Preparing to Upgrade the Liferay DXP Database

After testing the upgrade on a copy of your production database, you can apply what you learned to your production database.

Remove All Unused Objects You Identified Earlier

Previously you identified and removed unused objects from a copy of your Liferay DXP production database backup. In the same way (in the script console or UI) you removed the unused objects from the backup, remove them from your pre-upgrade production database.

Test Using the Pruned Database

Find and resolve any issues related to the objects you removed. By removing the objects from production and testing your changes before upgrading, you can more easily troubleshoot issues, knowing that they’re not related to upgrade processes.

Upgrade Your Marketplace Apps

Upgrade each Marketplace app (Kaleo, Calendar, Notifications, etc.) that you’re using to its latest version for your Liferay DXP installation. Before proceeding with the upgrade, troubleshoot any issues regarding these apps.

Publish all Staged Changes to Production

If you have local/remote staging enabled and have content or data saved on the staged site, publish it to the live site. If you skip this step, you must run a full publish (or manually publish changes) after the upgrade, since the system won’t know what content changed since the last publishing date.

Synchronize a Complete Backup

Completely back up your Liferay DXP installation, pruned production database, and document repository.

It’s time to prepare a new Liferay DXP server.

« Upgrading Your Test Server and DatabasePreparing a New Liferay DXP Server for Data Upgrade »