
Felix Gogo Shell

To interact with Liferay DXP’s module framework, you can leverage the Gogo shell portlet. You can access this portlet in the Control Panel → ConfigurationGogo Shell.

Here are some useful Gogo shell commands:

b [BUNDLE_ID]: lists information about a specific bundle including the bundle’s symbolic name, bundle ID, data root, registered (provided) and used services, imported and exported packages, and more

diag [BUNDLE_ID]: lists information about why the specified bundle is not working (e.g., unresolved dependencies, etc.)

headers [BUNDLE_ID]: lists metadata about the bundle from the bundle’s MANIFEST.MF file

help: lists all the available Gogo shell commands. Notice that each command has two parts to its name, separated by a colon. For example, the full name of the help command is felix:help. The first part is the command scope while the second part is the command function. The scope allows commands with the same name to be disambiguated. E.g., scope allows the felix:refresh command to be distinguished from the equinox:refresh command.

help [COMMAND_NAME]: lists information about a specific command including a description of the command, the scope of the command, and information about any flags or parameters that can be supplied when invoking the command.

inspect capability service [BUNDLE_ID]: lists services exposed by a bundle

install [PATH_TO_JAR_FILE]: installs the specified bundle into Liferay’s module framework

lb: lists all of the bundles installed in Liferay’s module framework. Use the -s flag to list the bundles using the bundles’ symbolic names.

packages [PACKAGE_NAME]: lists all of the named package’s dependencies

scr:list: lists all of the components registered in the module framework (scr stands for service component runtime)

scr:info [COMPONENT_NAME]: lists information about a specific component including the component’s description, services, properties, configuration, references, and more.

services: lists all of the services that have been registered in Liferay’s module framework

start [BUNDLE_ID]: starts the specified bundle

stop [BUNDLE_ID]: stops the specified bundle

system:getproperties: lists all of the system properties

uninstall [BUNDLE_ID]: uninstalls the specified bundle from Liferay’s module framework. This does not remove the specified bundle from Liferay’s module framework; it’s hidden from Gogo’s lb command, but is still present. Adding a new version of the uninstalled bundle, therefore, will not reinstall it; it will update the currently hidden uninstalled version. To remove a bundle from Liferay’s module framework permanently, manually delete it from the LIFERAY_HOME/osgi folder. For more information on the uninstall command, see OSGi’s uninstall documentation.

For more information about the Gogo shell, visit Apache’s official documentation.

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