JSON Web Services let you access portal service methods by exposing them as a JSON HTTP API. Service methods are made easily accessible using HTTP requests, both from JavaScript within the portal and from any JSON-speaking client.
We’ll cover the following topics as we explore JSON Web Service functionality:
- Registration
- Configuration
- Invocation
- Results
Let’s talk about registering JSON Web Services next.
Registering JSON Web Services
Liferay’s developers use a tool called Service Builder to build services. When
you build services with Service Builder, all remote-enabled services (i.e.,
entities with the property remote-service="true"
) are exposed as
JSON Web Services. When each -Service.java
interface is created for a
remote-enabled service, the @JSONWebService
annotation is added on the class
level of that interface. All of the public methods of that interface become
registered and available as JSON Web Services.
The -Service.java
interface source file should never be modified by the user.
If you need, however, more control over its methods (e.g., hiding some methods
and exposing others), you can configure the -ServiceImpl
class. When the
service implementation class (-ServiceImpl
) is annotated with the
annotation, the service interface is ignored and the service
implementation class is used for configuration in its place. In other words,
annotations in the service implementation override any JSON
Web Service configuration in service interface.
That’s it! When you start Liferay Portal, it scans classes on the classpath
for annotations. The scanning process is optimized so only portal and service
JARs are scanned, along with class raw bytecode content. Each class that uses
the @JSONWebService
annotation is loaded and further examined, and its
methods become exposed as JSON API. As explained previously, the -ServiceImpl
configuration overrides the -Service
interface configuration during
As an example, let’s register the DLAppService
public interface DLAppService {
The @JSONWebService
annotation is found on portal startup. You’ll see the
following lines in the console output when the debug log level is set:
10:55:06,595 DEBUG [JSONWebServiceConfigurator:121] Configure JSON web service actions
10:55:06,938 DEBUG [JSONWebServiceConfigurator:136] Configuring 820 actions in ... ms
Scanning and registration is complete and all service methods (those of
and of other services) are registered as JSON Web Services.
Registering Plugin JSON Web Services
Custom portlets can be registered and scanned for JSON web services, too.
Services that use the @JSONWebService
annotation become part of the JSON API.
Scanning of portlet services isn’t enabled by default; the following servlet
definition must be added in your portlet’s web.xml
<filter-name>Secure JSON Web Service Servlet Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Secure JSON Web Service Servlet Filter</filter-name>
<servlet-name>JSON Web Service Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>JSON Web Service Servlet</servlet-name>
Now the servlet can scan and register your portlet’s JSON Web Services.
Let’s see how to form a mapped URL of the service next.
Mapping and naming conventions
You can form a mapped URL of an exposed service using the following naming convention:
Let’s look at the last two bracketed items more closely:
is generated from the service’s class name by removing theService
suffix and making it lower case.service-method-name
is generated from the service’s method name by converting its camel case to lower case and using dashes (-
) to separate words.
Let’s demonstrate by mapping a service method’s URL using the above naming conventions:
First, here’s the service method we want to map:
@JSONWebService public interface UserService { public com.liferay.portal.model.User getUserById(long userId) {...}
Here’s what the service method’s URL looks like:
Each service method is bound to one HTTP method type. Any method name starting
with get
, is
or has
are assumed to be read-only methods and are mapped as
GET HTTP methods by default. All other methods are mapped as POST HTTP
There are two ways to access a plugin’s JSON Web Services. We’ll call them, ingeniously, Option 1 and Option 2.
Option 1: Access the plugin service via the plugin context (e.g. your custom portlet’s context):
This calls the plugin’s service in a separate web application that is not aware of the user’s current session in the portal. As a result, accessing the service in this manner requires additional authentication. You might use this for batch services or other requests that don’t require context.
Option 2: Accessing the plugin service via the portal context:
Conveniently, requests sent this way can leverage the user’s authentication in his current portal session. Liferay’s JavaScript API for services calls plugin services using this method.
NExt we’ll learn to available JSON Web Services.
Listing available JSON Web Services
To see which service methods are registered and available for use, open your browser to the following address:
The page lists the portal’s registered and exposed service methods. Get each method’s details by clicking the method name. You’ll see the full signature of the method, all its arguments, list exceptions that can be thrown, and read its Javadoc! Using a simple form from within your browser, you can even invoke the service method for testing purposes.
To list registered services on a plugin (e.g. a custom portlet), don’t forget to use its context path in your URL:
This lists the JSON Web Service API for the portlet.
If you’ve been paying attention, you already know how to control registration by
using the @JSONWebService
annotation in your -ServiceImpl
class. This
overrides any configuration defined in the interface. What you might not know is
that you can control the visibility of methods using annotations at the method
Let’s find out how to ignore a specific method.
Ignoring a method
To keep a method from being exposed as a service, annotate the method with the following option:
@JSONWebService(mode = JSONWebServiceMode.IGNORE)
Methods with this annotation don’t become part of the JSON Web Service API.
Let’s learn to define custom HTTP method names and URL names.
HTTP method name and URL
At the method level, you can define custom HTTP method names and URL names. Just use an annotation like this one:
@JSONWebService(value = "add-file-wow", method = "PUT")
public FileEntry addFileEntry(
In this example, the DLApp
service method addFileEntry
is mapped to URL
method name add-file-wow
. The complete URL is actually
and can be accessed using
the PUT HTTP method.
If the URL name starts with a slash character (/
), only the method name is
used to form the service URL; the class name is ignored.
public FileEntry addFileEntry(
Similarly, you can change the class name part of the URL, by setting the value in class-level annotation:
public class DLAppServiceImpl extends DLAppServiceBaseImpl {
This maps all the service methods of the class to URL class name dla
of the dlapp
Next we’ll show you a different approach to exposing your methods as we discuss manual registration.
Manual registration mode
Up to now, it is assumed that you want to expose most of your service methods, while hiding some specific methods (the blacklist approach). Sometimes,however, you want the opposite: to explicitly specify only those methods that are to be exposed (the whitelist approach). This is possible, too, by specifying manual mode on the class-level annotation. Then it is up to you annotate only those methods that you want exposed.
@JSONWebService(mode = JSONWebServiceMode.MANUAL)
public class DLAppServiceImpl extends DLAppServiceBaseImpl {
public FileEntry addFileEntry(
Now only the addFileEntry
method and any other method annotated with
will be part of the JSON Web Service API; all other methods
of this service will be excluded from the API.
Next let’s look at portal configuration options that apply to JSON Web Services.
Portal Configuration of JSON Web Services
JSON Web Services are enabled on Liferay Portal by default. If you need to disable them, specify this portal property setting:
Now let’s look at strict HTTP methods.
Strict HTTP methods
All JSON Web Services are mapped to either GET or POST HTTP methods. If a
service method name starts with get
, is
or has
, the service is assumed to
be read-only and is bound to the GET method; otherwise it’s bound to POST.
By default, Liferay Portal doesn’t check HTTP methods when invoking a service call; it works in non-strict http method mode, where services may be invoked using any HTTP method. If you need the strict mode, you can set it with this portal property:
When using strict mode, you must use the correct HTTP methods in calling service methods.
When strict HTTP mode is enabled, you still might have need to disable HTTP methods. We’ll show you how next.
Disabling HTTP methods
When strict HTTP method mode is enabled, you can filter web service access based on HTTP methods used by the services. For example, you can set the portal JSON Web Services to work in read-only mode by disabling HTTP methods other than GET. For example:
Now all requests that use HTTP methods from the list above are ignored.
Next we’ll show you how to restrict public access to exposed JSON APIs.
Controlling public access
Each service method knows if it can be executed by unauthenticated users and if a user has adequate permission for the chosen action. Most of the portal’s read-only methods are open to public access.
If you’re concerned about security, you can further restrict public access to exposed JSON APIs by explicitly stating which methods are public (i.e., accessible to unauthenticated users). Use the following property to specify your public methods:
The property supports wildcards, so if you specify get*,has*,is*
on the right
hand side of the =
symbol, all read-only JSON methods will be publicly
accessible. All other JSON methods will be secured. To disable access to all
exposed methods, you can leave the right side of the =
symbol empty; to enable
access to all exposed methods, specify *
Next find out how to invoke JSON Web Services.
Invoking JSON Web Services
How you invoke a JSON web service depends on how you pass in its parameters. We’ll discuss how to pass in parameters below, but first let’s make sure you understand how your invocation is matched to a method, especially when a service method is overloaded.
The general rule is that you provide the method name and all parameters for
that service method–even if you only provide null
It’s important to provide all parameters, but it doesn’t matter how you do it (e.g., as part of the URL line, as request parameters, etc.). The order of the parameters doesn’t matter either.
Exceptions abound in life, and there’s an exception to the rule that all parameters are required–when using numeric hints to match methods. Let’s look at using hints next.
Using hints
Adding numeric hints lets you specify how many method arguments a service has.
If you don’t specify an argument for a parameter, it’s automatically
passed in as null
. Syntactically, you can add hints as numbers separated by a
dot in the method name. Here’s an example:
Here, the .2
is a numeric hint specifying that only service methods with two
arguments will be matched; others will be ignored for matching.
There’s an important distinction to make between matching using hints and
matching without hints. When a hint is specified, you don’t have to specify all
of the parameters. Any missing arguments are treated as null
. The previous
example may be called like this:
In this example, param2
will automatically be set to null
Find out how to pass parameters as part of the URL path next.
Passing parameters as part of URL path
You can pass parameters as part of the URL path. After the service URL, just specify method parameters in name-value pairs. Parameter names must be formed from method argument names by converting them from camelCase to names using all lower case and separated-by-dash. Here’s an example:
You can pass parameters in any order; it’s not necessary to follow the order in which the arguments specified in the method signatures.
When a method name is overloaded, the best match will be used. It chooses the method that contains the least number of undefined arguments and invokes it for you.
You can also pass parameters in a URL query, and we’ll show you how next.
Passing parameters as URL query
You can pass in parameters as request parameters. Parameter names are specified as is (e.g. camelCase) and are set equal to their argument values, like this:
As with passing parameters as part of a URL path, the parameter order is not important, and the best match rule applies for overloaded methods.
Now that you know a few different ways to pass parameters, next let’s mix them all up.
Parameters can be passed in a mixed way; some can be part of the URL path and some can be specified as request parameters.
Parameter values are sent as strings using the HTTP protocol. Before a matching
Java service method is invoked, each parameter value is converted from a String
to its target Java type. Liferay uses a third party open source library to
convert each object to its appropriate common type. It’s possible to add or
change the conversion for certain types; but we’ll just cover the standard
conversions process.
Conversion for common types (e.g., long
, String
, boolean
) is
straightforward. Dates can be given in milliseconds; locales can be passed as
locale names (e.g. en
and en_US
). To pass in an array of numbers, send a
of comma-separated numbers (e.g. String
can be
converted to long[]
type). You get the picture!
In addition to the common types, arguments can be of type List
or Map
. To
pass a List
argument, send a JSON array. To pass a Map
argument, send a JSON
object. The conversion of these is done in two steps, ingeniously referred to
below as Step 1 and Step 2:
- Step 1–JSON deserialization: JSON arrays are converted into
and JSON objects are converted toMap<String, String>
. For security reasons, it is forbidden to instantiate any type within JSON deserialization. - Step 2–Generification: Each
element of theList
is converted to its target type (the argument’s generic Java type specified in the method signature). This step is only executed if the Java argument type uses generics.
As an example, let’s consider the conversion of String
array [en,fr]
web service parameters for a List<Locale>
Java method argument type:
- Step 1–JSON deserialization: The JSON array is deserialized to a
. - Step 2–Generification: Each
is converted to theLocale
(the generic type), resulting in theList<Locale>
Java argument type.
Now let’s see how to specify an argument as null
Sending NULL values
To pass a null
value for an argument, prefix the parameter name with a dash.
Here’s an example:
The last-access-date
parameter is interpreted as null
. Although we have it
last in the URL above, it’s not necessary.
Null parameters don’t have specified values. When a null parameter is passed as
a request parameter, its value is ignored and null
is used instead:
<input type="hidden" name="-last-access-date" value=""/>
When using JSON RPC (see below), you can send null values explicitly, even without a prefix. Here’s an example:
Now let’s learn about encoding parameters.
Encoding Parameters
There’s a difference between URL encoding and query (i.e. request parameters)
encoding. The difference lies in how the space character is encoded. When the
space character is part of the URL path, it’s encoded as %20
; when it’s part
of the query it’s encoded as a plus sign (+
All these encoding rules apply as well to international (non-ascii) characters.
Since Liferay Portal works in UTF-8 mode, parameter values must be encoded as
UTF-8 values. Liferay Portal doesn’t decode request URLs and request parameter
values to UTF-8 itself; it relies on the web server layer. When accessing
services through JSON-RPC, encoding parameters to UTF-8 isn’t enough–you need
to send the encoding type in a Content-Type header (e.g. Content-Type : "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
For example, let’s pass the value “Супер” (“Super”
in Cyrillic) to some JSON Web Service method. This name first has to be
converted to UTF-8 (resulting in array of 10 bytes) and then encoded for URLs or
request parameters. The resulting value is the string
that can be passed to our service method. When
received, this value is first going to be translated to an array of 10 bytes
(URL decoded) and then converted to a UTF-8 string of the 5 original characters.
Did you know you can send files as arguments? Find out how next.
Sending files as arguments
Files can be uploaded using multipart forms and requests. Here’s an example:
<form action="http://localhost:8080/api/secure/jsonws/dlapp/add-file-entry" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="repositoryId" value="10172"/>
<input type="hidden" name="folderId" value="0"/>
<input type="hidden" name="title" value="test.jpg"/>
<input type="hidden" name="description" value="File upload example"/>
<input type="hidden" name="changeLog" value="v1"/>
<input type="file" name="file"/>
<input type="submit" value="addFileEntry(file)"/>
This is common upload form that invokes the addFileEntry
method of the
Now we’ll show you how to invoke JSON Web Services using JSON RPC.
You can invoke JSON Web Service using JSON RPC. Most of the JSON RPC 2.0 specification is supported in Liferay JSON Web Services. One important limitation is that parameters must be passed in as named parameters. Positional parameters are not supported, as there are too many overloaded methods for convenient use of positional parameters.
Here’s an example of invoking a JSON web service using JSON RPC:
POST http://localhost:8080/api/secure/jsonws/dlapp
"params":{"repositoryId":10172, "parentFolderId":0},
Let’s talk about parameters that are made available to secure JSON web services by default.
Default parameters
When accessing secure JSON web services (i.e., the user has to be authenticated), some parameters are made available to the web services by default. Unless you want to change their values to something other than their defaults, you don’t have to specify them explicitly.
Here are the default parameters:
: The id of authenticated useruser
: The full User objectcompanyId
: The users companyserviceContext
: The empty service context object
Let’s find out about object parameters next.
Object parameters
Most services accept simple parameters like numbers and strings. However, sometimes you might need to provide an object (a non-simple type) as a service parameter.
To create an instance of an object parameter, prefix the parameter with a plus
sign, +
and don’t assign it any other parameter value. This is similar to
when we specified a null parameter by prefixing the parameter with a dash
symbol, -
Here’s an example:
To create an instance of an object parameter as a request parameter, make sure
you encode the +
Here’s an alternative syntax:
<input type="hidden" name="+foo" value=""/>
If a parameter is an abstract class or an interface, it can’t be instantiated as
such. Instead, a concrete implementation class must be specified to create the
argument value. You can do this by specifying the +
prefix before the
parameter name followed by specifying the concrete implementation class. Check
out this example:
Here’s another way of doing it:
<input type="hidden" name="+foo:com.liferay.impl.FooBean" value=""/>
The examples above specify that a com.liferay.impl.FooBean
object, presumed to
implement the class of the parameter named foo
, is to be created.
You can also set a concrete implementation as a value. Here’s an example:
<input type="hidden" name="+foo" value="com.liferay.impl.FooBean"/>
In JSON RPC, here’s what it looks like:
"+foo" : "com.liferay.impl.FooBean"
All the examples above specify a concrete implementation for the foo
method parameter.
Once you pass in an object parameter, you might want to populate the object. Find out how next.
Inner Parameters
When you pass in an object parameter, you’ll often need to populate its inner
parameters (i.e., fields). Consider a default parameter serviceContext
of type
(see the Service Context section in this chapter to find out
more about this type). To make an appropriate call to JSONWS, you might need to
set the serviceContext
parameter’s fields addGroupPermissions
You can pass inner parameters by specifying them using dot notation. Just
apppend the name of the parameter with a dot (i.e., a period, .
), followed by
the name of the inner parameter. For the ServiceContext
inner parameters we
mentioned above, you’d specify serviceContext.addGroupPermissions
. They’re recognized as inner parameters and their
values are injected into existing parameters before the API service method is
Inner parameters aren’t counted as regular parameters for matching methods and are ignored during matching.
Next let’s see what values are returned when a JSON web service is invoked.
Returned values
No matter how a JSON web service is invoked, it returns a JSON string that represents the service method result. Returned objects are loosely serialized to a JSON string and returned to the caller.
Let’s look at some values returned from service calls. We’ll create a
as we did in our SOAP web service client examples. To make it easy,
we’ll use the test form provided with the JSON web service in our browser.
Open your browser to the JSON web service method that adds a
Alternatively, navigate to it by starting at
then scrolling down to the section for UserGroup; click add-user-group. -
In the name field enter UserGroup3 and set the description to an arbitrary value like Created using JSON WS.
Click Invoke and you’ll get a result similar to the following:
{"addedByLDAPImport":false,"companyId":10154,"description":"Created using JSON WS","name":"MyUserGroup33","parentUserGroupId":0,"userGroupId":13162}
The returned String
represents the UserGroup
object you just created,
serialized into a JSON string. To find out more about JSON strings, go to
To learn about serializing Java objects, maps and lists, check out the article JSON Serialization by Igor Spasić.
Let’s check out some common JSON WebService errors.
Common JSON WebService errors
While working with JSON Web Services, you may encounter errors. Let’s look at the most common errors in the following subsections.
Missing value for parameter
If you see this error, you didn’t pass a parameter value along with the parameter name in your URL path. The parameter value must follow the parameter name, like in this example:
The path above specifies a parameter named
, but doesn’t specify the parameter’s value. You can resolve this error by providing the parameter value after the parameter name:/api/jsonws/user/get-user-by-id/userId/173
No JSON web service action associated
This is error means no service method could be matched with the provided data (method name and argument names). This can be due to various reasons: arguments may be misspelled, the method name may be formatted incorrectly, etc. Since JSON web services reflect the underlying Java API, any changes in the respective Java API will automatically be propagated to the JSON web services. For example, if a new argument is added to a method or an existing argument is removed from a method, the parameter data must match that of the new method signature.
Unmatched argument type
This error appears when you try to instantiate a method argument using an incompatible argument type.
Judgment Day
We hope you never see this error. It means that Skynet has initiated a nuclear war and most of humanity will be wiped out; survivors will need to battle Terminator cyborgs. If you see this error and survive Judgment Day, we recommend joining the resistance–they’ll likely need good developers to support the cause, especially those familiar with time travel.
Had you going there, didn’t we?
Next we’ll show you how to optimize your use of JSON Web Services by using the JSON Web Services Invoker.
JSON Web Services Invoker
Using JSON Web Services is easy: you send a request that defines a service method and parameters, and you receive the result as JSON object. Below we’ll show you why that’s not optimal, and introduce a tool that lets you use JSON Web Services more efficiently and pragmatically.
Consider this example: You’re working with two related objects: a User
and its
corresponding Contact
. With simple JSON Web Service calls, you first call some
user service to get the user object and then you call the contact service using
the contact ID from the user object. You end up sending two HTTP requests to get
two JSON objects that aren’t even bound together; there’s no contact information
in the user object (i.e. no user.contact
). This approach is suboptimal for
performance (sending two HTTP calls) and usability (manually managing the
relationship between two objects). It’d be nicer if you had a tool to address
these inefficiencies. Fortunately, the JSON Web Service Invoker does just
Liferay’s JSON Web Service Invoker helps you optimize your use of JSON Web Services. In the following sections, we’ll show you how.
A simple Invoker call
The Invoker is accessible from the following fixed address:
It only accepts a cmd
request parameter–this is the Invoker’s command. If the
command request parameter is missing, the request body is used as the command.
So you can specify the command by either using the request parameter cmd
the request body.
The Invoker command is a plain JSON map describing how JSON Web Services are called and how the results are managed. Here’s an example of how to call a simple service using the Invoker:
"/user/get-user-by-id": {
"userId": 123,
"param1": null
The service call is defined as a JSON map. The key specifies the service URL
(i.e. the service method to be invoked) and the key’s value specifies a map of
service parameter names (i.e. userId
and param1
) and their values. In the
example above, the retrieved user is returned as a JSON object. Since the
command is a JSON string, null values can be specified either by explicitly
using the null
keyword or by placing a dash before the parameter name and
leaving the value empty (e.g. "-param1": ''
The example Invoker call functions exactly the same as the following standard JSON Web Service call:
You can use variables to reference objects returned from service calls. Variable
names must start with a dollar sign, $
. In our previous example, the service
call returned a user object you can assign to a variable:
"$user = /user/get-user-by-id": {
"userId": 123,
The $user
variable holds the returned user object. You can reference the
user’s contact ID using the syntax $user.contactId
NExt see how you can use nested service calls to join information from two related objects.
Nesting service calls
With nested service calls, you can magically bind information from related objects together in a JSON object. You can call other services within the same HTTP request and nest returned objects in a convenient way. Here’s the magic of a nested service call in action:
"$user = /user/get-user-by-id": {
"userId": 123,
"$contact = /contact/get-contact-by-id": {
"@contactId" : "$user.contactId"
This command defines two service calls: the contact object returned from the
second service call is nested in (i.e. injected into) the user object, as a
property named contact
. Now we can bind the user and his or her contact
information together!
Let’s see what the Invoker did in the background when we used a single HTTP request to make the above nested service call:
- First, the Invoker called the Java service mapped to
, passing in a value for theuserId
parameter. - Next, the resulting user object was assigned to the variable
. - The nested service calls were invoked.
- The Invoker called the Java service mapped to
by using thecontactId
parameter, with the$user.contactId
value from the object$user
. - The resulting contact object was assigned to the variable
. - Lastly, the Invoker injected the contact object referenced by
into the user object’s property namedcontact
Next let’s talk about filtering object properties so only those you need are returned when you invoke a service.
Filtering results
Many of Liferay Portal’s model objects are rich with properties. If you only need a handful of an object’s properties for your business logic, making a web service invocation that returns all of an object’s properties is a waste of network bandwidth. With the JSON Web Service Invoker, you can define a white-list of properties: only the specific properties you request in the object will be returned from your web service call. Here’s how you white-list the properties you need:
"$user[firstName,emailAddress] = /user/get-user-by-id": {
"userId": 123,
"$contact = /contact/get-contact-by-id": {
"@contactId" : "$user.contactId"
In this example, the returned user object has only the firstName
properties (it still has the contact
property, too). To specify
white-list properties, you simply place the properties in square brackets (e.g.,
) immediately following the name of your variable.
Let’s talk about batching calls next.
Batching calls
When we nested service calls earlier, the intent was to invoke multiple services with a single HTTP request. Using a single request for multiple service calls is helpful for gathering related information from the service call results, but it can also be advantageous to use a single request to invoke multiple unrelated service calls. The Invoker lets you batch service calls together to improve performance. It’s simple: just pass in a JSON array of commands using the following format:
{/* first command */},
{/* second command */}
The result is a JSON array populated with results from each command. The commands are collectively invoked in a single HTTP request, one after another.
By learning to leverage JSON Web Services in Liferay, you’ve added some powerful tools to your toolbox. Good job!
Next let’s consider the ServiceContext
class that’s used by many Liferay