Deprecated Apps in 7.2: What to Do

During the development of any software product, it’s sometimes necessary to stop development on or remove outdated or unpopular features. Liferay DXP 7.2 is no different. In Liferay DXP 7.2, Liferay has deprecated several apps and features.

There are three types of deprecated apps:

  1. Deprecated apps that remain in Liferay DXP, but will be removed in a future release. (Availability: Bundled)

  2. Deprecated apps that have been removed from Liferay DXP, yet are still available for download via Liferay Marketplace (Availability: Marketplace)

  3. Deprecated apps that have been removed from Liferay DXP and aren’t available for download. (Availability: Removed)

Here are the apps deprecated in Liferay DXP 7.2.


AlloyUIBundledReplaced by MetalJS (temporary) exposed as ClayUI tag equivalents.
CMIS StoreRemovedMigrate to another Document Repository Store option. Before upgrading to Liferay DXP 7.2, migrate your document store data using Data Migration in Server Administration.
JCRStoreRemovedMigrate to another Document Repository Store option. Before upgrading to Liferay DXP 7.2, migrate your document store data using Data Migration in Server Administration.
Legacy Search PortletBundledWill be removed in a future release. Replaced by the Search widgets.
Liferay Mobile Device Detection EnterpriseRemovedContact 51Degrees for up-to-date definitions.
Sprite frameworkBundledLiferay’s image sprite framework is deprecated and is disabled by default via the sprite.enabled portal property. You can still build image sprites using any framework you like and deploy them in your plugins.


Audience TargetingRemovedReplaced by Personalization.

Web Experience

RSS PublisherBundledSee the article on enabling and using this widget.
User Group Pages (Copy Mode)BundledSee the Legacy User Group Sites Beahavior instructions on how to enable it.
Resources ImporterBundledDeprecated as of 7.1 with no direct replacement


Web FormRemovedFinal version released for 7.0.


Central Authentication Service (CAS)BundledMigrate to SAML based authentication.
Google LoginMarketplaceReplaced by OpenID Connect.
NTLMMarketplaceReplaced by Kerberos.
OpenAM / OpenSSOBundledMigrate to SAML based authentication.
OpenIDMarketplaceReplaced by OpenID Connect.

User and System Management

Live UsersEnabled through the live.users.enabled portal property.

Apps in Maintenance Mode

« Manually Migrating from Audience TargetingApps in Maintenance Mode »