Creating Entry List Screenlet's UI

Recall that in Liferay Screens for iOS, Screenlet UIs are called Themes, and every Screenlet must have at least one Theme. You’ll create Entry List Screenlet’s Theme with the same steps you used to create Guestbook List Screenlet’s Theme:

  1. Create your Theme’s folder and add it to your Xcode project.
  2. Create an XIB file and use it to construct the UI.
  3. Create your Theme’s View class and set it as the XIB file’s custom class.

Creating Your Theme’s Folder

Like Guestbook List Screenlet’s Theme, you’ll create Entry List Screenlet’s Theme in a Themes/Default folder. Follow these steps to create this folder structure in Entry List Screenlet’s folder:

  1. In the Finder, create the Themes folder inside your project’s EntryListScreenlet folder. Then create the Default folder inside the new Themes folder.

  2. Drag and drop the Themes folder from the Finder into your Xcode project, under the EntryListScreenlet folder. In the dialog that appears, select Copy items if needed, Create groups, and the Liferay Guestbook target (these should be selected by default). Then click Finish. The Themes/Default folder structure now appears in your project.

    Figure 1: After adding the Themes folder to Entry List Screenlet, the Themes/Default folder structure should look like this in the Project navigator.

    Figure 1: After adding the `Themes` folder to Entry List Screenlet, the `Themes/Default` folder structure should look like this in the Project navigator.

Now you’re ready to start creating your Theme. First, you’ll create its XIB file.

Creating the XIB File

A Theme requires an XIB file to define the UI’s components and layout. Use these steps to create your Theme’s XIB file:

  1. In the Project navigator, right-click the Default folder you added above and select New File. In the dialog that appears, select iOSUser InterfaceEmpty, and click Next. Name the file EntryListView_default.xib, and ensure that Default is selected for the save location and group. The Liferay Guestbook target should also be selected. Click Create. The file then opens in Interface Builder.

  2. In Interface Builder, drag and drop a View from the Object Library onto the canvas. Then add a Table View to the View. Set the Table View to take up the entire View.

  3. With the Table View selected, open the Add New Constraints menu at the bottom-right of the canvas. In this menu, set Spacing to nearest neighbor to 0 on all sides, select Constrain to margins, and then click the Add 4 Constraints button.

    Figure 2: Add these constraints to the Table View in the XIB.

    Figure 2: Add these constraints to the Table View in the XIB.

Your Theme’s XIB is now finished. Next, you’ll create your View class.

Creating the Theme’s View Class

Every Theme needs a View class that controls its behavior. Recall that a list Screenlet’s View class gets most of its functionality by extending the BaseListTableView class. This lets you focus on the parts of your View class that are unique to your Screenlet.

Follow these steps to create your Screenlet’s View class:

  1. In the Project navigator, right-click Entry List Screenlet’s Default folder and select New File. In the dialog that appears, fill out each screen as follows:

    • Select iOSSourceCocoa Touch Class, and click Next.
    • Name the class EntryListView_default, set it to extend BaseListTableView, select Swift for the language, and click Next.
    • Make sure the Default folder and group is selected, as well as the Liferay Guestbook target (these should be selected by default). Click Create.
  2. Replace the class file’s contents with this code:

    import UIKit
    import LiferayScreens
    class EntryListView_default: BaseListTableView {
        override public func doFillLoadedCell(row: Int, cell: UITableViewCell, object: AnyObject) {
            let entry = object as! EntryModel
            cell.textLabel?.text = entry.message
            cell.detailTextLabel?.text =
        override open func doCreateCell(_ cellId: String) -> UITableViewCell {
            return UITableViewCell(style: .subtitle, reuseIdentifier: cellId)
        override public func doFillInProgressCell(row: Int, cell: UITableViewCell) {
            cell.textLabel?.text = "Loading..."

    Note that this class is almost identical to Guestbook List Screenlet’s View class, GuestbookListView_default. The only difference is that EntryListView_default handles entries (EntryModel) instead of guestbooks (GuestbookModel). The doFillLoadedCell method sets the cell’s main text label to the entry’s message, and sets the cell’s secondary text label to the name of the person who left the message. This way, a single cell displays both pieces of information. For a description of the code shared with GuestbookListView_default, see the article on creating Guestbook List Screenlet’s Theme.

  3. Return to the Theme’s XIB in Interface Builder and set EntryListView_default as the the parent View’s custom class. To do this, select the Table View’s parent View, click the Identity inspector, and enter EntryListView_default as the custom class.

    Figure 3: In the XIB file, set the custom class of the Table Views parent View to EntryListView_default.

    Figure 3: In the XIB file, set the custom class of the Table View's parent View to `EntryListView_default`.

  4. With the Theme’s XIB still open in Interface Builder, set the parent View’s tableView outlet to the Table View. To do this, select the parent View and click the Connections inspector. In the Outlets section, drag and drop from the tableView’s circle icon (on mouseover, it turns into a plus icon) to the Table View in the XIB. The new outlet then appears in the Connections inspector.

    Figure 4: Drag and drop from the tableView outlet to the Table View in the XIB.

    Figure 4: Drag and drop from the `tableView` outlet to the Table View in the XIB.

    Figure 5: After creating the connection, the outlet looks like this in the Connections inspector.

    Figure 5: After creating the connection, the outlet looks like this in the Connections inspector.

Great! Your Theme is finished. Next, you’ll create Entry List Screenlet’s Connector.

« Getting Started with Entry List ScreenletCreating Entry List Screenlet's Connector »