Introduction to Using Workflow

Liferay Portal includes a workflow engine called Kaleo. In Greek, Kaleo means “called ones,” which is appropriate for a workflow engine that calls users to participate in a process designed for them. Kaleo workflow allows a user to define any number of simple to complex business processes/workflows, deploy them, and manage them through a portal interface. The processes have knowledge of users, groups and roles. You don’t have to write a single line of code to accomplish this: all you have to do is create one XML document. And if you’re a Liferay EE customer, you get a graphical workflow designer which gives you a point and click interface to create workflows.

To explain how to use Kaleo Workflow, this chapter covers:

  • Enabling workflow

  • Creating workflow definitions

  • Configuring assets to use workflow process definitions

  • Using workflow with other applications

Once we’re done with this chapter, you should be familiar with how to use Liferay’s Kaleo workflow to set up approval process for any kind of content before it is published to your portal.

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