Introduction to Advanced Web Content Management

In the previous chapter you learned some basic ways you can use Liferay to handle your web content. In this chapter you’ll delve deeper into slightly more complex web content management techniques. But don’t be alarmed, it’s not too intense. We’ll cover the following topics:

  • Web content structures and templates
  • RSS Feeds
  • Site templates and page templates
  • Localization
  • Allowing users to customize site pages
  • Scheduling Web Content
  • Staging
  • Creating teams to allow for flexible management of site permissions
  • Mobile device rules
  • Monitoring with Google Analytics

You’ll examine how web content structures and templates provide additional power and flexibility to the web content management system you saw previously. You’ll also learn how easy it is to set up and administer multiple sites in Liferay. Next, we’ll learn how you can empower your users to create personal customizations of site pages. You’ll also examine how you can use staging to manage the publication of pages and content on your site. You’ll conclude with sections on creating teams and rules for presenting site pages to mobile devices.

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