

To make your applications more fully featured and to develop them faster, you can make use of Liferay’s development frameworks. These help you create commonly used features—like search, tagging, and comments—without having to develop them from scratch. And since these features are tried and tested, you can rest assured knowing they’re bug free.

Here are just a few frameworks you’ll find here:

A fully-fledged permissions system: Implement permissions the way they’re implemented with the applications that ship with Liferay DXP for a consistent, seamless, and robust experience.

Assets: Publish data from your application across the system, making it available to those who need it, and enabling other features like tagging, categorizing, and comments.

Search: If you have a data-driven application, you can add search capabilities by integrating with Liferay’s search indexer.

A configuration system with auto-generated or custom UI: Are you providing user-configurable options in your application? Make use of Liferay’s configuration system and provide a clean and consistent experience for your users.

File management: Will your applications work with files? Use Liferay’s Documents and Media API to manage them.

Import/Export: Use Liferay’s import/export system to make your application’s data portable or to stage it for publication to production systems.

Web Fragments: Provide your content managers with dynamic chunks of functionality they can use as building blocks for web pages.

Workflow: Run the data from your application through an approval process.

This really just scratches the surface. From pop-up list selectors to a social networking API, as a Liferay developer, you have access to tons of frameworks that make your life easier.

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