
Introduction to Search

Liferay stores its information in a database. If you need to search for data, why not search the database directly? Why add the complexity of a search engine? Database table merges are expensive! Documents in a search index often contain searchable fields from multiple tables in the database.

Searching with a search engine provides access to features such as relevance and scoring. Database searches do not support features like fuzzy searching or any type of relevancy. Moreover, when searching with a search engine, you can apply algorithms such as “More Like This” to obtain similar content. Search engines also support geolocation, faceting of search results, and multi-lingual searching.

Basic Search Concepts

Indexing: During indexing, a document is sent to the search engine. This document contains a collection of fields of various types (string, etc). The search engine processes each field within the document. For each field, the search engine determines whether it needs to simply store the field or if it needs to undertake special analysis (index time analysis). Index time analysis can be configured for each field (see Mapping Definitions).

For fields requiring analysis, the search engine first tokenizes the value to obtain individual words or tokens. Following tokenization, the search engine passes each token through a series of analyzers. Analyzers perform different functions. Some remove common words or stop words (e.g., “the”, “and”, “or”) while others perform operations like lowercasing all characters.

Searching: Searching involves sending a search query and obtaining results (a.k.a. hits) from the search engine. The search query may be comprised of both queries and filters (more on this later). Each query or filter specifies a field to search within and the value to match against. Upon receiving the search query, the search engine iterates through each field within the nested queries and filters. During this process, the engine may perform special analysis prior to executing the query (search time analysis). Search time analysis can be configured for each field (see Mapping Definitions).

Mapping Definitions

Most search engines can be semi-intelligent in automatically deciphering how to process documents passed to them. However, there are many instances where it’s desirable to explicitly configure how a field should be processed.

Mappings allow users to control how a search engine processes a given field. For instance, for all field names that end in “es_ES”, we want to process the field values as Spanish, removing any common Spanish words like “si”.

In Elasticsearch and Solr, the two supported search engines for Liferay Portal, we define mappings using liferay-type-mappings.json and schema.xml, respectively.

The Elasticsearch mapping JSON file can be seen here: https://github.com/liferay/liferay-portal/blob/7.0.6-ga7/modules/apps/foundation/portal-search/portal-search-elasticsearch/src/main/resources/META-INF/mappings/liferay-type-mappings.json

The Solr schema.xml can be seen here: https://github.com/liferay/liferay-portal/blob/7.0.6-ga7/modules/apps/portal-search-solr/portal-search-solr/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/schema.xml

These are default mapping files that are shipped with the product. You can further customize these mappings to fit your needs. For example, you might want to use a special analyzer for a custom inventory number field.

Liferay Search Infrastructure

Search engines already provide native APIs. Why does Liferay provide search infrastructure to wrap search engines? Liferay’s search infrastructure ensures that documents are indexed with fields Liferay needs:

entryClassName, entryClassPK, assetTagNames, assetCategories, companyId, groupId, staging status, etc.

Liferay’s search infrastructure ensures that the proper set of filters are added to search queries to scope results. Liferay’s search infrastructure also provides capabilities like permission checking and creating hit summaries for display.

Liferay Search API

Liferay Portal’s Search API allows users to build a search query, execute it, and obtain search hits that match the query.

Queries and Filters

Elasticsearch and Solr do not make API level distinctions between queries and filters. However, Liferay’s API explicitly provides two sets of APIs, one for queries and one for filters.

A filter asks a yes or no question for every document. A query asks the same yes or no question AND how well (score) a document matches the specified criteria. For instance, a filter might ask is the status field equal to staging or live. A query might ask if the document’s content field field contains the words “Liferay”, “Content”, “Management”, and how relevant the content of the document is to the search terms.

With respect to performance, filters are much faster since the documents that match a filter can be easily cached. Queries not only match documents but also calculate scores. Liferay uses filters and queries together so that filters can reduce the number of matched documents before the query examines them for scoring.

Liferay’s Search API supports the following types of queries:

Full text queries:

  • MatchQuery: Full text matching, scored by relevance.
  • MultiMatchQuery: MatchQuery over several fields.
  • StringQuery: Uses Lucene query syntax

Term queries:

  • TermQuery: Exact matching on keyword fields and indexed terms
  • TermRangeQuery: TermQuery with a range
  • WildcardQuery: Wildcard (* and ?) matching on keyword fields and indexed terms
  • FuzzyQuery: Scrambles characters in input before matching

Compound queries:

  • BooleanQuery: Allows a combo of several query types. Individual queries are added as clauses with SHOULD | MUST | MUST_NOT.
  • DisMaxQuery

Other queries:

  • MoreLikeThisQuery
  • MatchAllQuery: Matches all documents

Liferay’s Search API supports the following types of filters:

Term filters:

  • TermFilter
  • TermsFilter
  • PrefixFilter
  • ExistsFilter
  • MissingFilter
  • RangeTermFilter

Compound filters:

  • BooleanFilter

Geo filters: (Geolocation filters help filter documents based on the latitude and longitude fields)

  • GeoDistanceFilter
  • GeoDistanceRangeFilter
  • GeoBoundingBoxFilter
  • GeoPolygonFilter

Other filters:

  • QueryFilter: Turns any query into a filter. E.g., can a BooleanQuery into a BooleanFilter
  • MatchAllFilter: Matches all documents


Aggregations help summarize search results. Individual aggregations can be used to create more complex aggregations. Facets are a type of aggregation. In addition to facets, Liferay also provides group by and statistics aggregations.


  • Date Range Facet
  • Modified Date Facet
  • MultiValue Facet
  • Range Facet
  • Scope Facet
  • Simple Facet


Stats provides general statistics for a desired field within the returned search results:

  • count
  • max
  • mean
  • min
  • missing
  • standard deviation
  • sum
  • sum of squares


GroupBy is a powerful feature that allows you to group search results based on a particular field. For example, suppose you wish to group the search results based on the asset type (e.g., web content article, document, blog post, etc.). To do so, you would create a search query that contains a GroupBy aggregation with the field “entryClassName”.

Other attributes you can specify:

  • The maximum number of results in each group
  • Special sorting for the grouped results


There is an Indexer for each asset in the portal (e.g., DLFileEntryIndexer). This allows each asset to control what fields are indexed and what filters are applied to the search query.

Generally, when you create an asset that requires indexing, you would implement a new Indexer by extending com.liferay.portal.kernel.search.BaseIndexer<T>.

For more information, consult the Javadocs for com.liferay.portal.kernel.search.Indexer<T> and com.liferay.portal.kernel.search.BaseIndexer<T>: https://docs.liferay.com/dxp/digital-enterprise/7.0-latest/javadocs


The IndexerPostProcessor allows developers to customize

  • Search queries before they are sent to the search engine
  • Documents before they are sent to the search engine
  • Summaries for results before they are returned to the end users

This is the preferred way to customize existing Indexers.

Follow these steps to add a new IndexerPostProcessor:

  1. Implement the interface com.liferay.portal.kernel.search.IndexerPostProcessor.
  2. Publish it to the OSGi registry with the property indexer.class.name

postProcessContextQueryBooleanFilter allows the developer to customize the filters created by the Indexer.getFacetBooleanFilter. These filters are generally applied to the fields:

  • entryClassName
  • relatedClassName
  • relatedEntryClassNames
  • permissions related fields (e.g., roleId, groupId, etc.).

postProcessFullQuery allows the developer to customize the overall search query which includes

  • Filters for any default facets, including those for

    • asset category ids
    • asset tag names
    • entry class names
    • folderIds
    • groupIds
    • layoutUUIDs
    • userId
  • The keyword search queries. By default, this includes searches for the fields

    • description
    • title
    • userName
    • keyword
    • searchable Expando fields
    • localized fields for assetCategoryTitles


com.liferay.portal.kernel.search.HitsProcessor allows developers to preprocess the results from the search engine before they are returned to the user. This allows for features like

  • spell checking
  • suggesting related queries
  • indexing search queries that have returned high quality search results

HitsProcessors are stored in a HitsProcessorRegistry and sorted by their sort.order. Essentially, we have a chain of responsibility held by the HitsProcessorRegistry.

By default, the HitsProcessor order is:

  1. CollatedSpellCheckHitsProcessor

    • Performs a spell check if the minimum score for search results is less than a given threshold
    • Number of results defined in portal.properties (index.search.collated.spell.check.result.scores.threshold)
  2. AlternateKeywordQueryHitsProcessor

    • Automatically issue a query using the suggested keywords from the CollatedSpellCheckHitsProcessor.
  3. QueryIndexingHitsProcessor

    • If query indexing is enabled (index.search.query.indexing.enabled in portal.properties), then index the search query if the number of hits has exceeded a configured quantity (index.search.query.indexing.threshold in portal.properties).
  4. QuerySuggestionHitsProcessor

    • If number of results returned has not met a given threshold (index.search.query.suggestion.scores.threshold in portal.properties), then suggest other potential queries that previous searches have yielded more results (index.search.query.suggest.max in portal.properties).


Suggestions are a powerful feature where the search engine can suggest “similar” results for a given query. For instance, suppose you have a blog entry with the title “Liferay Portal Content Management” and you would like to find other content with similar titles.

com.liferay.portal.kernel.search.IndexSearcher provides methods to access suggestion capabilities. It implements com.liferay.portal.kernel.search.suggest.QuerySuggester.

The QuerySuggester provides facilities for

  • Spell Checking
  • Related search queries
  • General Suggester requests

Spell Checking

For Elasticsearch, spell checking heavily relies on the suggester API: - Dictionary words are analyzed by their language specific analyzer and indexed. - TermSuggester is used to provide suggestions for words based on specific StringDistance algorithms.

Solr’s implementation of Suggester is less flexible and sophisticated. Solr’s spell checking algorithm is based strictly on NGrams and does not handle Asian languages very well.

Note that using the search engine’s spell checking functionality doesn’t guarantee returned results. Instead, spell checking seeks to ensure that the query is correct.

Similar Search Queries

Like spell checking, similar search queries has a more robust implementation in Elasticsearch. The Elasticsearch implementation uses phrase suggesters on indexed keyword search queries.

Solr’s similar search queries implementation is again based on tokenized NGrams.

Other Suggesters

You can also send custom Suggester requests and get SuggesterResults back from the search engine by calling QuerySuggester.suggest(SearchContext, Suggester).

Search Adapter API

Search adapters convert Liferay Portal’s API to the underlying search engine’s API. This pluggable architecture allows customers to more easily integrate with other search engines. Liferay ships with two adapters: an Elasticsearch adapter and a Solr adapter.

The search adapter API has 2 primary interfaces:

  • IndexSearcher: invoked for all search operations
  • IndexWriter: used when adding, updating, or deleting documents from the search engine.

Search engines do not operate within a traditional JTA/JTS transaction. In place of “real” transactions, Liferay buffers indexing operations (delete, update) until either the surrounding transaction has been committed or we have exceeded the max buffer size. The buffered indexer requests are abandoned in the event of transaction rollback. This gives us some semblance of transactional control, except in scenarios where we have large batches of commits (e.g., exceeds maxBufferSize).

When maxBufferSize has been exceeded, the search infrastructure executes buffered indexer requests to free up space in the buffer.

Buffered IndexerRequests always execute in FIFO order. There is no collation of IndexerRequests in the buffer.

You can activate / deactivate and set the buffer size by configuring com.liferay.portal.search.configuration.IndexerRegistryConfiguration. By default, the buffering is activated and the max buffer size is 200.

For a list of buffered methods, see com.liferay.portal.kernel.search.Indexer. All methods annotated with @Bufferable are subject to potential buffering.

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