Form templates control how the data entry form appears for a data definition. Follow these steps to create a form template for a definition:
Open the Menu (
) and expand your Site’s menu (the Site Administration menu). Then select Content & Data → Dynamic Data Lists. This opens the Dynamic Data Lists screen. A table lists any existing dynamic data lists.
Click the Options button at the top-right (
) and select Manage Data Definitions. The Data Definitions screen appears. A table lists any existing data definitions.
Click the definition’s Actions button (
) and select Manage Templates. This lists the definition’s templates.
Click the Add button (
) and select Add Form Template. This presents the same kind of graphical, drag-and-drop interface used to create definitions.
Give your template a name, then expand the Details section and give it a description. You can also use the Mode selector to select which mode the template applies to (Create or Edit).
Scroll down to the graphical designer in the View tab, and make your desired changes. For example, you can move or delete fields, change field labels, and more.
Click Save when you’re finished.
Alternatively, you can create form templates from the Dynamic Data Lists Display widget:
Follow the instructions in the Creating Data Lists article for adding and configuring the widget in a Site page. Make sure to configure the widget to show the list you’re creating a template for.
Click the widget’s Add Form Template button. This opens the same form as above for creating a form template for the list’s definition.