You’ve successfully created an asset renderer, but you must create a factory
class to generate asset renderers for each asset instance. For example, the
blogs asset renderer factory instantiates BlogsEntryAssetRenderer
for each
blogs asset displayed in an Asset Publisher.
You’ll continue the blogs asset renderer example by creating the blogs asset renderer factory.
Create an
class in the same folder as its asset renderer class. For blogs, theBlogsEntryAssetRendererFactory
class resides in thecom.liferay.blogs.web
package. The factory class should extend theBaseAssetRendererFactory
class and the asset type should be specified as its parameter. You can see how this was done in theBlogsEntryAssetRendererFactory
class belowpublic class BlogsEntryAssetRendererFactory extends BaseAssetRendererFactory<BlogsEntry> {
Create an
annotation section above the class declaration. This annotation is responsible for registering the factory instance for the asset.@Component( immediate = true, property = {"" + BlogsPortletKeys.BLOGS}, service = AssetRendererFactory.class ) public class BlogsEntryAssetRendererFactory extends BaseAssetRendererFactory<BlogsEntry> {
There are a few annotation elements you should set:
- The
element directs the factory to start in Liferay DXP when its module starts. - The
element sets the portlet that is associated with the asset. The Blogs portlet is specified, since this is the Blogs asset renderer factory. - The
element should point to theAssetRendererFactory.class
- The
Create a constructor for the factory class that presets private attributes of the factory.
public BlogsEntryAssetRendererFactory() { setClassName(BlogsEntry.class.getName()); setLinkable(true); setPortletId(BlogsPortletKeys.BLOGS); setSearchable(true); }
: other assets can select blogs assets as their related assets.searchable
: blogs can be found when searching for assets.Setting the class name and portlet ID links the asset renderer factory to the entity.
Create the asset renderer for your asset. This is done by calling its constructor.
@Override public AssetRenderer<BlogsEntry> getAssetRenderer(long classPK, int type) throws PortalException { BlogsEntry entry = _blogsEntryLocalService.getEntry(classPK); BlogsEntryAssetRenderer blogsEntryAssetRenderer = new BlogsEntryAssetRenderer(entry, _resourceBundleLoader); blogsEntryAssetRenderer.setAssetRendererType(type); blogsEntryAssetRenderer.setServletContext(_servletContext); return blogsEntryAssetRenderer; }
For blogs, the asset is retrieved by calling the Blogs application’s local service. Then the asset renderer is instantiated using the blogs asset and resource bundle loader. Next, the type and servlet context is set for the asset renderer. Finally, the configured asset renderer is returned.
There are a few variables in the
method you must create. You’ll set those variables and learn what they’re doing next.a. You must get the entry by calling the Blogs application’s local service. You can instantiate this service by creating a private field and setting it using a setter method:
@Reference(unbind = "-") protected void setBlogsEntryLocalService( BlogsEntryLocalService blogsEntryLocalService) { _blogsEntryLocalService = blogsEntryLocalService; } private BlogsEntryLocalService _blogsEntryLocalService;
The setter method is annotated with the
tag.b. You must specify the resource bundle loader since it was specified in the
’s constructor:@Reference( target = "(", unbind = "-" ) public void setResourceBundleLoader( ResourceBundleLoader resourceBundleLoader) { _resourceBundleLoader = resourceBundleLoader; } private ResourceBundleLoader _resourceBundleLoader;
Make sure the
in thetarget
property of the@Reference
annotation is set to the same value as theBundle-SymbolicName
defined in thebnd.bnd
file of the module the factory resides in.c. The asset renderer
integer is set for the asset renderer, but why an integer? Liferay DXP needs to differentiate when it should display the latest approved version of the asset, or the latest version, even if it’s unapproved (e.g., unapproved versions would be displayed for reviewers of the asset in a workflow). For these situations, the asset renderer factory should receive either0
for the latest version of the asset1
for the latest approved version of the asset
d. Since the Blogs application provides its own JSPs, it must pass a reference of the servlet context to the asset renderer. This is always required when using custom JSPs in an asset renderer:
@Reference( target = "(osgi.web.symbolicname=com.liferay.blogs.web)", unbind = "-" ) public void setServletContext(ServletContext servletContext) { _servletContext = servletContext; } private ServletContext _servletContext;
Set the type of asset that the asset factory associates with and provide a getter method to retrieve that type. Also, provide another getter to retrieve the blogs entry class name, which is required:
public static final String TYPE = "blog"; @Override public String getType() { return TYPE; } @Override public String getClassName() { return BlogsEntry.class.getName(); }
Set the Lexicon icon for the asset:
@Override public String getIconCssClass() { return "blogs"; }
You can find a list of all available Lexicon icons here.
Add methods that generate URLs to add and view the asset.
@Override public PortletURL getURLAdd( LiferayPortletRequest liferayPortletRequest, LiferayPortletResponse liferayPortletResponse, long classTypeId) { PortletURL portletURL = PortalUtil.getControlPanelPortletURL( liferayPortletRequest, getGroup(liferayPortletRequest), BlogsPortletKeys.BLOGS, 0, 0, PortletRequest.RENDER_PHASE); portletURL.setParameter("mvcRenderCommandName", "/blogs/edit_entry"); return portletURL; } @Override public PortletURL getURLView( LiferayPortletResponse liferayPortletResponse, WindowState windowState) { LiferayPortletURL liferayPortletURL = liferayPortletResponse.createLiferayPortletURL( BlogsPortletKeys.BLOGS, PortletRequest.RENDER_PHASE); try { liferayPortletURL.setWindowState(windowState); } catch (WindowStateException wse) { } return liferayPortletURL; }
If you’re paying close attention, you may have noticed the
method was also implemented in theBlogsEntryAssetRenderer
class. The asset renderer’sgetURLView(...)
method creates a URL for the specific asset instance, whereas the factory uses the method to create a generic URL that only points to the application managing the assets (e.g., Blogs application). -
Set the global permissions for all blogs assets:
@Override public boolean hasAddPermission( PermissionChecker permissionChecker, long groupId, long classTypeId) throws Exception { return BlogsPermission.contains( permissionChecker, groupId, ActionKeys.ADD_ENTRY); } @Override public boolean hasPermission( PermissionChecker permissionChecker, long classPK, String actionId) throws Exception { return BlogsEntryPermission.contains( permissionChecker, classPK, actionId); }
Great! You’ve finished creating the Blogs application’s asset renderer factory! Now you have the knowledge to implement an asset renderer and produce an asset renderer for each asset instance using a factory!