Using Login Screenlet for Authentication

For the app to retrieve data from the Guestbook portlet, the user must first authenticate to the Liferay DXP instance. You can implement authentication using the Liferay Mobile SDK, but it takes time to write. Using Liferay Screens to authenticate takes about ten minutes. In this article, you’ll use Login Screenlet to implement authentication in your app.

Adding Login Screenlet to the App

To use any Screenlet, you must follow two steps:

  1. Insert the Screenlet in the storyboard scene where you want it to appear. You do this by adding an empty view to the scene, and then setting the Screenlet class as the view’s custom class.

  2. Conform the scene’s view controller’s class to the Screenlet’s delegate protocol. This lets the view controller respond to the Screenlet’s events.

In this app, you’ll use Login Screenlet in the app’s first (and at this time, only) scene. After adding the Screenlet to this scene, you’ll conform ViewController (the scene’s view controller class) to the LoginScreenletDelegate protocol.

Adding Login Screenlet to the Scene

Follow these steps to add Login Screenlet to the scene:

  1. In Main.storyboard, first select the scene’s view controller. Then drag and drop a plain view (UIView) from the Object Library onto the view controller. In the outline view, this new view should be nested under the view controller’s existing view.

    Figure 1: The new view is nested under the view controllers existing view.

    Figure 1: The new view is nested under the view controller's existing view.

  2. With the new view selected, open the Identity inspector and set the view’s Custom Class as LoginScreenlet. Xcode now builds the project and renders Login Screenlet’s preview in the view. Also note that the view now appears as Login Screenlet in the outline view.

    Figure 2: You must set the views Custom Class to LoginScreenlet.

    Figure 2: You must set the view's Custom Class to `LoginScreenlet`.

  3. Now you’ll set the constraints to center Login Screenlet in the scene. Although this isn’t required (you can technically position Login Screenlet anywhere you want), centering an authentication UI is common in mobile apps. Center Login Screenlet in the scene, and click the Align menu at the bottom-right of the canvas. In this menu, check the checkboxes for Horizontally in Container and Vertically in Container, and click the Add 2 Constraints button (don’t worry about the Auto Layout errors that appear–you’ll resolve these in the next step).

    Figure 3: These alignment constraints center Login Screenlet in the scene.

    Figure 3: These alignment constraints center Login Screenlet in the scene.

  4. By default, Login Screenlet stretches or compresses to fill the view. It’s compressed at the moment because of the alignment constraints. To avoid any ill-effects caused by automatic resizing, you’ll set the Screenlet to a fixed size. With the view selected, open the Add New Constraints menu at the bottom-right of the canvas. In this menu, set the Width to 270 and the Height to 185, and click the Add 2 Constraints button. The Screenlet looks better now and the Auto Layout errors are gone. Note that you don’t have to use these exact width and height values when using Login Screenlet. You can size the Screenlet however you wish.

    Figure 4: Setting these size constraints ensures that Login Screenlet isnt too stretched out or compressed.

    Figure 4: Setting these size constraints ensures that Login Screenlet isn't too stretched out or compressed.

    Figure 5: With the alignment and size constraints set, Login Screenlet appears in the center of the scene and its UI components arent too compressed or stretched out.

    Figure 5: With the alignment and size constraints set, Login Screenlet appears in the center of the scene and its UI components aren't too compressed or stretched out.

Nicely done! The scene now contains Login Screenlet. Next, you’ll conform ViewController (the scene’s view controller class) to the LoginScreenletDelegate protocol.

Conforming to the Screenlet’s Delegate Protocol

A view controller can respond to a Screenlet’s events by conforming to the Screenlet’s delegate protocol. This lets the app developer choose how their app behaves with the Screenlet. To respond to Login Screenlet’s events, ViewController must conform to the LoginScreenletDelegate protocol. The Login Screenlet events that need a response are login success and failure. The delegate defines methods for both.

Follow these steps to conform ViewController to the LoginScreenletDelegate protocol:

  1. Import LiferayScreens and set ViewController to adopt the LoginScreenletDelegate protocol. The first few lines of the class should look like this:

    import UIKit
    import LiferayScreens
    class ViewController: UIViewController, LoginScreenletDelegate {...
  2. Implement the LoginScreenletDelegate method screenlet(_:onLoginResponseUserAttributes:). This method is called when authentication with Login Screenlet succeeds. Right now, you don’t need to do anything in this method besides indicate that login succeeded:

    func screenlet(_ screenlet: BaseScreenlet, 
        onLoginResponseUserAttributes attributes: [String:AnyObject]) {
            print("Login Successful!")
  3. Implement the LoginScreenletDelegate method screenlet(_:onLoginError:). This method is called when authentication with Login Screenlet fails. All you need to do in this method is print a message indicating that login failed:

    func screenlet(_ screenlet: BaseScreenlet, onLoginError error: NSError) {
        print("Login Failed!")
  4. Now you must get a Login Screenlet reference in ViewController. You’ll do this by creating an outlet to the Screenlet. Return to your storyboard and enter the Assistant editor to display ViewController’s code and the storyboard side by side. With Login Screenlet selected in the storyboard, Control-drag from the Screenlet to the ViewController class to create the outlet. In the dialog that appears upon releasing your mouse button, enter the following information and click Connect:

    • Connection: Outlet
    • Name: loginScreenlet
    • Type: LoginScreenlet
    • Storage: Weak

    Xcode then adds the following code inside the ViewController class:

    @IBOutlet weak var loginScreenlet: LoginScreenlet!

    Figure 6: Create an outlet from Login Screenlet to the ViewController class.

    Figure 6: Create an outlet from Login Screenlet to the `ViewController` class.

  5. In the ViewController class, use the new loginScreenlet variable to set the view controller as the Screenlet’s delegate. Do this in the viewDidLoad() method by deleting the placeholder comment and inserting this code below the call to super.viewDidLoad():

    self.loginScreenlet?.delegate = self

Great, you’re finished! Before running the app, make sure that your ViewController class looks like this:

import UIKit
import LiferayScreens

class ViewController: UIViewController, LoginScreenletDelegate {

    @IBOutlet weak var loginScreenlet: LoginScreenlet!

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.loginScreenlet?.delegate = self

    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {

    func screenlet(_ screenlet: BaseScreenlet, onLoginResponseUserAttributes attributes: [String:AnyObject]) {
        print("Login Successful!")

    func screenlet(_ screenlet: BaseScreenlet, onLoginError error: NSError) {
        print("Login Failed!")


Now you’re ready to test your work. With your Liferay DXP instance running, launch the app using the iPhone simulator (any iPhone version supported by Xcode will work). Enter your credentials when Login Screenlet appears and click SIGN IN. In Xcode, the Login Successful! message appears in the console.

Figure 7: It worked!

Figure 7: It worked!

Nice job! Nothing else happens, though. Your app still displays Login Screenlet. This is expected. There aren’t any other scenes for your app to navigate to. In the next article, you’ll create the scene for displaying guestbooks: the guestbooks scene.

« Designing Your AppCreating the Guestbooks Scene »