Making changes to published apps

After your app is published and approved, you will undoubtedly need to make one or more of these kinds of changes during the life of the app:

  • Editing your app details (e.g. description, icon, etc)
  • Adding support for a new version of Liferay Portal
  • Releasing a new version of your app to fix bugs or offer new functionality
  • Disabling your apps

Liferay Marketplace supports all of the above operations as described below.

Editing your app details

App details include the name, description, icon, screenshots, and other information that you supplied on the first screen during the app creation process. To make changes to this content for your app, navigate to HomeApp ManagerApps, then click the Action button next to the app you wish to edit, and select Edit.

Figure 15.9: Editing an app is as simple as navigating to it and clicking Edit.

Figure 15.9: Editing an app is as simple as navigating to it and clicking *Edit*.

This screen shows you what the app looks like on the Marketplace. To edit the detail information, click the Edit button at the bottom of the preview. This allows you to edit details (as well as add new files to your existing version). Note that the current values as they appear in your app are used to pre-fill the form. Make any changes as needed on this screen, and click Next. If you do not need to edit any more variations, you can continue clicking Next until you reach the final preview screen. Click Submit for Review to submit your detail changes for review. Once approved, the changes you request appear on the Marketplace.

Adding support for new versions of Liferay Portal

If you need to add files in support of another Liferay release, the process is similar. Navigate to HomeApp ManagerApps, click on the Action button next to the app for which you wish to add new files, and click Edit. Click Next to advance past the details screen (making any changes as needed), and click Next to advance past the version edit screen (you can’t actually edit the version number of an already-approved version, but you can edit the “What’s New” information if needed).

Once you advance past the version edit screen, you’ll be at the File Upload screen. This screen should look familiar–it’s the same workflow used when you initially created your app! The difference is that you can’t edit pre-approved files for specific Liferay releases. You can only add new files for a different Liferay release (if you actually need to update existing files, you must create a new version of the app–see the later section on adding versions for details on how to do this).

Upload your new files (ensuring that your new plugins have updated compatibility information, see the section on Specify App Compatibility for details on versioning), click Next, and observe the newly-added files listed at the bottom of the preview screen. Click Submit for Review to submit your requested change (adding of files). The files will be reviewed by Liferay, and once approved, the new package is available for download in the Marketplace.

Releasing a new version of your app

After time passes, you may wish to add new functionality to your app or fix a batch of bugs. This can be accomplished by releasing a new version of your app. New versions offer your users new functionality and bugfixes, and users are generally encouraged to always use the latest version. In addition, when a new version of your app becomes available, existing users are notified automatically through Liferay’s notification system.

New versions of your apps are created similarly to the way the initial version was. To add a new version, navigate to HomeApp ManagerApps. Click the Action button next to the app for which you wish to add a new version, and then click Edit. You will be taken to the Details screen. At the bottom of the Details screen, click the Add New Version button. This button begins the process of adding a new version, starting with the App Details screen. In this case, the screen is pre-filled with data from the current version of the app, as shown below.

Figure 15.10: Adding a version is similar to creating a new app, except that the fields are filled in for you.

Figure 15.10: Adding a version is similar to creating a new app, except that the fields are filled in for you.

You can make any changes to the pre-filled data on this screen. Since this is a new version of an existing app making major changes (such as completely changing the name or description) might be unsettling to your existing users. It is common that you’ll want to upload new screenshots and refresh the icon. Note that you cannot change the app owner (such as moving from a personally-developed app to a company-developed app).

Clicking Next takes you through the same screens you’ve already seen. On the Add App Version screen, you can specify a new version name for this version of your app. Also, note that when adding new versions to an existing app, you have the option to add What’s New text. This is typically filled in with a list of changes for this version, such as significant new features or bugfix information. Clicking Next from here allows you to upload the files associated with the new version of the app. For a new version of the app, you must upload all files for all supported Liferay versions again, even if they have not changed since the last version.

Deactivating your app

When the time comes to retire your app, you can Deactivate it. Deactivating an app causes the app to no longer be downloadable from the Marketplace for new customers and it won’t appear in any public Marketplace listings. Existing customers that have already downloaded your app can continue downloading the legacy versions of the app they have already acquired, but they can’t download any versions they’ve not already received. The app remains in your inventory, with all of its history, in case you need to re-activate or reference it in the future.

To deactivate your app, navigate to HomeApp ManagerApps, click on the Actions button next to the app for which you want deactivate, and select the Deactivate action.

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