environment that supports your enterprise.