LCS lets you use and view your Liferay DXP subscriptions. Recall that when you create an environment, you assign its subscription type and choose whether LCS activates servers that connect to that environment. If you use LCS for activation, registering a server in that environment consumes an activation key from the environment’s subscription type. You can also view your project’s available activation keys and see how they’re being used.
Depending on your subscription agreement, LCS also lets you register servers via elastic subscriptions. Elastic subscriptions let you register an unlimited number servers. This is invaluable in auto-scaling environments, where servers are automatically created and destroyed in response to load. Note that to use elastic subscriptions, you must set the environment as elastic when you create it. Also note that LCS only uses elastic subscriptions for servers that exceed the number that the environment’s subscription type allows. In other words, LCS uses the environment’s regular subscriptions before any elastic subscriptions.
You can access these features from the Subscriptions tab on the upper-left of the LCS site. This tab contains two other tabs: Details and Elastic Subscriptions.
There are four tables in the Details tab:
Subscriptions: Shows a list of the available subscriptions in your LCS project. For each subscription, this table shows the following information:
- Subscription Type
- Start Date
- Expiration Date
- Support End Date
- Platform
- Product
- Processor Cores Allowed
- Activation Keys
- Used Activation Keys
Note that Processor Cores Allowed shows the number of processor cores that the subscription allows for each server.
Subscriptions Summary: Shows how your subscriptions are currently used in your project. For each subscription type, this table shows the number of activation keys allowed, used, and available.
Project Environments: Shows your project’s environments and their assigned subscription types. Each environment must have a subscription type.
Project Servers: Shows the environment and subscription type for each server in your LCS project.
If any of the information in these tables is missing or incorrect, contact Liferay Support.
Decommissioning Servers
To decommission a server and free its activation key for reuse, select the server’s environment on the left and then select the server. In the server’s Server Settings tab, select Unregister. Also note that when you shut down a server normally, its activation key is immediately freed for reuse. If the server crashes or its shutdown is forced (e.g., kill), its activation key is freed for reuse within six minutes.
Elastic Subscriptions
Elastic subscriptions let you register an unlimited number of servers. This is crucial for auto-scaling environments where servers are created and destroyed automatically. You can view data on your elastic servers from the Subscriptions tab’s Elastic Subscriptions tab.
The Elastic Subscriptions tab displays the number of elastic servers online and the uptime details for each. A graph shows the number of elastic servers online each day, while a table lists each elastic server’s start time, end time, and duration. The total duration for servers is below the table. To download a report of the table’s data, click Download Report. Also, you can use the Environment and Month selectors above the graph to select the environment and month to show data from, respectively. The data in both the graph and the table reflect your selections here.