Liferay UI Icons

The Liferay UI taglibs provide several icons you can include in your apps. To add an icon to your app, use the liferay-ui:icon tag and specify the icon with either the icon, iconCssClass, or image attribute. An example of each use case is shown below.

The image attribute specifies Liferay UI icons to use (as defined in the Unstyled theme’s images/common folder). Here’s an example configuration for a JSP:

<div class="col-md-3">
	<liferay-ui:icon image="subscribe" />

	<span class="ml-2">Subscribe</span>

Figure 1: Use the image attribute to use a theme icon.

Figure 1: Use the image attribute to use a theme icon.

The Liferay UI taglib also exposes language flag icons. To use a language flag icon, provide the ../language/ relative path before the icon’s name. Below is an example snippet from the Web Content Search portlet that displays the current language’s flag along with a localized message:

    image='<%= "../language/" + languageId %>'
    message='<%= LanguageUtil.format(
    ) %>'

You can achieve the same result in FreeMarker with the following code that uses the available init.ftl variables and Liferay DXP macros:

<#assign flag_message>


The full list of available icons is shown in the figures below:

Figure 2: The Liferay UI taglib offers multiple icons for use in your app.

Figure 2: The Liferay UI taglib offers multiple icons for use in your app.

Figure 3: Liferay UI icons can be configured based on language.

Figure 3: Liferay UI icons can be configured based on language.

The icon attribute specifies Font Awesome icons to use:

<liferay-ui:icon icon="angle-down" />

Figure 4: You can use the icon attribute to include Font Awesome icons in your app.

Figure 4: You can use the icon attribute to include Font Awesome icons in your app.

The iconCssClass attribute specifies a glyphicon to use:

    label="<%= true %>"
    url="<%= unsubscribeURL %>"

Figure 5: You can use Font Awesome icons in your app.

Figure 5: You can use Font Awesome icons in your app.

The examples above use some of the icon’s available attributes. See the Icon taglibdocs for the full list.

« Using the Liferay UI TaglibLiferay UI Icon Lists »