You can set up a whole web site devoted just to blogging if you wish. The Blogs Aggregator lets you publish entries from multiple bloggers on one page, giving further visibility to blog entries. You can add it to a page from the Collaboration category in the Add () → Widgets menu.
If you click Configuration from the Options icon () in the widget’s title bar, the Blogs Aggregator’s configuration page appears. The Setup tab contains these options:
Selection Method: Set how the widget selects blogs for display. You can choose Users or Scope. If you select Users, the widget aggregates the entries of every blogger on your system. To refine the aggregation, you can select an organization by which to filter the users. If you select Scope, the widget aggregates the entries of users in the current scope. This limits the entries to members of the site where the widget resides.
Organization: The organization whose blogs you want to aggregate.
Display Style: Select the overall appearance for blog entries in the widget: Body and Image, Body, Abstract (default), Abstract without Title, Quote, Quote without Title, and Title.
Maximum Items to Display: The maximum number of entries the widget displays.
Enable RSS Subscription: Whether to enable an RSS feed of the aggregated entries. This lets users subscribe to an aggregate feed of all your bloggers. Below this option, you can configure how you want to display the RSS feed:
- Maximum Items to Display: The maximum number of RSS items to display.
- Display Style: The overall appearance of each entry in the RSS feed: Abstract, Full Content, or Title.
- Format: The language to use for your RSS feed: Atom 1.0, RSS 1.0, or RSS 2.0.
- Show Tags: Whether to display each entry’s tags.
Here are descriptions for the other tabs in the Blogs Aggregator’s configuration:
Sharing: Embed the widget instance as a widget on any website, Facebook, Netvibes, or as an OpenSocial Gadget.
Scope: Specify the blog instance the widget displays: the current site’s blog (default), the global blog, or the page’s blog. If the page doesn’t already have a blog instance, you can select scope option [Page Name] (Create New) to create a page-scoped blog instance.
When you finish setting the options, click Save and then close the dialog box. You’ll notice that the Blogs Aggregator looks very much like the Blogs widget, except that it shows entries from multiple blogs.