Creating Content with Adapted Images

Adaptive Media is mostly invisible for blog and web content creators. Once an image is added to the content, the app works behind the scenes to deliver an adapted image appropriate to the device in use. Content creators select an image when adding it to their content–they don’t have to (and can’t) select an adapted image. Adaptive Media identifies each adapted image in the content’s HTML with a data-fileentryid attribute that is replaced with the latest adapted image when the user views the content. This lets Adaptive Media deliver the latest adapted images to your content, even if the content existed prior to those images.

Including Adapted Images in Content

Since Adaptive Media delivers the adapted images behind the scenes, content creators should add images to blog entries and web content as usual: by clicking the image button in the editor and then selecting the image in the file selector.

However, there are some important caveats. When using the file selector to include an image for a blog entry, Adaptive Media works only with images added from the Blog Images, Documents and Media, and Upload tabs. Additionally, adapted images can only be applied to a blog entry’s content–cover images excluded. Adaptive Media works for images added to a blog entry via drag and drop, as the image is automatically uploaded to the Blog Images repository, adapted, and then included in the blog entry’s content. You can see this by inspecting the HTML and checking that the image contains the <img> tag and data-fileentryid attribute.

For web content articles, Adaptive Media works only with images added from the file selector’s Documents and Media tab. Unlike blogs, Adaptive Media doesn’t deliver adapted images for images added to web content articles via drag and drop.

For both blog entries and media content articles, Adaptive Media doesn’t work with images added from the file selector’s URL tab. This is because the image is linked directly from the URL and therefore provides no image file for Adaptive Media to copy.

Note that you can see the <img> tag and data-fileentryid attribute in the HTML of a blog entry or a web content article while you’re writing it. When the content is displayed, the HTML is automatically replaced and looks similar to this:


    <source media="(max-width:850px)" 

    <source media="(max-width:1200px) and (min-width:850px)" 

    <source media="(max-width:2000px) and (min-width:1200px)" 

    <img src="/documents/20140/0/photo.jpeg/1992-9143-85d2-f72ec1ff77a0">


This example uses three different images, each with a different resolution. A source tag defines each of these images. Also note the original image (img) is used as a fallback in case the adapted images aren’t available.

Using Adapted Images in Structured Web Content

To use adapted images in structured web content, content creators must manually include an image field in the web content’s structure. Then they can reference that image field in the matching template by selecting it on the left side of the editor. Here’s an example snippet of an image field named Imagecrrf included in a template:

<#if Imagecrrf.getData()?? && Imagecrrf.getData() !="">
  <img data-fileentryid="${Imagecrrf.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" 
  alt="${Imagecrrf.getAttribute("alt")}" src="${Imagecrrf.getData()}" />

This snippet includes the data-fileentryid attribute to ensure that Adaptive Media replaces the image with an adapted image. If you inspect the resulting web content’s HTML in the editor’s code view, you should see a tag like this:

<img data-fileentryid="37308" 
src="/documents/20143/0/photo.jpeg/85140258-1c9d-89b8-4e45-d79d5e262318?t=1518425" />

Note the <img> tag with a data-fileentryid attribute. Adaptive Media uses the file entry ID to replace the <img> element automatically with a <picture> element that contains the available adapted images for each resolution (see the <picture> example above).

Staging Adapted Images

Adaptive Media is fully integrated with Liferay DXP’s content staging and export/import functionality. Adaptive Media includes adapted images in staged content when published, and can update those images to match any new resolutions.

Similarly, when content that contains adapted images is exported, Adaptive Media exports those images in the LAR file. That LAR file can then be imported to restore or transfer that content, along with its adapted images.

Adaptive Media doesn’t regenerate adapted images during export/import or the publication of staged content. To improve performance, Adaptive Media instead reuses the existing adapted images.

Awesome! Now you know how create content that contains adapted images. You also know how Adaptive Media includes adapted images in the content’s HTML.

« Managing Image ResolutionsMigrating Documents and Media Thumbnails to Adaptive Media »