Liferay Screens for Android contains several Screenlets that you can use in your Android apps. This section contains the reference documentation for each. If you’re looking for instructions on using Screens, see the Screens tutorials. The Screens tutorials contain instructions on using Screenlets and using views in Screenlets. Each Screenlet reference document here lists the Screenlet’s features, compatibility, its module (if any), available Views, attributes, listener methods, and more. The available Screenlets are listed here with links to their reference documents:
Login Screenlet: Signs users in to a Liferay instance.
Sign Up Screenlet: Registers new users in a Liferay instance.
Forgot Password Screenlet: Sends emails containing a new password or password reset link to users.
User Portrait Screenlet: Show the user’s portrait picture.
DDL Form Screenlet: Presents dynamic forms to be filled out by users and submitted back to the server.
DDL List Screenlet: Shows a list of records based on a pre-existing DDL in a Liferay instance.
Asset List Screenlet: Shows a list of assets managed by Liferay’s Asset Framework. This includes web content, blog entries, documents, users, and more.
Web Content Display Screenlet: Shows the web content’s HTML or structured content. This Screenlet uses the features available in Web Content Management.
Web Content List Screenlet: Shows a list of web contents from a folder, usually based on a pre-existing
. -
Image Gallery Screenlet: Shows a list of images from a folder. This Screenlet also lets users upload and delete images.
Rating Screenlet: Shows the rating for an asset. This Screenlet also lets the user update or delete the rating.
Comment List Screenlet: Shows a list of comments for an asset.
Comment Display Screenlet: Shows a single comment for an asset.
Comment Add Screenlet: Lets the user comment on an asset.
Asset Display Screenlet: Displays an asset. Currently, this Screenlet can display Documents and Media Library files (
entities), blogs articles (BlogsEntry
entities), and web content articles (WebContent
entities). You can also use it to display custom assets. -
Blogs Entry Display Screenlet: Shows a single blog entry.
Image Display Screenlet: Shows a single image file from a Liferay instance’s Documents and Media Library.
Video Display Screenlet: Shows a single video file from a Liferay instance’s Documents and Media Library.
Audio Display Screenlet: Shows a single audio file from a Liferay instance’s Documents and Media Library.
PDF Display Screenlet: Shows a single PDF file from a Liferay instance’s Documents and Media Library.
Web Screenlet: Displays any web page. You can also customize the web page through injection of local and remote JavaScript and CSS files.