Using the Plugins SDK

This tutorial describes the Plugins SDK’s directory structure and project Ant targets, demonstrates how to create plugin projects, and shows how to deploy them.

By learning the SDK’s directory structure, you’ll know where to initiate creating the different project types, know its build files, and know where plugins archives are held for distribution. The Plugins SDK tour is up next.

Understanding the SDK’s Structure

Each folder in the Plugins SDK contains scripts for creating new plugins of that type. Here is the directory structure of the Plugins SDK:

  • liferay-plugins-[version]/ - Plugins SDK root directory.
    • clients/ - client applications directory.
    • dist/ - archived plugins for distribution and deployment.
    • ext/ - Ext plugins directory. See Advanced Customization with Ext Plugins for details.
    • hooks/ - hook plugins directory. See Creating a Hook Project in the Plugins SDK for details.
    • layouttpl/ - layout templates directory. See Creating a Layout Template Project in the Plugins SDK for details.
    • lib/ - commonly referenced libraries.
    • misc/ - development configuration files. Example, a source code formatting specification file.
    • portlets/ - portlet plugins directory. See Creating Plugins with Liferay SDK for details.
    • themes/ - themes plugins directory. See Creating a Theme Project in the Plugins SDK for details.
    • tools/ - plugin templates and utilities.
    • webs/ - web plugins directory.
    • - default SDK properties.
    • build.[username].properties - (optional) override SDK properties.
    • build.xml - contains targets to invoke in the SDK.
    • build-common.xml - contains common targets and properties referenced throughout the SDK.
    • build-common-plugin.xml - contains common targets and properties referenced by each plugin.
    • build-common-plugins.xml - contains common targets and properties referenced by each plugin type.

New plugins are placed in their own subdirectory of the appropriate plugin type. For instance, a new portlet called greeting-portlet would reside in liferay-plugins-[version]/portlets/greeting-portlet.

There’s an Ant build file called build.xml in each of the plugins directories. Here are some Ant targets you’ll commonly use in developing your plugins:

  • build-service - builds the service layer for a plugin, using Liferay Service Builder.
  • clean - cleans the residual files created by the invocations of the compilation, archiving, and deployment targets.
  • compile - compiles the plugin source code.
  • deploy - builds and deploys the plugin to your application server.
  • format-source - formats the source code per Liferay’s source code guidelines, informing you of violations that must be addressed. See the Development Style community wiki page for details.
  • format-javadoc - formats the Javadoc per Liferay’s Javadoc guidelines. See the Javadoc Guidelines community wiki page for details.

Next, you’ll learn how to create a plugin using Liferay SDK from a terminal environment.

Creating Plugins with Liferay SDK

Liferay IDE makes it easy to create and deploy Liferay plugin projects since it includes a bundled Liferay SDK. If you don’t want to use Eclipse, you can still leverage the SDK to create your Liferay plugins.

Navigate to the portlets folder of your Plugins SDK and follow these steps:

  1. On Linux and Mac OS X, enter

    ./ [portlet name] "[portlet title]"

    For example,

    ./ guest-book "Guest Book"
  2. On Windows, enter

    create.bat [portlet name] "[portlet title]"

    For example,

    create.bat guest-book "Guest Book"

Your terminal displays a BUILD SUCCESSFUL message from Ant, and a new project containing your portlet plugin’s directory structure is created inside of the portlets folder in your Plugins SDK. This is where you’ll work to implement your own functionality. Note that the Plugins SDK automatically appends “-portlet” to the project name when creating its directory if the project name you specified doesn’t end in “-portlet”.

Figure 1: The Plugins SDKs Ant targets enable you to create a new plugin project with a single command.

Figure 1: The Plugins SDK's Ant targets enable you to create a new plugin project with a single command.

Lastly, consider some common practices used in developing plugins with the SDK. The Plugins SDK can house all of your plugin projects enterprise-wide, or you can have separate Plugins SDK projects for each plugin. For example, if you have an internal Intranet using Liferay with some custom portlets, you can keep those portlets and themes in their own Plugins SDK project in your source code projects. Or, you can further separate your projects by having a different Plugins SDK project for each portlet or theme project.

Now you know how to create all types of Liferay plugin projects using Liferay’s foundational development tool: the Plugins SDK.

Deploying Plugins to a Local Portal Instance

Developing with Maven

« Setting Up the Plugins SDKIntroduction to Developing Plugins with Liferay IDE »