Creating and Using Your Screenlet's Model Class

Liferay Screens typically receives entities from a Liferay instance as [String:AnyObject], where String is the entity’s attribute and AnyObject is the attribute’s value. Although you can use these dictionary objects throughout your Screenlet, it’s often easier to create a model class that converts each into an object that represents the corresponding Liferay entity. This is especially convenient for complex entities composed of many attribute-value pairs. Note that Liferay Screens already provides several model classes for you. Click here to see them.

At this point, you might be saying, “Ugh! I have complex entities and Screens doesn’t provide a model class for them! I’m just going to give up and watch football.” Fret not! Although we’d never come between you and football, creating and using your own model class is straightforward.

Using the advanced version of the sample Add Bookmark Screenlet as an example, this tutorial shows you how to create and use a model class in your Screenlet. First, you’ll create your model class.

Creating Your Model Class

Your model class must contain all the code necessary to transform each [String:AnyObject] that comes back from the server into a model object that represents the corresponding Liferay entity. This includes a constant for holding each [String:AnyObject], and initializer that sets this constant, and a public property for each attribute value.

For example, the sample Add Bookmark Screenlet adds a bookmark to a Liferay instance’s Bookmarks portlet. Since the Mobile SDK service method that adds the bookmark also returns it as [String:AnyObject], the Screenlet can convert it into an object that represents bookmarks. It does so with its Bookmark model class. This class extends NSObject and sets the [String:AnyObject] to the attributes constant via the initializer. This class also defines computed properties that return the attribute values for each bookmark’s name and URL:

@objc public class Bookmark : NSObject {

    public let attributes: [String:AnyObject]

    public var name: String {
        return attributes["name"] as! String

    override public var description: String {
        return attributes["description"] as! String

    public var url: String {
        return attributes["url"] as! String

    public init(attributes: [String:AnyObject]) {
        self.attributes = attributes


Next, you’ll put your model class to work.

Using Your Model Class

Now that your model class exists, you can use model objects anywhere your Screenlet handles results. Exactly where depends on what Screenlet components your Screenlet uses. For example, Add Bookmark Screenlet’s Connector, Interactor, delegate, and Screenlet class all handle the Screenlet’s results. The steps here therefore show you how to use model objects in each of these components. Note, however, that your Screenlet may lack a Connector or delegate: these components are optional. Variations on these steps are therefore noted where applicable.

  1. Create model objects where the [String: AnyObject] results originate. For example, the [String: AnyObject] results in Add Bookmark Screenlet originate in the Connector. Therefore, this is where the Screenlet creates Bookmark objects. The following code in the Screenlet’s Connector (AddBookmarkLiferayConnector) does this. The if statement following the service call casts the results to [String: AnyObject], calls the Bookmark initializer with those results, and stores the resulting Bookmark object to the public resultBookmarkInfo variable. Note that this is only the code that makes the service call and creates the Bookmark object. Click here to see the complete AddBookmarkLiferayConnector class:

     // Public property for the results
     public var resultBookmarkInfo: Bookmark?
     override public func doRun(session session: LRSession) {
         let service = LRBookmarksEntryService_v7(session: session)
         do {
             let result = try service.addEntryWithGroupId(LiferayServerContext.groupId,
                                                          folderId: folderId,
                                                          name: title,
                                                          url: url,
                                                          description: "Added from Liferay Screens",
                                                          serviceContext: nil)
             // Creates Bookmark objects from the service call's results
             if let result = result as? [String: AnyObject] {
                 resultBookmarkInfo = Bookmark(attributes: result)
                 lastError = nil

    If your Screenlet doesn’t have Connector, then your Interactor’s start method makes your server call and handles its results. Otherwise, the process for creating a Bookmark object from [String: AnyObject] is the same.

  2. Handle your model objects in your Screenlet’s Interactor. The Interactor processes your Screenlet’s results, so it must also handle your model objects. If your Screenlet doesn’t use a Connector, then you already did this in your Interactor’s start method as mentioned at the end of the previous step. If your Screenlet uses a Connector, however, then this happens in your Interactor’s completedConnector method. For example, the completedConnector method in Add Bookmark Screenlet’s Interactor (AddBookmarkInteractor) retrieves the Bookmark via the Connector’s resultBookmarkInfo variable. This method then assigns the Bookmark to the Interactor’s public resultBookmark variable. Note that this is only the code that handles Bookmark objects. Click here to see the complete AddBookmarkInteractor class:

     // Public property for the results
     public var resultBookmark: Bookmark?
     // The completedConnector method gets the results from the Connector
     override public func completedConnector(c: ServerConnector) { 
         if let addCon = (c as? AddBookmarkLiferayConnector), 
             bookmark = addCon.resultBookmarkInfo { 
                 self.resultBookmark = bookmark 
  3. If your Screenlet uses a delegate, your delegate protocol must account for your model objects. Skip this step if you don’t have a delegate. For example, Add Bookmark Screenlet’s delegate (AddBookmarkScreenletDelegate) must communicate Bookmark objects. The delegate’s first method does this via its second argument:

     @objc public protocol AddBookmarkScreenletDelegate: BaseScreenletDelegate {
         optional func screenlet(screenlet: AddBookmarkScreenlet,
                         onBookmarkAdded bookmark: Bookmark)
         optional func screenlet(screenlet: AddBookmarkScreenlet,
                         onAddBookmarkError error: NSError)
  4. Get the model object from the Interactor in your Screenlet class’s interactor.onSuccess closure. You can then use the model object however you wish. For example, the interactor.onSuccess closure in Add Bookmark Screenlet’s Screenlet class (AddBookmarkScreenlet) retrieves the Bookmark from the Interactor’s resultBookmark property. It then handles the Bookmark via the delegate. Note that in this example, the closure is in the Screenlet class’s Interactor method that adds a bookmark (createAddBookmarkInteractor). Be sure to get your model object wherever the interactor.onSuccess closure is in your Screenlet class. Click here to see the complete AddBookmarkScreenlet:

     private func createAddBookmarkInteractor() -> Interactor {
         let interactor = AddBookmarkInteractor(screenlet: self,
                                            folderId: folderId,
                                            title: viewModel.title!,
                                            url: viewModel.URL!)
         // Called when the Interactor finishes successfully
         interactor.onSuccess = {
             if let bookmark = interactor.resultBookmark {
                 self.addBookmarkDelegate?.screenlet?(self, onBookmarkAdded: bookmark)
         // Called when the Interactor finishes with an error
         interactor.onFailure = { error in
             self.addBookmarkDelegate?.screenlet?(self, onAddBookmarkError: error)
         return interactor

Awesome! Now you know how to create and use a model class in your Screenlet.

Creating iOS Screenlets

Adding Screenlet Actions

Creating iOS List Screenlets

Architecture of Liferay Screens for iOS

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