Creating Content
Step 6 of 7
For the final piece of the site that you’ll construct with Liferay’s Web Experience Management system, you need to create a more engaging front page graphic. To do this, you’ll use multiple images and an Application Display Template (ADT) to display them as a carousel.
ADTs are essentially the same as Web Content Template, but rather than have the variables and fields defined by a structure, they’re defined by the application that you’re applying the template to.
ADTs and Scope
Liferay comes bundled with several default ADTs which exist at the Global scope. Scope, in Liferay DXP simply means where content can be used or viewed. All of the content that you have created so far has been in the scope of The Lunar Resort site. If you were to create a second site on the same Liferay server, you would not be able to access content that you created for The Lunar Resort in the second site, but everything created in the Global scope is available for both.
To create your own ADT, switch to the Global scope and create it there alongside all of the system default ADTs.
Creating the ADT
Open the main menu.
Next the The Lunar Resort, click the compass icon to open the Select Site dialog.
From there, click My Sites and then select the Global site.
Everything you create in this context will be for the Global scope. Now to create the ADT.
Click on Configuration → Application Display Template.
Click the
button and select Documents and Media Template to add yours to the list. -
Name the template Frontpage Carousel.
In the code area, paste in the styles first:
<style> .slides { margin: auto; width: 100%; height: auto; border-radius: 5%; } h1 { position: absolute; color: white; top: 100px; width: 100%; text-align: center; font-size: 50px; } </style>
You have a style which manages the slides and a style that manages the heading text.
Then add the main HTML section:
<#if entries?has_content> <div id="<@portlet.namespace />carousel"> <#assign imageMimeTypes = propsUtil.getArray("dl.file.entry.preview.image.mime.types") /> <#list entries as entry> <#if imageMimeTypes?seq_contains(entry.getMimeType())> <img class="slides" src="${dlUtil.getPreviewURL(entry, entry.getFileVersion(), themeDisplay, "")}"> </#if> </#list> <div class="flex-container" style="height: 100%"> <h1>Make Memories at the Lunar Resort<h1> <div class="flex-item-center text-center" style="width: 100%" /> </div> </div>
This calls the script (which you’ll add momentarily) that sets the mime type for display (images), gets the list of
that will be displayed, and creates the container. It’s all wrapped in an#if
statement which will only display this block if there are entries to display. -
Next add the script:
<script> var slideIndex = 0; carousel(); function carousel() { var i; var x = document.getElementsByClassName("slides"); for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.display = "none"; } slideIndex++; if (slideIndex > x.length) {slideIndex = 1} x[slideIndex-1].style.display = "block"; setTimeout(carousel, 3000); // Change image every 3 seconds } </script> </#if>
This is a fairly straightforward Javascript carousel. You get the slides, and iterate through them to display them.
Once you Save the template, you’re all done creating the ADT. Now let’s go set it up.
Using the ADT
To use the ADT, you’ll add a Media Gallery to the page, point it at the appropriate folder, and set it to use the display template we created.
Go back to the Lunar Resort homepage.
Remove the Web Content Display from earlier by clicking on the portlet menu and selecting Remove, then OK when prompted.
Open the add menu, go to Applications and add a Content Management → Media Gallery to the page.
Open the portlet menu for the Media Gallery and select Configuration.
Scroll down to Folders Listing and click Select.
Click Choose to select the Frontpage Images folder.
For Display Template select Frontpage Carousel
Click Save.
Now go to Look and Feel Configuration and set the Application Decorator to Barebone
Good work! Your Welcome page is complete!