Blogs Entry Display Screenlet for Android


  • Android SDK 4.1 (API Level 16) or above
  • Liferay Portal 6.2 CE/EE, Liferay CE Portal 7.0/7.1, Liferay DXP
  • Liferay Screens Compatibility app (CE or EE/DXP). This app is preinstalled in Liferay CE Portal 7.0/7.1 and Liferay DXP.


  • Android SDK 4.1 (API Level 16) or above

Xamarin Requirements

  • Visual Studio 7.2
  • Mono .NET framework


Blogs Entry Display Screenlet displays a single blog entry. Image Display Screenlet renders any header image the blogs entry may have.

JSON Services Used

Screenlets in Liferay Screens call JSON web services in the portal. This Screenlet calls the following services and methods.

ScreensassetentryService (Screens compatibility plugin)getAssetEntryWith entryId
ScreensassetentryService (Screens compatibility plugin)getAssetEntryWith classPK and className
ScreensassetentryService (Screens compatibility plugin)getAssetEntriesWith entryQuery
ScreensassetentryService (Screens compatibility plugin)getAssetEntriesWith companyId, groupId, and portletItemName


  • None


  • Default

The Default View uses different components to show a blogs entry (BlogsEntry). For example, it uses an Android TextView to show the blog’s text, and User Portrait Screenlet to show the profile picture of the Liferay user who posted it. Note that other custom Views may use different components.

Figure 1: Blogs Entry Display Screenlet using the Default View.

Figure 1: Blogs Entry Display Screenlet using the Default View.


This Screenlet supports offline mode so it can function without a network connection. For more information on how offline mode works, see the tutorial on its architecture. Here are the offline mode policies that you can use with this Screenlet:

PolicyWhat happensWhen to use
REMOTE_ONLYThe Screenlet loads the data from the Liferay instance. If a connection issue occurs, the Screenlet uses the listener to notify the developer about the error. If the Screenlet successfully loads the data, it stores it in the local cache for later use.Use this policy when you always need to show updated data, and show nothing when there’s no connection.
CACHE_ONLYThe Screenlet loads the data from the local cache. If the data isn’t there, the Screenlet uses the listener to notify the developer about the error.Use this policy when you always need to show local data, without retrieving remote data under any circumstance.
REMOTE_FIRSTThe Screenlet loads the data from the Liferay instance. If this succeeds, the Screenlet shows the data to the user and stores it in the local cache for later use. If a connection issue occurs, the Screenlet retrieves the data from the local cache. If the data doesn’t exist there, the Screenlet uses the listener to notify the developer about the error.Use this policy to show the most recent version of the data when connected, but show an outdated version when there’s no connection.
CACHE_FIRSTThe Screenlet loads the data from the local cache. If the data isn’t there, the Screenlet requests it from the Liferay instance and notifies the developer about any errors that occur (including connectivity errors).Use this policy to save bandwidth and loading time in case you have local (but probably outdated) data.

Required Attributes

  • entryId

If you don’t use entryId, you must use both of the following attributes:

  • className
  • classPK


AttributeData typeExplanation
layoutId@layoutThe layout to use to show the View.
autoLoadbooleanWhether the blog entry automatically loads when the Screenlet appears in the app’s UI. The default value is true.
entryIdnumberThe primary key of the blog entry (BlogsEntry).
classNamestringThe BlogsEntry object’s fully qualified class name. This is com.liferay.blogs.model.BlogsEntry. If you don’t use entryId, the className and classPK attributes are required to instantiate the Screenlet.
classPKnumberThe BlogsEntry object’s unique identifier. If you don’t use entryId, the className and classPK attributes are required to instantiate the Screenlet.
cachePolicystringThe offline mode setting. See the Offline section for details.


Because a blog entry is an asset, Blogs Entry Display Screenlet delegates its events to a class that implements AssetDisplayListener. This interface lets you implement the following method:

  • onRetrieveAssetSuccess(AssetEntry assetEntry): Called when the Screenlet successfully loads the blog entry.

  • error(Exception e, String userAction): Called when an error occurs in the process. The userAction argument distinguishes the specific action in which the error occurred.

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