Creating an Ext plugin

You can create Ext plugins in Liferay Developer Studio or in your terminal environment. The Ext plugin is stored in the ext directory of the Plugins SDK (see Chapter 2, The Plugins SDK).

Using Developer Studio

  1. Go to FileNewLiferay Plugin Project.

  2. Fill in example for project name and Example for the display name.

  3. Leave the Use default location checkbox checked. By default, the default location is set to your current workspace. If you’d like to change where your plugin project is saved in your file system, uncheck the box and specify your alternate location.

  4. Select the Ant (liferay-plugins-sdk) option for your build type. If you’d like to use Maven for your build type, navigate to the Using Liferay IDE with Maven section for details.

  5. Your configured SDK and Liferay Runtime should already be selected. If you haven’t yet pointed Liferay IDE to a Plugins SDK, click Configure SDKs to open the Installed Plugin SDKs management wizard. You can also access the New Server Runtime Environment wizard if you need to set up your runtime server; just click the New Liferay Runtime button next to the Liferay Portal Runtime dropdown menu.

  6. Select Ext for your Plugin type.

  7. Click Finish.

Figure 8.1: You can even create an Ext plugin project with Liferay IDE.

Figure 8.1: You can even create an Ext plugin project with Liferay IDE.

The Plugins SDK automatically appended -ext to the project name when naming the parent folder of your Ext plugin. In Developer Studio, you can either create a completely new plugin or add a new plugin to an existing plugin project.

Using the terminal

Navigate to the ext directory in the Liferay Plugins SDK and enter the appropriate command for your operating system to create a new Ext plugin:

  1. In Linux and Mac OS, enter

    ./ example "Example"
  2. In Windows, enter

    create.bat example "Example"

A BUILD SUCCESSFUL message from Ant tells you there’s a new folder named example-ext inside the ext folder in your Plugins SDK. The Plugins SDK automatically named the EXT by appending -ext to the project name.

Anatomy of the Ext Plugin

The structure of your new example-ext folder looks like this:

  • example-ext/
    • docroot/
      • WEB-INF/
        • ext-impl/
          • src/
        • ext-lib/
          • global/
          • portal/
        • ext-service/
          • src/
        • ext-util-bridges/
          • src/
        • ext-util-java/
          • src/
        • ext-util-taglib/
          • src/
        • ext-web/
          • docroot/

Figure 8.2: Heres the directory structure in the Ext plugins Package Explorer

Figure 8.2: Here's the directory structure in the Ext plugin's Package Explorer

Let’s look at a few of the /docroot/WEB-INF/ subdirectories in more detail:

ext-impl/src: Contains the configuration file, custom implementation classes, and in advanced scenarios, classes that override core classes within portal-impl.jar.

ext-lib/global: Contains libraries that should be copied to the application server’s global classloader upon deployment of the Ext plugin.

ext-lib/portal: Contains libraries to be copied inside Liferay’s main application. These libraries are usually necessary because they are invoked from the classes added in ext-impl/src.

ext-service/src: Contains classes that should be available to other plugins. In advanced scenarios, this directory contains classes that overwrite the classes of portal-service.jar. Service Builder puts the interfaces of each service here.

ext-web/docroot: Contains the web application’s configuration files, including WEB-INF/struts-config-ext.xml, which allows you to customize Liferay’s core struts classes. However, hooks are recommended for customizing a struts action. Any JSPs that you’re customizing also belong here.

ext-util-bridges, ext-util-java and ext-util-taglib: These folders are needed only in scenarios where you need to customize the classes of three libraries provided with Liferay: util-bridges.jar, util-java.jar and util-taglib.jar, respectively. Otherwise you can ignore these directories.

By default, several files are added to the plugin. Here are the most significant:

  • build.xml: The Ant build file for the Ext plugin project.

  • docroot/WEB-INF/ Contains properties of the plugin, including display name, version, author, and license type.

  • docroot/WEB-INF/ext-impl/src/ Overrides Liferay’s configuration properties–use a hook plugin to override properties whenever it’s possible. An example where an Ext plugin is necessary to override a property is when specifying a custom class as a portal property value. You can use a file with each of your Ext plugins, but don’t override the same property from multiple files–the loading order isn’t assured, and you can cause unintended system behavior as a result.

  • docroot/WEB-INF/ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF files:

    • portlet-ext.xml: Used to overwrite the definition of a Liferay portlet. To do this, copy the complete definition of the desired portlet from portlet-custom.xml in Liferay’s source code, then apply the necessary changes.
    • liferay-portlet-ext.xml: This file is similar to portlet-ext.xml, but is for additional definition elements specific to Liferay. To override these definition elements, copy the complete definition of the desired portlet from liferay-portlet.xml within Liferay’s source code, then apply the necessary changes.
    • struts-config-ext.xml and tiles-defs-ext.xml: These files are used to customize the struts actions used by Liferay’s core portlets.

You’ve now created an Ext plugin and are familiar with its directory structure and its most significant files. Let’s use your Ext plugin to customize Liferay Portal.

« Introduction to Ext pluginsDeveloping an Ext Plugin »