Token-based SSO authentication was introduced in Liferay DXP 7.0 to standardize support for Shibboleth, SiteMinder, Oracle OAM, or any other SSO product that works by propagating a token via one of the following mechanisms:
- HTTP request parameter
- HTTP request header
- HTTP cookie
- Session attribute
Since these providers have a built-in web server module, you should use the Token SSO configuration.
The authentication token contains either the Liferay DXP user’s screen name or email address, whichever Liferay DXP has been configured to use for the particular company (portal instance). Recall that Liferay DXP supports three authentication methods:
- By email address
- By screen name
- By user ID
Note that Liferay DXP’s token-based authentication mechanism only supports email
address and screen name. If the portal is configured to use user ID when a
token-based authentication is attempted, the TokenAutoLogin
class logs this
Incompatible setting for:
Please note that the above sources are fully trusted.
Furthermore, you must use a security mechanism external to Liferay DXP, such as a fronting web server like Apache. The chosen fronting solution must prevent malicious Liferay DXP user impersonation that otherwise might be possible by sending HTTP requests directly to Liferay DXP from the client’s web browser.
Token based authentication is disabled by default. To manage token based SSO authentication, navigate to Liferay DXP’s Control Panel, click on System Settings, then click Foundation. The Token Based SSO is located on page 3. Alternately, you can search for Token in the Search field. Here are the configuration options for the Token Based SSO module:
Authentication cookies: Set this to the cookie names that must be removed
after logout. (Example: SMIDENTITY
Enabled: Check this box to enable token-based SSO authentication.
Import from LDAP: Check this box to automatically import users from LDAP if they do not exist in the portal.
Logout redirect URL: When user logs out of Liferay DXP, the user is redirected to this URL.
Token location: Set this to the location of the user token. As mentioned earlier, the options are:
- HTTP request parameter
- HTTP request header
- HTTP cookie
- Session attribute
User token name: Set equal to the name of the token. This will be retrieved from the specified location. (Example: SM_USER)
Figure 1: The form in the Control Panel provides a straightforward way to configure Token Based SSO.
Remember to click Save to activate Token Based SSO.
Required SiteMinder Configuration
If you use SiteMinder, note that Liferay DXP sometimes uses the tilde character in its URLs. By default, SiteMinder treats the tilde character (and others) as bad characters and returns an HTTP 500 error if it processes a URL containing any of them. To avoid this issue, change this default setting in the SiteMinder configuration to this one:
BadUrlChars //,./,/.,/*,*.,\,%00-%1f,%7f-%ff,%25
The configuration above is the same as the default except the ~
was removed
from the bad URL character list. Restart SiteMinder to make your configuration
update take effect. For more information, please refer to SiteMinder’s
Liferay DXP’s token-based SSO authentication mechanism is highly flexible and compatible with any SSO solution which can provide it with a valid Liferay DXP user’s screen name or email address. These include Shibboleth and SiteMinder.