JaCoCo Code Coverage Example

JaCoCo measures Java code coverage. The Arquillian Blade Example uses JaCoCo to report parts and percentages of the product code the tests execute.

Figure 1: JaCoCo reports lines of code tests execute in methods and classes.

Figure 1: JaCoCo reports lines of code tests execute in methods and classes.

Enabling JaCoCo

JaCoCo requires attaching an agent to the JVM. To attach the JaCoCo agent, append the following JaCoCo options to the Tomcat environment script’s CATALINA_OPTS variable.

setenv.sh JaCoCo Settings



setenv.bat JaCoCo Settings

set "JACOCO_OPTS=-javaagent:PATH_TO_JACOCO_AGENT_JAR/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=JACOCO_EXEC_FILE,output=file,append=true,jmx=true"


Replace PATH_TO_JACOCO_AGENT_JAR with the path to the jacocoagent.jar file and JACOCO_EXEC_FILE with the path to the JaCoCo result dump file.

JaCoCo Build Instructions

The Gradle build file build.gradle specifies several JaCoCo-related instructions:

  1. Apply the plugin to the build:

    apply plugin: 'jacoco'
    jacoco {
        toolVersion = '0.7.9'
  2. Copy the JaCoCo agent into the project build.

    task copyJacocoAgent(type: Copy) {
    println configurations.jacocoAgent
        configurations.jacocoAgent.asFileTree.each {
        into "${rootDir}/build/jacoco"
  3. Dump the code coverage data:

    task dumpJacoco {
        doLast {
            def serverUrl = 'service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:8099/jmxrmi'
            String beanName = "org.jacoco:type=Runtime"
            def server = JmxFactory.connect(new JmxUrl(serverUrl)).MBeanServerConnection
            def gmxb = new GroovyMBean(server, beanName)
            println "Connected to:\n$gmxb\n"
            println "Executing dump()"
  4. Generate JaCoCo reports:

    jacocoTestReport {
        dependsOn dumpJacoco
        group = "Reporting"
        reports {
            xml.enabled true
            csv.enabled false
            html.destination "${buildDir}/reports/coverage"
        executionData = files("${rootDir}/build/jacoco/testIntegration.exec")

JaCoCo code coverage reporting runs as part of the project’s testIntegration Gradle task. You’ll run the tests and JaCoCo next.

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