Now that you’ve generated your persistence framework, its time to integrate it into your JSF guestbook so you can use it. On the persistence side of things, Service Builder has generated all the basic functionality you’ll need for the JSF guestbook. The next step is defining the service layer, which is the buffer between your controller and your persistence layer.
Before you get started defining the service layer, there’s one additional thing
you’ll need to add to your service.xml
file. The JSF guestbook will have a
slightly different implementation of its service layer compared to the MVC
portlet, so we’ll need to account for that slight change in the way your
services are built.
Open your JSF guestbook’s
file. Verify that you’re in the Overview tab. -
Expand the Guestbook entity and click on Finders.
Click the + button to the right of the list of finders and name the new finder Name and give it the return type Collection.
Expand the Name finder and click on Finder Columns. Add the groupId and name columns.
Click the Build Services button from the top right of the screen. By doing this, you’ll rebuild the services you built previously.
The new finder you created will aid in finding a guestbook table by name,
instead of solely relying on its GroupId
. You’ll use this finder in the next
The next thing you’ll need to do is implement a service layer for your Guestbook entity; after that, you’ll implement a service layer for your Entry entity.
Writing a Service API for Guestbooks
Open the
package. Here, Service Builder has generated several stub classes for each entity.
class is your implementation for local services, whereas
class is your implementation for remote services. -
Open the
class. This is the core class you’ll customize in the service layer of your application. The controller calls methods from here (not directly, but exposed via a-Util
class), and the methods here call your service layer. You’ll learn about the controller and how to update it later. -
You’ll implement the simplest methods first. What you’re doing here is exposing methods from the persistence layer in your service layer. Add the following two methods to
:public List<Guestbook> getGuestbooks(long groupId) throws SystemException { return guestbookPersistence.findByGroupId(groupId); } public List<Guestbook> getGuestbooks(long groupId, int start, int end) throws SystemException { return guestbookPersistence.findByGroupId(groupId, start, end); }
Notice that the work of actually going to the database and finding your
entities has already been done for you: all you’re doing is calling the generated methods. In a sense, you’re creating your own API for your application’s data. The first method gets all the entities that match a givengroupId
, and the second method does the same thing, but includes start and end markers to paginate the data. -
Now you’re ready to create a method that adds
s to the database. Add the following method to your class:@Override public Guestbook addGuestbook(Guestbook guestbook) throws SystemException { long guestbookId = counterLocalService.increment(Guestbook.class.getName()); guestbook.setGuestbookId(guestbookId); return super.addGuestbook(guestbook); }
This method retrieves a guestbook name and assigns it to the
variable. Then, thatguestbookId
is used to add a guestbook to the database. -
You’ll need a method that grabs and returns the first guestbook by name. This ensures that the portlet is displaying a guestbook when a user views the portlet. The guestbook portlet will always have a generic Main guestbook if no custom made guestbooks are found. Add the following method to return a guestbook by its name:
public Guestbook getFirstGuestbookByName(long groupId, String name) throws SystemException { Guestbook guestbook = null; List<Guestbook> guestbooks = guestbookPersistence.findByName(groupId, name); if (guestbooks != null && guestbooks.size() > 0) { guestbook = guestbooks.get(0); } return guestbook; }
Press Ctrl-Shift-O to add and organize the class’ necessary imports.
Awesome! You’ve successfully created a service API to retrieve and add
s. To enable it, you must run Service Builder again. When you do,
it’ll generate the methods you just created in your service layer’s Interface
Next, you’ll create similar methods to add guestbook entries.
Writing a Service API for Guestbook Entries
Now that you’ve written a service API for guestbooks, you’ll need to do the same thing for your guestbook entries.
Open the
class, which is located in
package. -
Create two methods for finding guestbook entries. Remember that the finder you created required two fields: a
and aguestbookId
:public List<Entry> getEntries(long groupId, long guestbookId) throws SystemException { return entryPersistence.findByG_G(groupId, guestbookId); } public List<Entry> getEntries(long groupId, long guestbookId, int start, int end) throws SystemException { return entryPersistence.findByG_G(groupId, guestbookId, start, end); }
Create a method for adding guestbook entries. This method is similar to the method you created earlier for adding guestbooks.
@Override public Entry addEntry(Entry entry) throws SystemException { long entryId = counterLocalService.increment(Entry.class.getName()); entry.setEntryId(entryId); return super.addEntry(entry); }
Create a method for returning the number of guestbook entries that you’ve stored:
public int getEntriesCount(long groupId, long guestbookId) throws SystemException { return entryPersistence.countByG_G(groupId, guestbookId); }
Press Ctrl-Shift-O to add and organize the class’ necessary imports.
Once again, you’ll need to run Service Builder to generate the methods you just
created in your EntryLocalServiceImpl
class, for your service layer’s
Interface classes.
Terrific! You now have a fully functional service API for the Guestbook
entities. The next step is creating managed beans which will make use of
your new service API.