Upgrading Your Test Server and Database

After you’ve pruned your database and tested it successfully, it’s ready for upgrade. Here you’ll install Liferay DXP 7.2 and migrate your current installation files to it and upgrade them. Then you’ll optimize your database for the upgrade and upgrade your data. Lastly, you’ll test this upgraded test environment. You may run into issues that require you to start again with backup of your pruned database. After you’re satisfied with the test upgrade, you can prepare for upgrading production. Start with preparing Liferay DXP 7.2 on a test server.

Install Liferay on a Test Server and Configure It to Use the Pruned Database

Prepare a new test server with Liferay DXP 7.2. Configure it to use the pruned database copy—keep the original backup in case you want to restart test upgrades on a copy of it. You’ll use the new test server’s Liferay upgrade tool next.

Tune Your Database for the Upgrade

Tune your database for the upgrade.

Upgrade the Database

Upgrade the database to Liferay DXP 7.2 (see Upgrade the Database); then return here.

If the upgrade took too long, search the upgrade log to identify more unused objects. Then retry these steps with a fresh copy of the production database.

Test the Upgraded Portal and Resolve Any Issues

Test this upgraded Liferay DXP 7.2 instance and resolve any issues. If you can’t resolve an issue, retry these steps with a fresh copy of the production database.

Checkpoint: You’ve Pruned and Upgraded a Production Database Copy

By removing unused objects from Liferay DXP in your test environment, you’ve made upgrading feasible to do in production. You identified unused objects, documented/scripted removing them, and successfully upgraded the Liferay DXP database copy.

It’s time to prepare your production environment for upgrading.

« Example: Removing Intermediate Journal Article VersionsPreparing to Upgrade the Liferay DXP Database »