Liferay’s WCM lets you define when your content goes live. You can determine when the content is displayed, expired and/or reviewed. This is an excellent way to keep your site current and free from outdated (and perhaps incorrect) information. The scheduler is built right into the form your users access to add web content. Specifically, it can be found in the right panel listed with several other configurable settings.
Figure 3.19: The web content scheduler can be easily accessed from the right panel of the page.
Display Date: Sets (within a minute) when content will be displayed.
Expiration Date: Sets a date to expire the content. The default is one year.
Never Auto Expire: Sets your content to never expire.
Review Date: Sets a content review date.
Never Review: Sets the content to never be reviewed.
As you can see, the scheduling feature in Liferay Portal gives you great control in managing when, and for how long, your web content is displayed on your web site. Additionally, you have the ability to determine when your content should be reviewed for accuracy and/or relevance. This makes it possible to manage your growing inventory of content.
Similar to scheduling, Liferay’s staging feature also allows you to manipulate time, in a manner of speaking.