Content Page Personalization

In Creating Segments with Customer Fields and Session Data you created a Segment called Premium Card Prospects. Now, you’ll use it to demonstrate Content Page Personalization.

If you’re not familiar with Content Pages, see the Creating Content Pages article before you get started here.

Creating the Default Page

First, you need to create the Credit Cards page. To do this, create a new content page, add some fragments to it, and edit the content to match. First you need to build the bones of the page:

  1. Go to Site AdministrationSite BuilderPages.

  2. Click the Add button (Add).

  3. Select Content Page and name the page Credit Cards.

  4. Open the SectionsBasic Sections from the build menu on the right side of the screen and add a Banner to the page.

  5. Next, click on Section Builder, open Layouts, and add a three column layout to the page, above the banner.

Figure 1: Open Layouts from the Section Builder.

Figure 1: Open Layouts from the Section Builder.

  1. Open the Basic Components tab and add a Card inside each of the columns.

Next, edit the content (this step is optional):

  1. Click on the text for the cards and the banner to edit it and provide content relevant to someone looking for information about credit cards.

  2. Click on each image and provide an appropriate image.

  3. Click Publish.

Figure 2: Your final result might look something like this.

Figure 2: Your final result might look something like this.

This is the default page that anyone visiting the site sees.

Defining Custom Experiences

Next, define an experience specifically tailored to customers whom you have identified as Premium Card Prospects using User Segments.

  1. At the top of the page, for the Experience click on Default to open the experience selection dialog.

    Figure 3: Click on the current experience to create a new one or select a different existing experience.

    Figure 3: Click on the current experience to create a new one or select a different existing experience.

  2. Click on New Experience.

  3. Name it Card Prospects and select Premium Card Prospects for the Audience.

  4. Add a Banner fragment above the three columns you added earlier.

  5. Edit the Banner to provide information specifically related to upgrading a card for an existing customer.

  6. Click Publish.

The Default version of the page appears for everyone except for those defined as Premium Card Prospects, but customers in that segment have an experience curated just for them.

Figure 4: Your final result for the card prospects might look something like this.

Figure 4: Your final result for the card prospects might look something like this.

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