Creating a Form Storage Adapter

There’s only one class to create when implementing a Form Storage Adapter, and it extends the base StorageAdapter implementation.

@Component(service = StorageAdapter.class)
public class FileSystemStorageAdapter extends BaseStorageAdapter {

The only method without a base implementation in the abstract class is getStorageType. For file system storage, it can return "File System".

public String getStorageType() {
    return "File System";

Storage Adapter CRUD Operations

The CRUD operations must be created to properly handle the Form Records.


Next override the doCreateMethod to return a long that identifies each form record with a unique file ID:

protected long doCreate(
    long companyId, long ddmStructureId, DDMFormValues ddmFormValues, 
    ServiceContext serviceContext)
    throws Exception {

    validate(ddmFormValues, serviceContext);

    long fileId = _counterLocalService.increment();

    DDMStructureVersion ddmStructureVersion =

    long classNameId = PortalUtil.getClassNameId(

        classNameId, fileId, ddmStructureVersion.getStructureVersionId(),

        ddmStructureVersion.getStructureVersionId(), fileId, ddmFormValues);

    return fileId;

private CounterLocalService _counterLocalService;

private DDMStorageLinkLocalService _ddmStorageLinkLocalService;

private DDMStructureVersionLocalService _ddmStructureVersionLocalService;

These are the utility methods invoked in the create method:

private File getFile(long structureId, long fileId) {
    return new File(
        getStructureFolder(structureId), String.valueOf(fileId));

private File getStructureFolder(long structureId) {
    return new File(String.valueOf(structureId));

private void saveFile(
        long structureVersionId, long fileId, DDMFormValues formValues)
    throws IOException {

    String serializedDDMFormValues = _ddmFormValuesJSONSerializer.serialize(

    File formEntryFile = getFile(structureVersionId, fileId);

    FileUtil.write(formEntryFile, serializedDDMFormValues);

private DDMFormValuesJSONSerializer _ddmFormValuesJSONSerializer;


To retrieve the form record’s values from the File object where they were written, override doGetDDMFormValues:

protected DDMFormValues doGetDDMFormValues(long classPK) throws Exception {
    DDMStorageLink storageLink =

    DDMStructureVersion structureVersion =

    String serializedDDMFormValues =
        getFile(structureVersion.getStructureVersionId(), classPK));

    return _ddmFormValuesJSONDeserializer.deserialize(
        structureVersion.getDDMForm(), serializedDDMFormValues);

private DDMFormValuesJSONDeserializer _ddmFormValuesJSONDeserializer;


Override the doUpdate method so the record’s values can be overwritten. This example calls the saveFile utility method provided earlier:

protected void doUpdate(
        long classPK, DDMFormValues ddmFormValues,
        ServiceContext serviceContext)
    throws Exception {

    validate(ddmFormValues, serviceContext);

    DDMStorageLink storageLink =

        storageLink.getStructureVersionId(), storageLink.getClassPK(),


Override the doDeleteByClass method to delete the File representing the form record, using the classPK, and to delete the class storage links:

protected void doDeleteByClass(long classPK) throws Exception {
    DDMStorageLink storageLink =

    FileUtil.delete(getFile(storageLink.getStructureId(), classPK));


Provide form record deletion logic to be called when deleting all the records and storage links associated with a form (using its ddmStructureId):

protected void doDeleteByDDMStructure(long ddmStructureId)
    throws Exception {



Beyond CRUD: Validation

Add a validate method to the StorageAdapter:

protected void validate(
    DDMFormValues ddmFormValues, ServiceContext serviceContext)
    throws Exception {

    boolean validateDDMFormValues = GetterUtil.getBoolean(
        serviceContext.getAttribute("validateDDMFormValues"), true);

    if (!validateDDMFormValues) {


Deploy your storage adapter and it’s ready to use.

« Form Storage AdaptersIntroduction to Overriding Language Keys »