Installation and Uninstallation

The easiest way to install the Audience Targeting app is via Liferay Marketplace. Make sure to install the correct version of the app. Choose CE if you’re running Liferay CE and EE if you’re running Liferay EE.

If you’re running Liferay on JBoss, make sure to have your jboss-deployment-structure.xml file configured correctly. See the Installing Liferay on JBoss instructions for details.

If you’re running Liferay on WebLogic, note that the Audience Targeting app requires Liferay 6.2 EE SP10 and above to work properly.

If you’re running Liferay on WebSphere, note that the Audience Targeting app requires Liferay 6.2 EE SP11 and above to work properly. Also, when running Liferay on WebSphere, you must have the servlet filters configured to initialize on application startup. See the Installing Liferay on WebSphere 8.5 section for details.

If you can’t uninstall the Audience Targeting app via Marketplace or you want to manually uninstall it, follow these steps:

  1. Delete your [Liferay Home]/data/osgi folder.

  2. Delete your app server’s work and temp directories. For example, if you’re running Liferay on Tomcat, delete your [Liferay Home]/tomcat-[version]/work and [Liferay Home]/tomcat-[version]/temp folders.

  3. Delete the analytics-hook, portal-6-2-x-compat-hook, and simulator-hook files located in the [Liferay Home]/tomcat-[version]/webapps/ folder.

  4. Restart your app server.

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