Modifying Your Service Layer

You want to add three new functions to your portlet: modifying guestbook entries, deleting guestbook entries, and setting permissions for guestbook entries. Only two out of the three of these requires modifying your service layer. The third, permissions, takes advantage of built-in Liferay functionality, only requiring that you add the user interface element to access this functionality.

It’s time to jump back into your service layer to enable deleting and updating guestbook entries.

Adding Methods to the Service Layer

Remember: with Service Builder, you work in reverse. Instead of modifying the interface and then implementing it, all you need to do is add the method you want in the -Impl class and then run Service Builder. It then propagates the method you added up the chain all the way to the interface.

Open You’ll add the delete method first, as that’s the easiest one to implement.

  1. Scroll to an appropriate place in the file. If you like keeping your methods in alphabetical order, you might scroll to after the addEntry method.

  2. Add the following code to the file:

    public Entry deleteEntry(long entryId, ServiceContext serviceContext)
        throws PortalException, SystemException {
        Entry entry = getEntry(entryId);
            serviceContext.getCompanyId(), Entry.class.getName(),
            ResourceConstants.SCOPE_INDIVIDUAL, entryId);
            entry = deleteEntry(entryId);
            return entry;

In the last step, you added resources to your entities. This means that when you delete your entities, you have to delete the resource also. Since your entities are owned by a single user, you delete the resource using the individual scope. Once you’ve deleted the resource, you can delete the entry itself, using a convenience method provided by Service Builder.

Next, you’ll add a method for updating an entry:

public Entry updateEntry(
        long userId, long guestbookId, long entryId, String name,
        String email, String message, ServiceContext serviceContext)
    throws PortalException, SystemException {

    long groupId = serviceContext.getScopeGroupId();

    User user = userPersistence.findByPrimaryKey(userId);

    Date now = new Date();

    validate(name, email, message);

    Entry entry = getEntry(entryId);



        user.getCompanyId(), groupId, Entry.class.getName(), entryId,

	return entry;

As you can see, this method is extremely similar to the addEntry method. The only difference in the method signature is that you pass the entryId for the entry you want to modify. This entry is then retrieved, the three user-editable fields are validated, and then those fields, along with other fields for auditing purposes (modified date, etc.), are set in the retrieved entry. This entry is then persisted, the resources are updated, and the entry is returned.

This is all you need to add to the service layer. Save the file and run Service Builder.

The next step in this learning path is to modify the controller to define delete and update actions.

« Creating Entity ActionsAdding Actions to Your Controller »